Seeing a lot of rude comments about 1200/cal....



  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Research states that if you eat a 1200 calorie diet your body may think that it is going into starvation mode and hold onto fat rather than loose it. I said MAY but so long as u workout and a clean diet you should be fine . If you workout make sure you eat after refuel your body with salmon, veggies, brown rice . MFP gave me a 1290 deficit it works for me and usually I burn off 1200 to 1400 cals in any given workout so I get extra calories and eat more . Do your reasearch I do good luck

    Please give references to the research

    1,200 calories daily for women (not men) is a number chosen to give minimum nutrients
  • etb23
    Do what you find is best for you.
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi Dan

    I just read your post "In Place Of A Road Map" from July. It's very interesting. If I give you my information would you tell me if my calculations are correct. I figured I should be eating 1,144 calories each day after taking off 20%. I have been eating 1200.

    62 years old
    weight 214
    height 64"
    Neck 14"
    Waist 39.5"
    Hips 48"
    Wrist 7"
    Thigh 31"
    Calf 15.5"
    Forearm 11.5"

    Goal weight of 154 is based on the Goal Body Weight calculator
    BMR = 1430, less 20% = 1,144 calories
    Katch McArdle
    Body fat 49.8%
    Sedentary 1601 calories (until my foot heals) but using light weights and leg exercises every other day
    Light 1834 calories

    Did I do this right?
    Thanks for your time.
  • jenvic
    jenvic Posts: 13 Member
    It all really depends on your current weight, height, and activity level. And, the goal you are trying to reach.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    If it is working for you and you aren't feeling hungry or deprived, then do it. Just make sure you are netting 1200 otherwise you are falling below and that is not enough for most women (there are always exceptions and should be specified that you fall into that by a doctor not a fitness website). If after a period of time you hit a plateau, don't be afraid to up your calories which helps reset your body and can start you losing weight again.

    Personally for me I follow the "eating my BMR" plan and it has been working well for me as I'm never hungry/feel deprived and have lots of energy. I've lost a steady 1.5-2 lbs a week since I started. So this is what works for me.

    Some people on here like to tout exactly what they are doing as the ONLY thing that will help you lose weight and its not true because everyone is different with a different body chemistry and metabolism. Just pay attention to what your body is telling you and how it is responding and you should be good. And don't be in a rush to lose the weight. Slow and steady still wins the race even though it can be a bit frustrating at times. The end result you want is a healthy body, for some that happens quickly and for some its a slower process but still a WIN however long it takes!
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    Hi there glad to see you are doing well as most posts say do what suits you personally I find it impossible to function on 1200 cals a day I usually do at least 40 mins cardio 5 mornings a week also strength training so I need about 1500 cals a day Im 5ft 2 and weigh 144 lbs Im happy enough at that feel great,do what is best for you eat good food and not too much from packets and tins!:wink:
  • jamface11
    Hi Dan

    I just read your post "In Place Of A Road Map" from July. It's very interesting. If I give you my information would you tell me if my calculations are correct. I figured I should be eating 1,144 calories each day after taking off 20%. I have been eating 1200.

    62 years old
    weight 214
    height 64"
    Neck 14"
    Waist 39.5"
    Hips 48"
    Wrist 7"
    Thigh 31"
    Calf 15.5"
    Forearm 11.5"

    Goal weight of 154 is based on the Goal Body Weight calculator
    BMR = 1430, less 20% = 1,144 calories
    Katch McArdle
    Body fat 49.8%
    Sedentary 1601 calories (until my foot heals) but using light weights and leg exercises every other day
    Light 1834 calories

    Did I do this right?
    Thanks for your time.

    There are people far more qualified than me so please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you take the 20% of your TDEE which for now is 1601, so you would eat around 1280. Because TDEE takes into account your daily activity you do not eat back your exercise calories. I'm sorry I didn't check if you entered the data correctly into the formula, but hope this helps a little :)
  • jamface11
    I think for some people they cannot fathom living on 1200 calories a day, I never understand how people can have trouble getting to this number.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You CAN lose weight eating 1200 calories. You CAN lose weight eating a lot more than 1200. I'm currently on 1688 calories a day PLUS exercise calories. Every last delicious one of them.

    Different things suit different people. Personally, I prefer to eat more, not feel deprived, have more energy for my workouts and still lose. Check out the Eat More to Weigh Less group to see amazing success stories.

