I'm being sabotaged.



  • sweetalker
    sweetalker Posts: 43 Member
    I wouldn't change a thing. Some dudes love fat chicks. Not most......but some.

    Wow, that was insulting and shallow.
  • itsmyvwbeetle
    itsmyvwbeetle Posts: 272 Member
    Maybe she doesn't see it as sabotage. Maybe she sees it as trying to save you from yourself. Sometimes people have a different view of what they think is best for us. Sounds like you've taken the right first step by telling her AGAIN that you were serious. If she doesn't get the clue then you may have to turn to more drastic measures.

    Good luck!! Keep up the good work and do whats best for YOU!
  • searolex
    I know what it's like to feel sabotaged.

    I'm big on personal responsibility, but I know what it feels like to have your willpower worn down.

    I agree with everything you say, I also have an unsupportive partner and some of the things he says and does are so unhelpful. It does take will power and I am going to succeed this time. Trouble is he is still in quite good shape despite his poor diet. One day he will wake up and see the light.
  • sweetalker
    sweetalker Posts: 43 Member
    I also have an unsupportive partner and some of the things he says and does are so unhelpful... Trouble is he is still in quite good shape despite his poor diet. One day he will wake up and see the light.

    Ooooh, "those people" make me so mad! The ones who think that just because it's easy for them it should be easy for everyone! METABOLISM, my friends, it's different for us!
  • sweetalker
    sweetalker Posts: 43 Member
    UPDATE: Okay, I had a serious talk with my agent once again about my weight loss. She told me, flat out, that it will be "much, much harder" to book gigs as a thin person, because then I will be "one of millions" rather than one of a kind - and "skinny chicks are not normally known as funny". She knew that would get me - I'm not interested in romcoms, I want the funny stuff. She also told me, and I know she has a point, that it will be tough to NOT be seen as the "former fat chick" if I really do pull off the impossible and lose every pound I need to lose (going to double digits, like others my height) then I will have a great deal of trouble shaking the old "fat" image in the media. Ricki Lake does not often get romantic leads.

    Right now, people know me as "fat" before they know me as anything else. My Google results, when you type in my name? "Fat" is the first thing that comes up. ("Sexy" is second - woo hoo!) It's not insulting - that's just how it is in this nasty business. People are properties. Casting directors will talk about you like you're not even there. "Her boobs are too small." "The hair - ugh. Gross," "Can we make her look taller? She's way too damn short." "Maybe a corset?" You have to have tough skin.

    So today has been extra extra tough (also celebrating a friend's success, which hurts because I know that's a job I would never get at this size) and I have binged because of it. Drat.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    UPDATE: Okay, I had a serious talk with my agent once again about my weight loss. She told me, flat out, that it will be "much, much harder" to book gigs as a thin person, because then I will be "one of millions" rather than one of a kind - and "skinny chicks are not normally known as funny". She knew that would get me - I'm not interested in romcoms, I want the funny stuff. Right now, people know me as "fat" before they know me as anything else. My Google results, when you type in my name? "Fat" is the first thing that comes up. It's not insulting - that's just how it is in this nasty business. People are properties. Casting directors will talk about you like you're not even there. "Her boobs are too small." "The hair - ugh. Gross," "Can we make her look taller? She's way too damn short." "Maybe a corset?" You have to have tough skin.

    I get what your agent is saying, and I've heard it before, but you know what? It's kind of bull. If you're really funny, you're going to get booked regardless of your weight. Tina Fey is HILARIOUS, and she's thin. Anna Faris is funny. Sarah Silverman is funny. There are TONS of really funny women in Hollywood who aren't overweight. Just as there are funny men who aren't overweight. You are not funny just because you are "fat," and if you are, then you need to get a new shtick.

