Anyone with a significant other who is sabotaging them??



  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Unless he's holding you down and shoving food into your face, you are the master of your own piehole.


    This pretty much should've ended the thread.

    Agreed!!! Just another excuse from people who already have too many excuses!!! Nobody is 'sabotaging' you, you're sabotaging yourself because you have no self control.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    slowly raises hand.

    I once heard someone say, (maybe it was Oprah, not sure) that said

    She went on to say, often the person means well, like the pal who says, "Oh come on, one lil piece of pie won't hurt you." to those who actually do seem to be trying to tempt you.

    My guy buys food specifically FOR ME, when he grocery shops, and he does most of the grocery shopping, Even when i go to grocery store, he goes back to store later, by himself, and comes home with entire bags full of junk
    bags of candy, chips, cookies, doritos, ice cream, pies, cakes, donuts, candy bars, coffee cakes, just junk!!!!!

    He also buys things he himself does not eat
    but knows i love, like extra sharp cheddar cheese, just for ME. I keep telling him to stop, as i have tons of portion control issues when it comes to cheese,
    still, he keeps buying this stuff. :noway: Oddest thing ever. He even sets the snack items out for me, :noway: :noway: on the island in the kitchen, on the coffee tables, to make sure i see it there........... I am getting better and better to resist it,:drinker:
    Again, this is sometimes snacks and junk that he himself doesn't even eat, :noway: he sets them out for ME to see them.:grumble:

    but wow. (oddly, my guy is not fat, he somehow burns off allllllllllll the junk foods he eats.)
    He also cooks every day, and he always puts gravy on top of most foods. :indifferent: :indifferent: I used to eat his cooking for years (he won't eat my cooking) but, i have had to stop eating his cooking
    and just make my OWN meals. He STILL eggs me on to "just try a bite, taste this gravy i made."
    but, i just make my own meals now, and he makes his.

    I was never ever fat in my life (i'm older) til i lived with him. Never. Could be coincidence, though. But prior to living with this guy, i lived 50 years, had kids, was poor now and then, still, i was never was fat. NOW i am no longer in control of the food in the kitchen i live with, and now, i am fat....maybe it is coincidence. could just be middle age.

    He says, "well, if you don't want a donut, just don't eat one." which is true!! It is not his fault i am fat. I am in control of what i eat. AND I AM GETTING STRONGER AND BETTER TO RESIST THE SNACKS HE LAYS AROUND THE HOUSE FOR ME:drinker:
    it can be hard to resist junk right in your home 24/7. When *I* had control of my very own kitchen, i just never ever bought junk, NEVER....i always found it easier to resist the junk once a week at the store,
    rather than trying to resist junk food every 20 minutes right in my own house.

    This was especially difficult when i was NEW at trying to develop new habits, BUT HAVE HOPE, it seems to get easier with practice!!!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :drinker: :drinker:
    Developing inner strength DOES take some time, and like everything else, it takes practice. It is NOT that easy living in a home laden with junk, especially when you are still finding your way to new ways to eat. but. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    however, on bright side, i do plan to have my own place soon enough, and won't have to deal with this diet-saboteur i live with now!!:drinker:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Whether intentionally or unintentionally does anyone else live/date someone who sabotages their weight loss efforts? I live with my bf and he is the most unhealthy eater I've EVER seen! (Not to mention he's a type 1 Diabetic, so it's scary to watch what he's doing to himself) He himself is at least 50 lbs overweight and has no desire to lose weight. ( I never comment on his weight. It doesn't bother me...what bothers me is his health!) He is a farm boy and is totally uncompromising in his eating habits. It's just so frustrating for me to have his constant temptation in my face.

    Sounds like you are the one with issues......He's not sabotaging you....He's living his life. One thing to be worried about him......quite another to say he is sabotaging you because you can't control what you put in your mouth around him. I have that effect too I see how it could happen.
  • mama4loca
    Mine was the same way but I think he never believed me before- I would start, give up and so on and so on. So this time, I said, this is going to be different, and he said"ok" like a million times before. But NOW that I've been consistently doing this, he is more supportive and doesn't bring garbage in the house( well, he sneaks it in, it's not in my face) so it is easier. I wish he would step it up for his own health but I won't nag.He's doing better! Maybe he feels bad about himself now that you are trying to get healthy...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • Hmmcglothl
    Hmmcglothl Posts: 51 Member
    Unless he's holding you down and shoving food into your face, you are the master of your own piehole.


    This pretty much should've ended the thread.

    Agreed!!! Just another excuse from people who already have too many excuses!!! Nobody is 'sabotaging' you, you're sabotaging yourself because you have no self control.