    Truth is, many of us were eating far more than we thought when we realised we were overweight. If I track an "old me" day it comes in at 3000 calories, and that was with fairly healthy choices and no junk food. It doesn't take much of a cut in calories intake to register a steady, sustainable loss.
  • jesspi68
    anything under 1200 cals a day is considered starvation mode. food for thought.

    People who are never hungry rarely lose weight. Also food for thought.

    Completely untrue. If I get hungry I eat something, I guess my weight loss is imagined.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    You CAN lose weight eating 1200 calories. You CAN lose weight eating a lot more than 1200. I'm currently on 1688 calories a day PLUS exercise calories. Every last delicious one of them.

    Different things suit different people. Personally, I prefer to eat more, not feel deprived, have more energy for my workouts and still lose. Check out the Eat More to Weigh Less group to see amazing success stories.

    Truth is, many of us were eating far more than we thought when we realised we were overweight. If I track an "old me" day it comes in at 3000 calories, and that was with fairly healthy choices and no junk food. It doesn't take much of a cut in calories intake to register a steady, sustainable loss.

    Amen on the eating "3000" calories of healthy food - combine that with my desk job and I managed to pack on the pounds.

    All I can say is that your nutrition and activity need to be monitored with a diary, and MFP has great tools for us all to figure it out on our own. I don't really thing the people who post about "eating enough calories" are haters, they just are successful and passionate about that success and sharing it. I am really happy with my journey this year and am joined MFP after I had lost the big part of my excess weight. "the eat more to weigh less" group is helping me as I maintain and lose a the last few pounds. Increasing my activity level helps me sleep better, the nutrition plan helps me feel and look better. It all fits together.
  • ThaliaiiszLovely
    i am in 1200 cals. a day and it makes me feel better than all the calories i used to eat before i started my diet. just eat small calories for breakfast and lunch then before dinner exercise and burn up those fats and then eat something healthy for dinner like steamed vegetables or lean meats that wont be so heavy on your stomach you will see results. forget what people got to say nobody is the same weight and height everybody is different and everybody came on here with a goal :flowerforyou:
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    People who are never hungry rarely lose weight. Also food for thought.

    Sorry, just have to interject here. I eat more now than I used to, I just eat better - and if I'm hungry I EAT. I've lost a fair few pounds by not being hungry, just saying....:flowerforyou:
  • FitspoEm
    FitspoEm Posts: 95 Member
    im on a 1200 calorie diet and feel fine... yes some days i go up to 1500 but i dont feel guilty for those as usually its 1200...
    1200 is fine :D
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    So I'm kinda new here. I made a profile, and filled out my information, and MFP came up with 1200/cal day as my goal. Now I had no idea if that what considered very low, or average, or whatever. But I have been trying to stick with it. And I'm actually finding that I need to make myself eat MORE that I want to just to get to 1200. And I have seen several nasty comments from people on here about "those 1200 calorie people". Why? I have lost 5 pounds so far and I feel really good about my progress. What am I missing? I feel like I'm missing the joke.

    Welcome to MFP. Home of the judgemental.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Just figure out what works for you and don't worry about anyone else..
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Ignore 'em.

    I'm 5'1", a nutritionist suggested between 1250 and 1350; MFP set me at 1200 and I bumped to 1250; seems to be working. On days that I do alot more or exercise alot I eat more and just focus on netting 1250'ish.

    Bottom line - keep up sufficient intake to fuel your body, become more active, take in fewer calories than you burn, and eat nutritionally-dense foods - you'll lose weight. Might take a bit of playing with intake, exercise, etc to figure out where you do best. Be patient, it's a journey.

    Everyone else can take a flying... ;)
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    Lifecycle of an MFPer

    1. Start out at 1200 calories
    2. Complain about how you're "stuffed" at 1200 calories and don't understand why everyone wants you to eat more
    3. Make a post calling out the mean people
    4. Gradually up your calorie goals when you grow tired of being "stuffed" on asparagus spears
    5. Realize that you're still losing weight and feeling much better
    6. Try to help 1200 calorie people
    7. Get called an arrogant ahole one too many times
    8. Retreat to chit-chat forum more or less permanently, only occasionally emerging to lay down a burn

    That about sums it up! :drinker:
  • Not everyone starts at 1200, I'm on1480. I think it's because I'm so tall, I'm not massively overweight. If MFP downgrades me to 1200 I will weeeep.
  • MFP set me at 1200 calories after I entered everything in???