I want to eat a cupcake!! :(



  • Dawners98
    Dawners98 Posts: 120 Member
    This is precisely why people fail. They approach weight loss as a rigorous, all-or-nothing venture, which it is not. This is your life. You want cupcakes? Have cupcakes! Eat a whole batch! Just don't do it every night or every week, or even every month. Everything in moderation. If you restrict yourself to certain foods, or times of the day, you are bound to slip up. (Unless you're one of those people who has the ultimate self control, in which case, KUDOS!!) I've found that if you're more flexible and accepting of mistakes or poor(er) choices, you'll be quite successful at reshaping your life! So, I vote: Have a cupcake and move on with your life! :) Enjoy!
  • whittlelauraann
    So go get a cupcake, call your spouse over, have him remove his shirt and have him lay down, break the cupcake into pieces on his chest, and enjoy. Ask him how your moodiness is doing now ? :) You may even burn a few extra calories with that cupcake. You both will NEVER look at cupcakes the same way ever again. Damn, I have a cupcake craving now.

    Lol I wish :) he is away for two weeks for work... Maybe that's why I'm cranky ;) deprived in ways other than the cupcake :p
  • luvmycats6197
    luvmycats6197 Posts: 45 Member
    Just indulge and love yourself for treating yourself! (I want one too now! and fyi...you'd be surprised of the calories, however! One little Dunkin Donuts Munchkin (Donut Hole) for example has 70 calories!!!) Just fit it into your daily foods allotment in your log--who said your carbs/fats/etc...can't taste sweet or chocolatey??? I logged the almost 2 cups of fat free cool whip I "binged" on while dipping fresh strawberries yesterday...
  • whittlelauraann
    Oh my goodness one of my friends told me to try a chocolate Vitatop and it is soooo chocolatety and yummy!! And the best part is it was only 100 calories!!
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    eat the cupcake...heck, eat two if you feel like it. Life is too short :)
  • BosBruin5
    BosBruin5 Posts: 52 Member
    I just had a chocolate chip cookie. It was good :laugh:
  • mamabearcushing
    mamabearcushing Posts: 30 Member
    This may sound gross but you can always chew on a cupcake then spit it into the trash. that way you get the taste but not all the calories.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Ok, so eat a cupcake.

    See, wasn't that easy?
  • dbevisjr
    I've been wanting a chocolate cupcake since January 2nd.