    Bottom line, if she's concerned with you not booking gigs, then the answer is to work on your skills, NOT to remain overweight. If you don't want to lose weight, then that's one thing, but you seem to want to. So do it. And keep being funny. The two are not mutually exclusive.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Just saw what you edited to add to your last post. Yes, it will be difficult to shake your old image. But so what? It's possible. It's more than possible. Actors reinvent themselves all the time. Be EXCELLENT at what you do, be honest about yourself in the media, and you can look any way you please. Don't let your weight be a crutch. If you're relying on your looks to book gigs instead of your actual talent, then that's a problem.
  • Deisel1974
    Deisel1974 Posts: 19 Member
    Without knowing much of anything about your business....I would imagine that, at least in the short term, people are going to want to get a look at the "new you". Did Jennifer Hudson lose her job ? Pretty sure she hit the talk show circuit and maybe a book deal ? Not sure. Sarah Silverman....funny skinny.

    It's your life/job, you do what's best for you.
  • pinballmachine
    pinballmachine Posts: 2 Member
    That has to be really tough to deal with! I'm glad you were able to talk to her about sabotaging you. Is it hard to be typecast like this? How do you feel about being the "fat actress"?

    Even a loss of 10% of your body weight is a great start.

    You deserve to be the best possible version of yourself, not fed Big Macs to keep you overweight.
  • sweetalker
    sweetalker Posts: 43 Member
    Tina Fey... Anna Faris... Sarah Silverman. You can count the number of funny skinny (successful!) women on one hand, and most of them were given a shot because they went through a "sexy roles only" phase first (like Anna) or wrote their own roles (like Tina, who also brought Sarah on board SNL if I'm remembering correctly).

    Jennifer Hudson is a reality star. So long as they let America look at whatever is in their life, and keep absolutely no secrets, they will find work. It's not something I'm too keen on becoming.

    Being typecast sucks, but at least it's work, it's a paycheck, and it's work I LOVE. I've done other things with my life, but I couldn't ever see myself doing anything else at this point. After you've walked the red carpet, you get addicted. LOL

    Anyway, I'm going to keep losing as much as I can before it's time to get fitted for a new role. I WANT TO LOSE THIS UCKY UCKY DOUBLE CHIN.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Tina Fey... Anna Faris... Sarah Silverman. You can count the number of funny skinny (successful!) women on one hand, and most of them were given a shot because they went through a "sexy roles only" phase first (like Anna) or wrote their own roles (like Tina, who also brought Sarah on board SNL if I'm remembering correctly).

    Jennifer Hudson is a reality star. So long as they let America look at whatever is in their life, and keep absolutely no secrets, they will find work. It's not something I'm too keen on becoming.

    Being typecast sucks, but at least it's work, it's a paycheck, and it's work I LOVE. I've done other things with my life, but I couldn't ever see myself doing anything else at this point. After you've walked the red carpet, you get addicted. LOL

    Anyway, I'm going to keep losing as much as I can before it's time to get fitted for a new role. I WANT TO LOSE THIS UCKY UCKY DOUBLE CHIN.

    But the point is, you're already in Hollywood. You're not a person who has to take the sexy roles to get your foot in the door. You're already in. So now that you're there, you can steer your career in whatever direction you choose. :) Also, I'm gonna send you back to the old-school ladies for some inspiration: Lily Tomlin. Carol Burnett. Lucille Ball. They are FUNNY. And thin. They didn't start as sex symbols first, they started out as funny women. And they're legends.

    Good for you for choosing health. The roles will be there for you. Fight for them. And fight for your health. :)
  • genefabes
    genefabes Posts: 132
    My agent (and best friend) doesn't want me to lose weight. She told me as much before I started MFP, but yesterday and today she really went all out to ruin my calorie count. A celebration where she ordered endless shrimp for everyone. An "apology" Big Mac today - ignoring the fact that I had packed a healthy lunch to finally FINALLY stop using the catering cart for my meals. She stood there to watch me eat it. That's when I knew she is really out to sabotage me.

    I think she's afraid if I lose weight, that I'll either lose my appeal as "the fat actress" or I'll find another agent. (We've been together since I was a kid, and we're also distantly related. Her paycheck depends on me.)

    Has anyone else had problems with close friends sabotaging your diet/exercise efforts? How did you deal? I really need help here, I don't know what to say to her.

