Laziest Halloween Costumes ever



  • damedame
    damedame Posts: 113 Member
    these are all reminding me of The Office and what Jim went as

    cut out 3 black paper circles tape them on to the right front side of your shirt and become 3-hole punch Jim

    write book on your face and become Facebook

    and get a name tag and write someone else's name
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    I've kids in my class just wear their normal street clothes and claim to be some character from one book or other that just wears regular clothes. Well --- MAYBE --- but I think they just forgot about dress up day-- or didn't want to or couldn't afford a costume-- and are making up creative stories on the spot to try to cover themselves. :o) Cause most characters have a signature look, even in street clothes and there usually isn't much resemblance between the child's outfit of the day and how the character is described. But two points for creative thinking on the spot -- ha ha! :o)

    Oh and one year my husband just threw on a bathrobe, grabbed a towel and said he was Arthur Dent. ha ha!
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    i dunno about the laziest but this is one of the funniest


    This is brilliant! Haha I love it! :love:
  • char_char_piper
    I worked for a credit card processing company in their risk management division where there was a particular kind of transaction called a 'chargeback.' Basically a chargeback was when a credit card holder disputed the transaction with their bank and the charge was sent back to the merchant who was usually charged a penalty in addition to the transaction amount. Being that we were on the merchant side of things, and the department I worked in monitored the chargeback activity; it was commonly known as our 'worst nightmare.'

    So I got me a green t-shirt (significant of money) and stenciled in red bold letters (significant of being 'in the red') the word 'chargeback' on the shirt. I thought I was pretty clever, but no one else got it. This is when I realized that I could no longer work for that company and went into business for myself! :drinker: :drinker:
  • livaneah
    livaneah Posts: 34 Member
    Hooker.. I just borrowed an outfit from your mom.

  • cmpollard01
    I used to take several kids i babysat trick-or-treating. So one year, I wore a plastic pig nose, my jeans and sneakers, and my Redskins jersey. I was heavier then, so I went as part of the "Hog Line"
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    I have red contacts and went to work in regular clothes, i was a vampire, lol,
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    You ought to have told them you were their worst nightmare come to life! :o)

    OK --didn't capture which post I was replying to so this is for the "Chargeback" costume poster.
  • livaneah
    livaneah Posts: 34 Member
    Last year i found a t-shirt at a garage sale that read "Budget Ninja" in glow in the dark letters.. pair that with black sweats and BAM **ninja**
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Jeans, boots, cowboy hat = I was a cowgirl.

    (I'm Southern, I already have all these things, so that's why it's a lazy/cheap costume.)
  • LadyoftheDisc
    LadyoftheDisc Posts: 136 Member
    My friend once painted the letter P on a white tshirt and then painted a black circle on one eye... he was a black eyed pea. I thought it was pretty cute and also super lazy.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I emptied small ceral boxes and stapled them to a Tshirt. I was a serial (cereal) killer. lol

    I've also blown up purple ballons and attached them to a shirt and went as a bunch of grapes.

    But I think my favourite costume was a hobo. Easy - just your dad's short, a large pillow, and charcoal to make a 5-day growth of a beard, a bandana on a stick over your shoulder, and voila.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    A former coworker of mine had lost a bunch of weight in the previous year. so he put on his old pants bought the biggest shirt he could find at Goodwill and a nametag with Jarod on it. For lunch he of course went to Subway and actually managed to get a free sub out of them (he wasn't trying, they offered) as long as they could use his picture.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Trash bag with leg holes - bag of garbage.
  • AmbieSweetz
    AmbieSweetz Posts: 72 Member
    LMAO!! Great post!!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    This year, I'm going to get the fake nose/stache glasses and a name tag that says "Lucy" and then cross that out and write "Jane Doe."

    I'll be Lucy in Disguise.
  • Mary067
    I once wore a pair of sweats with my socks, and bras safety pinned all over me and my hair all poofed up.......Static cling!!!
  • I actually put way too much time and effort into my costumes.
    Like, way too much.
    I will work on them forever and then wear them for a few hours.

    It's fun, though.

    My laziest was probably Ginny Weasley, though. Straightened my (red) hair, bought a cheap Gryffindor tie, wore a white button-up blouse and black skirt and my old graduation robe and carried my wand around. Yeah.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Laziest Halloween?
    When I show up for work in my normal work clothes and when asked "what are you supposed to be?" I reply "I'm dressed as a disgruntled (or overworked) employee"
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member