Anyone with a significant other who is sabotaging them??

Whether intentionally or unintentionally does anyone else live/date someone who sabotages their weight loss efforts? I live with my bf and he is the most unhealthy eater I've EVER seen! (Not to mention he's a type 1 Diabetic, so it's scary to watch what he's doing to himself) He himself is at least 50 lbs overweight and has no desire to lose weight. ( I never comment on his weight. It doesn't bother me...what bothers me is his health!) He is a farm boy and is totally uncompromising in his eating habits. It's just so frustrating for me to have his constant temptation in my face.


  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    YES! oh my gosh..
    I was going to post something like this.
    my boyfriend always bring the worst food into the house.. you know like all my favorite chips and stuff. he also gets fast food very often and asks me to pick it up (so hard to not order anything).
    and he's always offering me cookies and stuff. i don't know if he's trying to get me off my diet or what! but it's sooooooo annoying.
  • janesworld
    My DH is the worst eater, just like your BF. Steaks every other night, loaded baked potatoes, salads drenched in dresssing. We basically eat completely different meals every day. Although he does make things low-fat and low-calorie for me.... yesterday he made homemade chili using ground sirloin, but, he loaded his bowl with cheddar cheese and sour cream! I'm so used to his bad eating habits tho, it doesn't even bother me anymore. So, I'm right there with ya!
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Really sorry to hear that, it must be really hard for you :o(

    I know I am so lucky to have such a supportive husband, he himself has lost over 120lbs in the last 4 years so he knows how hard it is to stay on track. But I know if he is having a bad day and wants to order pizza it makes it a MILLION times harder for me to say no.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    You can only be responsable for yourself. Maybe he'll be inspired by your progress. If you do the cooking, just cook what you want. If he does the cooking, tell him thanks but you'll make your own because you feel you have to make some changes in your life.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I used to be married to one, then I divorced him (not for this reason, lol but it didn't help)
    I will never date another guy that isn't into fitness, or doesn't support mine.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    YES! oh my gosh..
    I was going to post something like this.
    my boyfriend always bring the worst food into the house.. you know like all my favorite chips and stuff. he also gets fast food very often and asks me to pick it up (so hard to not order anything).
    and he's always offering me cookies and stuff. i don't know if he's trying to get me off my diet or what! but it's sooooooo annoying.

    You have to talk to him since you "don't know if he's trying to get me off my diet or what!

    It is your life. Live it the way you want.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Unless he's holding you down and shoving food into your face, you are the master of your own piehole.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Mine used to all the time. He'd get me cupcakes from this gourmet cupcake shop we have downtown where we work. After about a year though of him realizing that I just didn't want to eat that stuff like that anymore, he's pretty much stopped so that's been really nice. Every great once in awhile, if he knows I'm having a crap day, he'll get me one and I'll bring it home, cut it in quarters, and eat exactly one section of it and either throw the rest away or offer a section each to my two kids (and throw the 4th section in the trash).

    Now if only I could get his snoring under control so I could sleep at night...
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I dumped was the best thing I could do.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    My bf has such terrible eating habits. He's a really childish eater and he eats pizza several times a week and mostly processed stuff. I really can't say anything because he's underweight but I am trying to get him to eat healthier food. He did make me eat pizza with him several times... And it's really not the high-quality good pizza mostly.
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    Oh yea, my bf even admitted to sabotaging me. He tries to give me candy and sodas all the time. Thankfully, he's a truck driver and only home 2 days per month but it is so hard saying no when he's all "I got this for you". I feel bad for refusing his "gifts" but I sabotage myself enough without his help.
  • Hmmcglothl
    Hmmcglothl Posts: 51 Member
    Mine used to all the time. He'd get me cupcakes from this gourmet cupcake shop we have downtown where we work. After about a year though of him realizing that I just didn't want to eat that stuff like that anymore, he's pretty much stopped so that's been really nice. Every great once in awhile, if he knows I'm having a crap day, he'll get me one and I'll bring it home, cut it in quarters, and eat exactly one section of it and either throw the rest away or offer a section each to my two kids (and throw the 4th section in the trash).