    Not true at all. I have no excuses. I make no excuses. My weight loss has been successful. I now have extreme self-control. I don't give into his temptation and he didn't make me fat. It boils down to being supportive.
  • diztimetoshine
    diztimetoshine Posts: 119 Member
    My husband does it to me all the time. He doesn't like to eat late in the evening so he cooks dinner every night. He is the most unhealthy cook I've ever met. My youngest son has decided to log calories and to work out, he's lost (I'm guessing) 60 lbs, I'm grateful that he's home from college and doing the majority of the cooking.. Good luck to you! Keep the will power going... That's all we can do....
  • ForeverChasingTheSunsets
    Yep... when I spend weekend at my boyfriend's place, I often bring my own food as he barely has anything healthy for me to snack on or let alone make a meal. He is all about Eggs, toast and bread, cheese, chips, icecream cones and bars, mashed potatoes. He was warned by his doctor last year that his cholesterol was a little high. His doc wanted to put him on meds but my bf made a promise to start exercising and get his cholesterol back down. He truly believes it's only exercise that is missing. Anyway, he did one workout this week. He keeps saying that he's gonna start working out again but never does. He was into kickboxing big time but had to stop due to a back injury in a car accident.

    He confided in me that he bought Texas garlic bread and put cheese on it and ate that a couple of nights ago. UGH! I would have been sick!

    I'm glad I am not around him during the week as I have my kids most of the time because he eats a lot of junk and when he does eat a healthy meal I make, he triples the portions!

    I don't nag him about it. He's an adult and can make his own decisions.
  • diztimetoshine
    diztimetoshine Posts: 119 Member
    Why do others feel they need to be so cruel? To use words like "piehole" is unacceptable... I thought we were all here for the same reasons, to support one another... As I was growing up my mother used the expression numerous times throughout my life... "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" Geez!
  • mama4loca
    I'm sorry, I'm new to this site. What does DH mean? **** head?

    LOL LOL LOL I always wondered too!
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    Options a word, Yes.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I'm sorry, I'm new to this site. What does DH mean? **** head?

    LOL LOL LOL I always wondered too!

    darling husband
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member

    ""Not true at all. I have no excuses. I make no excuses. My weight loss has been successful. I now have extreme self-control. I don't give into his temptation and he didn't make me fat. It boils down to being supportive.""

    Right....but being supportive doesn't mean they have to walk the same journey...which brings it back to unless they're forcing you to eat the food they eat that you have decided isn't good for YOUR WL, it's not sabotage...It's called life.

    My husband isn't on this journey...he doesn't need to be. I am. He congrats my successes....he comforts me when I'm upset from my losses...that's support. Expecting him to change everything if and when he doesn't want to is just kind of silly.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Piehole is a cruel word? Really?

    It's a silly word to describe the mouth. That's it.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    just break up.

    Yes and stop living in sin!:angry:

    I don't live in sin. In case you haven't read the new testament, Jesus died on the cross and sin has been abolished. To say that any of our sins are unforgiven right now is to take away the power of Jesus. Please don't post judgements on here. Judging others is a sin.

    Guess that's a no on kicking him out?
  • CentralCal559
    Oh yeah, right after I started a new eating plan, my hubby brought me Magnum Ice Cream bars! Are you kidding me? about calories walking! Over the years, he always does that and I've always given in, but now I'm stronger and have finally decided to ignore the goodies. I'm doing this for me!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Mine used to all the time. He'd get me cupcakes from this gourmet cupcake shop we have downtown where we work. After about a year though of him realizing that I just didn't want to eat that stuff like that anymore, he's pretty much stopped so that's been really nice. Every great once in awhile, if he knows I'm having a crap day, he'll get me one and I'll bring it home, cut it in quarters, and eat exactly one section of it and either throw the rest away or offer a section each to my two kids (and throw the 4th section in the trash).

    Now if only I could get his snoring under control so I could sleep at night...

    haha..yes my bf brings me home McDonalds all the time and it just goes to the trash or he eats it himself. I had to laugh on the snoring part because I deal with that too. Ear plugs are my best friend!!
    My husband is a snorer too...a quick poke with me telling him to roll over helps :)

    I've tried ear plugs; maybe I need to find different ones though because they're extremely uncomfortable in my ears and ended up coming out at some point in the night.

    A poke (or kick) used to cause him to roll over and it would be enough to get back to sleep but that doesn't work anymore :(

    I have to say I agree with those that are saying that you are in charge of your own self control. If they're not holding you down and shoving it down your throat, it's all about your will power.
  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    Fortunately I do not.

    I cook the majority of the meals, so he eats what I cook. Luckily we like most of the same foods, course last night he was getting over a fever and hadn't eaten in almost 2 days and the only thing he wanted was Pizza Rolls. So, I bought him some and made myself a ham sandwich with a sweet potato.

    Last week I was in a munchy mood, he has this huge bag of Peanut M&M's and so I asked him for some. I was met with an interrogation lol, did I know how much saturated fat was in an M&M? Will it put me over my calories? Am I SURE I wanted to do this to myself? At first I was mildly offended, then I realized he just wanted to make sure I wasn't sabotaging myself (I really am my own worst enemy in my weight loss) in the end I ended up not eating the M&M's. Same with the pizza rolls last night. I could have so easily asked him to put more on the sheet and just had those, till he reminded me of the Calories, Fat and other ickies that I really couldn't afford to have. If anything he keeps me honest with myself.

    My husband knows how much this means to me, I am lucky to have him :)