HOw to get out of the I'll start tomorrow mentality



  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 313 Member
    This may sound odd, but I try to separate myself from the "voices" in my head. I know deep down that I want to do what's right/healthy because that's what will bring me happiness. The real me is good!

    The voices that chatter in my head sometimes aren't very good, though. But I don't have to let them have power over me - they are just random thoughts that I can choose to believe or not believe:
    "Chocolate will make you happy - lots of it!."
    "You'll feel better after a second plateful of pasta."
    "Everyone deserves to have cheesecake once in a while."
    "It will be easy to start your diet tomorrow."

    So when I start having one of these thoughts, I try to recognize it as an invader that doesn't belong in my head. I remind myself that I can just tell it to go away. It helps to think of the bad thought as a separate entity that's not connected to me. I hope that doesn't make me sound completely psycho!

    I'm still learning to catch myself in time, and I fail sometimes, but I'm getting better at telling the harmful voices to take a hike!

    Definitely not odd. I think I'll start trying this. I've tried talking $h!t to myself, but it just makes me feel worse and I end up failing again.

    This is a much more positive approach though! Thank you!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Just start logging everything right now. Don't worry about calorie goal or anything. When to get use to logging then start worrying about getting to a certain calories & macro goals.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Just start logging everything right now. Don't worry about calorie goal or anything. When to get use to logging then start worrying about getting to a certain calories & macro goals.

    Great advise!!
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    Start again today.

    this^^^ but right now! I started mid day...:)
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    remember the scale and weigh-in day
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member do you guys get out and stay out of this mentality. I can do somewhat well for a few days, then have one slip up and go into the "I'll start again tomorrow....or worse yet, on Monday, or next month" thinking. Then, of course, before "tomorrow or Monday" I go crazy until then! How do you avoid this??

    I wish I had the answer. It's weird that I didn't do anything about getting fit for years and years and years and then one day last November, it was like someone flipped a switch in my brain. I haven't failed to log a day since that day. All I know is that this is as much mental and physical and nothing happens until we're ready.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Just start logging everything right now. Don't worry about calorie goal or anything. When to get use to logging then start worrying about getting to a certain calories & macro goals.

    ^^^ Makes sense!
  • I had a hard time scheduling a work out that I could stay consistant with everyday, then I saw a show where a guy made his employees do push ups after using the bathroom, although a joke he gave me a good idea of "Piss ups" and "sh*tups" every time you go #1 you walk out of the bathroom and rock out 10 push ups and every time you go #2 it's 20 situps. It's like having a personal assisant scheduling your workout for you. Tape a piece of paper on the bathroom door to log your events and you will find on average 40 push ups a day and 20-40 situps a day. Any workout past that is just added calories burned.:happy:
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    just get your @ss moving.... everything you do is burning calories... move a little more and burn them a little faster... accept that it won't happen over night... but it WON"T ever if you don't start..... and look how much time you've wasted already :)

    disclaimer: not saying I know what I'm talking about..... just talking about what I know :flowerforyou: