Whats your Favorite movie Quote Ever!



  • martymays
    martymays Posts: 188 Member
    Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Ahhh, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.
  • thejen75
    Brian Fantana: [about Veronica] I'll give this little cookie an hour before we're doing the no-pants dance. Time to musk up.
    [opens cologne cabinet]
    Ron Burgundy: Wow. Never ceases to amaze me. What cologne you gonna go with? London Gentleman, or wait. No, no, no. Hold on. Blackbeard's Delight.
    Brian Fantana: No, she gets a special cologne... It's called Sex Panther by Odeon. It's illegal in nine countries... Yep, it's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good.
    Ron Burgundy: It's quite pungent.
    Brian Fantana: Oh yeah.
    Ron Burgundy: It's a formidable scent... It stings the nostrils. In a good way.
    Brian Fantana: Yep.
    Ron Burgundy: Brian, I'm gonna be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline.
    Brian Fantana: They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time.
    [cheesy grin]
    Ron Burgundy: That doesn't make sense.
    Brian Fantana: Well... Let's go see if we can make this little kitty purr.
    - Anchorman
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    This will forever be my fave quote :

    John Milton: Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. Ahaha. And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, *kitten*' *kitten* off! He's a tight-@ss! He's a SADIST! He's an absentee landlord! Worship that? NEVER!

    One of my fav movies :)
  • Valleydachs
    Inga: Werewolf!
    Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Werewolf?
    Igor: There.
    Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: What?
    Igor: There, wolf. There, castle.
    Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Why are you talking that way?
    Igor: I thought you wanted to.
    Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: No, I don't want to.
    Igor: [shrugs] Suit yourself. I'm easy.

    Young Frankenstein.
  • Cathymitz
    Cathymitz Posts: 29 Member
    Die Hard "Yipee Kiyay mother f#@!%r"
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    "Would you like a tiny chicken?"
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Father. Prepare to die... :)

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH classic. I still say this *kitten* to this day. lol
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    "it's 106 miles to chicago, we gotta full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses"


    "I don't think that word means what you think it means."

    LOVE. :)
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Father. Prepare to die... :)

  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    "Luke....I am your father" Darth Vador

  • Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.
  • hrharris70
    hrharris70 Posts: 30 Member
    "I think it's time to settle our differences.........violently."

    Not really a movie but a good line nonetheless,

    Nick Burkhart, "Grimm"
  • innocenceportrayed
    "Remember, remember the 5th of November. The gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. "

    V for Vendetta
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    "I want you guys to feel like you are going to die."-Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred

    "Love is for children, I owe him a debt." Black Widow from the Avengers

    "I'm like a dog chasing cars."-Joker
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    Careful man, there's a beverage here....
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    "Ive been meanin to ask you, do u like guacamole?"*******CRASH!!!!******
    Step Brothers

    "Richard!!!! What'd YOU DOOOO????!?!?"
    Tommy Boy

    "What?!?! Where was I? Oh, playing songs on my guitar"
    That Thing You Do
  • mommashelli
    mommashelli Posts: 89 Member
    "So you failed. Alright you really failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You think I care about that? I do understand. You wanna be really great? Then have the courage to fail big and stick around. Make them wonder why you're still smiling." Elizabethtown
  • JenSpinnaChick
    JenSpinnaChick Posts: 104 Member
    "I'm not that kind of angel"

  • danaweston
    Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets. "You make me want to be a better man."