    Now if only I could get his snoring under control so I could sleep at night...

    haha..yes my bf brings me home McDonalds all the time and it just goes to the trash or he eats it himself. I had to laugh on the snoring part because I deal with that too. Ear plugs are my best friend!!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Whether intentionally or unintentionally does anyone else live/date someone who sabotages their weight loss efforts? I live with my bf and he is the most unhealthy eater I've EVER seen! (Not to mention he's a type 1 Diabetic, so it's scary to watch what he's doing to himself) He himself is at least 50 lbs overweight and has no desire to lose weight. ( I never comment on his weight. It doesn't bother me...what bothers me is his health!) He is a farm boy and is totally uncompromising in his eating habits. It's just so frustrating for me to have his constant temptation in my face.

    That makes it so hard. My husband its not fat but he is a foot taller than me and can eat far more. He can eat some very high calorie foods that just won't fit into my calorie budget unless I wanted to eat one meal a day, LOL. I'm so blessed that he cooperated with me and I still need him too while I am maintaining, because I'm so tiny I will never get to eat as much as everyone else without getting fat again.

    Anyway, I had him store certain things way at the bottom of the freezer where I couldn't see them. And I had a big tote in his office where I had him keep all his "goodies" that were just off budget for me. And he was pretty good about not wanting things like ice cream and cookies, he said those don't really help him anyway, so he just said he will go get ice cream if he is out an about and not bring it home. It helped so much. I feel totally lucky to have a man like him. And he helped because he wanted me to be happy. I'm happy.
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    I feel your pain. My boyfriend is at least 100 pounds overweight, eats anything out of a plastic wrapper or came from a cow. He also thinks potatos are a veggie. Ive gained at least 30 pounds since we have been together (1.5 years) and I need to lose 80 to be a healthy weight. He thinks that becasue he still fits in the same jeans (he carries his weight as all belly, like most men) he is fine. UGH frustrating. I try to cook healthier but his palate is not forgiving. I made broccoli one night and he asked where the cheese sauce was. lol So if anyone has an idea of what I can do to keep myself on track and make him happy at the same
  • tnmyers23
    tnmyers23 Posts: 108 Member
    My husband is a junk foo, chips with every meal pretty much. In the past he was horrible about my diests. But this time I stood my ground and he has come around. I don't ask him to eat my way all I ask of him is to be considerate of what I am doing. When we are out of town he has me pick the resturants now and so far is working out well for us.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I won't say sabotage, but every so often (usually when we get paid in the beginning of the month) he does go a little gung ho and wants to order pizza or fast food..but thats only right at the beginning so sometimes I look at my calories and join him in on a slice or 2 of pizza or a cheeseburger...but for the most part I actually make things myself, and hes willing to try with lean burgers, mac and cheese mixed with tuna..(we split the box--400 calories each) or make our own nachos using shredded cheese, salsa, and lean meat..if anything, hes trying to help me stay on track and hes tough when I don't feel like I am..I suggest talking to your S.O and tell them how you feel, sometimes they can be right there with you. :bigsmile:
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Mine used to all the time. He'd get me cupcakes from this gourmet cupcake shop we have downtown where we work. After about a year though of him realizing that I just didn't want to eat that stuff like that anymore, he's pretty much stopped so that's been really nice. Every great once in awhile, if he knows I'm having a crap day, he'll get me one and I'll bring it home, cut it in quarters, and eat exactly one section of it and either throw the rest away or offer a section each to my two kids (and throw the 4th section in the trash).

    Now if only I could get his snoring under control so I could sleep at night...

    haha..yes my bf brings me home McDonalds all the time and it just goes to the trash or he eats it himself. I had to laugh on the snoring part because I deal with that too. Ear plugs are my best friend!!

    LOL I could not survive without ear plugs!!!
  • futuresizeeight
    My boyfriend doesn't do it on purpose, but he's one of those people who eats like a sumo wrestler and still doesn't gain any weight. He's around 6'1" and 145 pounds. He eats huge, fattening meals and lots of snacks, and it's tough for me to be around that sometimes without giving into temptation!
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    My DH wants to have the crap in the house like soda/candy/chips and that's fine. For the most part any time I'm like I want a soda I take 1 drink, gag on the sugar and am done with it. I tell him if he wants the crap then there has to choices for me too, salads, veggies, fruits, nuts. Costs a little more but then I don't want to kill him by shoving a cupcake in his piehole.