Anyone else feel uncomfortable with Jillian's pics?



  • klybarger
    klybarger Posts: 214
    My hubby thinks she looks like she could be Lou Ferrigno's (original Hulk) twin sister.

    Oh snap
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    These ads don't bother me, I pretty much ignore them, the ones that really tick me off is the ones on my facebook and myspace. I am 53 and you put your age in when you get one of these pages and then when I go to it, the ads say something like, Are you a 53 yr. old female that needs to lose belly fat? Now those really make me feel like crap!:grumble: I am learning to ignore those too though.
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  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I was browsing through the message boards and pics of Jillian Michaels keeps looming to the right side. Not that I have a problem with her or this site for posting these pictures - I know she works very hard to be the pretty person she is but it is a little intimidating. I am being realistic - I will never look like her no matter how much diet and exercise I subject myself to (Well maybe I could if I could if I were fortunate enough to make working out my full-time job - but don't see this happening!)

    Understand, I haven't seen her show; don't own any videos so I really don't know her message. I do understand she might be a great role model as far as motivating people to exercise and treat their body well. But just a little nervous that young people might see her and expect the same results.


    I can understand your concern for young people. I think that Jillian Michaels is perhaps one of the better role models a girl could have though. Understand i don't subscribe to her service, but i do have a couple of her videos and I do watch the Biggest Loser and I have borrowed and read one of her books. Everything Jillian Michaels says about diet and exercise is right on the money as far as a I can see, she does not ever say that she got the body she has easily, in fact quite the opposite. She has a very real approach to weight loss.

    I would not be concerned with her ads being seen here. I would be more concerned with a number of other ads I have seen on here promising outrageous results. I would also be more concerned about celebrities that our daughters see disappearing before there eyes, who when asked say it is just their packed schedules, they eat tons and barely exercise. Whenever I hear that from young role models I want to scream!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Personally, I love Jillian, but I don't want to look like her. I like her stomach but that's about it. My breast, hips, thighs and butt are more shapely and womanly than hers and I love them that way. I want to tone them but I want to keep my curves. I don't want to look like Jillian and personally, I think REAL women look much better and should be striving to look like a healthier version of ourselves! Plus, if you feel intimidated, remember this.... I've yet to meet a guy that thinks she is attractive!

    LOL> husband said she was "scary looking" just last night ! She motivates me...that's why I like her...
  • kaytbognar
    Hey face kinda creeps me out.

    The other ads, I find, are a bit more irritating though. For a while the only ad I saw on here was "DO YOU HAVE BIPOLAR DISORDER" and kept thinking "I don't think so...why, do YOU think I have bipolar disorder?"

    Mostly, though, I just ignore the ads. I'm on here for one reason, and creepy Jillian Michaels or mean and insinuating ads aren't going to deter me :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    With all the weird things that people obsess about and comment on, it would be better time spent working out and doing something positive
  • proudloser
    I prefer seeing the spunky Progressive lady over the one where Jillian is pointing at me. No Jillian I will not buy your supplements! Boo hiss!

    I'm really not even interested in the products they're peddling (people have to make a living, eh?). What upsets me most are the messages being projected toward women through the pictures alone. It kind of makes me sad.

    She's promoting health though. I would feel bad if she were trying to do some "sexy" poses or wearing really scanky clothes. I don't think her pics project any negative message .....That's just my opinion though and and I totally agree with what the other person said....those teeth commercials make me want to gag, lol.
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    Maybe the pictures of her are to scare us in to losing weight.....exercies....dont stop.....I know she scares me...
  • klybarger
    klybarger Posts: 214
    With all the weird things that people obsess about and comment on, it would be better time spent working out and doing something positive

  • klybarger
    klybarger Posts: 214
    I prefer seeing the spunky Progressive lady over the one where Jillian is pointing at me. No Jillian I will not buy your supplements! Boo hiss!

    I'm really not even interested in the products they're peddling (people have to make a living, eh?). What upsets me most are the messages being projected toward women through the pictures alone. It kind of makes me sad.

    She's promoting health though. I would feel bad if she were trying to do some "sexy" poses or wearing really scanky clothes. I don't think her pics project any negative message .....That's just my opinion though and and I totally agree with what the other person said....those teeth commercials make me want to gag, lol.

