I'm being sabotaged.



  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    If you are fat you are often subject to 'fat' parts that are only ‘funny’ because you're fat, not because you're funny (I don’t think fat is funny, but many do.) I can’t really think of any fat leading women.

    Thank you thank you thank you! I used these exact words and sent a text to my agent, along with "I am tired of being the Fat Best Friend." she sent back "OK youve got a point, we'll do it your way" YES YES YES!!!

    Yay! Go you! With her support it will just make everything so much easier. Losing weight is hard enough without someone truly trying to undermine your efforts. It must be especially hard if that person knows you really well, my best friend would know exactly what to tempt me with and when to offer said temptations if she thought I shouldn't loose weight for whatever reason.