    Are you that chick from precious?

  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Rebranding is hard; she may not be up to the task. Are you also worried you may lose out on jobs once you lose some weight or do you think it will open the doors for you? I would find it a bit insulting that she only sees value in you as a niche 'fat actress' rather than just an actor and a friend. You’ll always be a ‘type’ in this industry; you just have to find a new way to portray yourself. With that being said, if you're no good at your craft, maybe you should stay fat or find a new job. I doubt that's the case, though.
  • babyhazelz1
    babyhazelz1 Posts: 39 Member
    Trade in the best friend!
  • YukonLandcruiser
    If you love what you do, are successful in the industry, simply...Get a new agent!
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    My agent (and best friend) doesn't want me to lose weight. She told me as much before I started MFP, but yesterday and today she really went all out to ruin my calorie count. A celebration where she ordered endless shrimp for everyone. An "apology" Big Mac today - ignoring the fact that I had packed a healthy lunch to finally FINALLY stop using the catering cart for my meals. She stood there to watch me eat it. That's when I knew she is really out to sabotage me.

    I think she's afraid if I lose weight, that I'll either lose my appeal as "the fat actress" or I'll find another agent. (We've been together since I was a kid, and we're also distantly related. Her paycheck depends on me.)

    Has anyone else had problems with close friends sabotaging your diet/exercise efforts? How did you deal? I really need help here, I don't know what to say to her.

    Communication is key! Tell your agent you understand her concerns and reassure her that you will stay with her through thick and thin, and that you would appreciate her support on your journey.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    So a read through all the posts now, I hadn't before I made my first comment. It seems to me, especially in recent years, if you are funny it is far easier to get substantial work and development deals if you are an attractive, fit female comedian. If you are fat you are often subject to 'fat' parts that are only ‘funny’ because you're fat, not because you're funny (I don’t think fat is funny, but many do.) I can’t really think of any fat leading women. Your agent is probably right, you may not get parts at first if you lose a significant amount of weight, but if you keep working and developing your talent you will likely come out a far more rounded and developed artist at the end of it all.
    Stop eating your emotions! Binging might feel good while you’re doing it, but if you’re like me you feel awful when it’s over thinking “Why didn’t I stop at 1000 calories (2000 calories, 3000 calories…)!!!” Find something else to do that makes you feel good when it’s over. I exercise now when I’m stressed (not to say I didn’t eat 3 candy bars the other night after my car broke down, but we all backslide once in a while.) I feel good after the workout and don’t want to binge and typically my mind is somewhat off whatever was making me sad/stressed/whatever.
    I don’t know about you, but I also reward myself with food. Stop that too!
    You can do it, once you lose your first 20 pounds or so you’ll want to keep on going.
    Use your friend/agent as a strengthening tool for your willpower. Tell her ‘no’ always (except if she has a job for you, of course.) After a while it will get easier and you will be able to resist other temptations as well. As cheesey as it may sound- willpower is a muscle, if you don’t use it, you lose it.
  • sweetalker
    sweetalker Posts: 43 Member
    If you are fat you are often subject to 'fat' parts that are only ‘funny’ because you're fat, not because you're funny (I don’t think fat is funny, but many do.) I can’t really think of any fat leading women.

    Thank you thank you thank you! I used these exact words and sent a text to my agent, along with "I am tired of being the Fat Best Friend." she sent back "OK youve got a point, we'll do it your way" YES YES YES!!!
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    If you are fat you are often subject to 'fat' parts that are only ‘funny’ because you're fat, not because you're funny (I don’t think fat is funny, but many do.) I can’t really think of any fat leading women.

    Thank you thank you thank you! I used these exact words and sent a text to my agent, along with "I am tired of being the Fat Best Friend." she sent back "OK youve got a point, we'll do it your way" YES YES YES!!!

    Fantastic! :)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    Jennifer Hudson is a reality star.

    I think she is more than a reality star, since she won an Oscar in a film.

    But whatever, I really wanted to say that I agree that you can succeed!! Stay strong.