    I've never said it was a negative message - I just think young people may interpret it differently than we do. And yes - teeth commercials are nasty! I guess I have more of a problem with marketing techniques than with Jillian Michaels.
  • gympamela
    gympamela Posts: 188 Member
    Jillian probably has her own image issues, and for a forum full of people trying to change their health and looks, and that have issues too, attacking someone and ripping on their looks is not cool IMO. I wouldnt want people to do it to me, if I lost a ton of weight and they saw my pic and called me manly or not womanly. No one deserves to get attacked for what they look like, regardless of how you feel about them. Just my .02.
  • klybarger
    klybarger Posts: 214
    Jillian probably has her own image issues, and for a forum full of people trying to change their health and looks, and that have issues too, attacking someone and ripping on their looks is not cool IMO. I wouldnt want people to do it to me, if I lost a ton of weight and they saw my pic and called me manly or not womanly. No one deserves to get attacked for what they look like, regardless of how you feel about them. Just my .02.

    Agreed - please know it wasn't my intention to attack her or anyone else. Some people deal with their insecurities in weird ways. Again, my issue is with iffy marketing strategies in general.
  • gympamela
    gympamela Posts: 188 Member
    I just hate it when insecure people attack other people out of jealousy or *****iness- I know that was not your intention, but alot of people just hopped right on the 'tear the fit girl apart' bandwagon. Makes me feel like I will never be good enough if no matter how fit I get people are going to rip on me anyway. It certainly makes me not want to EVER post pics up on this site.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I just hate it when insecure people attack other people out of jealousy or *****iness- I know that was not your intention, but alot of people just hopped right on the 'tear the fit girl apart' bandwagon. Makes me feel like I will never be good enough if no matter how fit I get people are going to rip on me anyway. It certainly makes me not want to EVER post pics up on this site.

    That was my point many people just on-line bashing someone for no reason...go do something productive
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Jillian probably has her own image issues, and for a forum full of people trying to change their health and looks, and that have issues too, attacking someone and ripping on their looks is not cool IMO. I wouldnt want people to do it to me, if I lost a ton of weight and they saw my pic and called me manly or not womanly. No one deserves to get attacked for what they look like, regardless of how you feel about them. Just my .02.

    This is what I was thinking, too. Especially after someone (not the OP) stated that looking at skinny women makes them feel bad about themselves. I've always been insecure about the way I look because of my weight. Of course, one of the reasons I'm losing weight is to feel better about my body image. It is slightly discouraging to here people say they don't like seeing healthier-sized women. It isn't helping someone's body imagine to make them feel like when they reach their goal, you won't want to look at them anymore.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    actually klybarger i feel uncomfortable about all skinny people , i can't help it, even with the women on tv or in real life out on the streets. especially with the man i'm with now. i still feel so insecure about myself. i know i've lost quiet abit of weight, but my body still has lot to do to make it right. because my man to me is hot. i to feel great about myself to be with him. no matter where we go or what's on tv or on the computer. i feel to me that i'm not good enough for me or him. he loves me and wants to be with me, but there those perfect, gorgeous, knockout women, that has just the right kind of a body. the only way i'm going to great about me and not feel so insecure about me i'm just going have work even harder and hopefully get that look. so yes i do feel uncomfortable about jillian's pics.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,733 Member
    I think Jillian looks amazing, and I think her photos are inspirational, even if her looks aren't what you are going for. To me, it's a reminder that we CAN get the body we want by working hard. Jillian did.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    In some respects, the whole "bashing a thin or heavy person" is kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't. Having lived overweight for most of my life, people would judge me based on the fact that was I was heavy. Now people judge me because I am of a healthy weight. I feel like I can't win sometimes no matter what weight I am. All I can do is accept myself for who I am and be happy that I am at a healthy weight and continue to stay that way. I know I will never have Jillian's body because I am not her. I am fine with that. I have to happy with myself and that is what matters.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I don't mind it. I use her Wii game to work out so if anything, seeing her pic makes me think, "Ooops. Time to do my work out!"

    She's a good trainer. She follows me around the Internet, keeping me in line. ;)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,733 Member
    actually klybarger i feel uncomfortable about all skinny people , i can't help it, even with the women on tv or in real life out on the streets. especially with the man i'm with now. i still feel so insecure about myself. i know i've lost quiet abit of weight, but my body still has lot to do to make it right. because my man to me is hot. i to feel great about myself to be with him. no matter where we go or what's on tv or on the computer. i feel to me that i'm not good enough for me or him. he loves me and wants to be with me, but there those perfect, gorgeous, knockout women, that has just the right kind of a body. the only way i'm going to great about me and not feel so insecure about me i'm just going have work even harder and hopefully get that look. so yes i do feel uncomfortable about jillian's pics.
    I used to feel that way about myself, but then I sat myself down and gave myself a stern talking to. I asked how my life would be better if I was "perfect." I already have a husband I love dearly and who loves me back. Sometimes I have to remind myself to be thankful for what I do have and not to lament over the things I don't. Now if there's something I want and can get, then I need to do the work to get it. If there's something I want and can't realistically have, it's such a waste of energy to worry about it. Easier said than done, I know, but it's possible — and worth striving for. :smile: