No prissy Barbie-types, outdoorsy women only!



  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Most people who spend time outdoors getting dirty do not carry cameras around and do poses.

    Actually, I find a lot of people who walk on the moors take their smartphones for navigation. And take pics with their phones. Not posey pics, but just fun pics of their friends, such as when they climb to the top of tors. What with Facebook, people like to take photos of everything nowadays, for fun memories.
  • l2.jpg

    There's a fun one for you! And don't tell me about the gun not being on my shoulder right lol it was on it's where to where it's supposed to be when the pic was taken ;)

    LOL! The gun in the shoulder thing was exactly what I saw first then I read your comment! Too funny.
  • The hubby and I just went on a 26 mile bike ride on Thursday. We live in the country and our 2 year old loves to be outside, so we are outside all the time with him. However....I do wear makeup and fix my hair....makes me feel better about me. AND I could definitely live without all the creepy crawlies out here. I definitely don't consider myself prissy...spent alot of time in the garden this summer playing in the dirt. :) And I agree with someone else that posted....can't I be a little of both?
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    Both is best.


  • There's nothing wrong with a girl wanting to look good, whatever she is doing!!!

    True. The point of this thread was to let people see the outdoorsy side of women. Not really meant to be a debate. Let's keep it fun.
    Could be that you made anyone who doesn't like to fish, hunt, mud, hike, etc into a prissy b!itch. Could be.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    bow hunting with hubby this year


    hiking with the kids

    I clean up well!
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    I'll try the bike pic then, only 2 wheels though!!!

  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    There's nothing wrong with a girl wanting to look good, whatever she is doing!!!

    True. The point of this thread was to let people see the outdoorsy side of women. Not really meant to be a debate. Let's keep it fun.
    Could be that you made anyone who doesn't like to fish, hunt, mud, hike, etc into a prissy b!itch. Could be.

    WOW!!! No. As a matter of fact I didn't. There are ton of threads that not everyone fits in (Vegan, running, Insanity. etc). I certainly didn't use the word "B!itch", or even imply it. Just WOW!
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member

    There's a fun one for you! And don't tell me about the gun not being on my shoulder right lol it was on it's where to where it's supposed to be when the pic was taken ;)

    LOL! The gun in the shoulder thing was exactly what I saw first then I read your comment! Too funny.

    Haha! Fist thing I hear from everyone when they see that pic so I figured I would bet everyone to the punch!
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 687 Member
    This is about all I have right now. up until a lil while ago I was more comfortable onthe other side of the camera lol


    Not really outdoors. This was taken the day I drove my baby off the lot. Wish it still looked this good. She's had a rough life lol


    with a couple of our alpacas

  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    Both is best.




    I can't log into photobucket to fix this mess.....I'll have to come back and resize later.

    Never mind. I give up. Photobucket and I are not friends.:sad:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I believe all you have seen of me are dolled up pics, with the exception of race pics but that is not me most of the time. I wear boots to work; not very barbie. I've been lobster fishing and done some serious hiking, but I'm not really a hunter. Our favorite place to go is an island about an hour away that is a protected area. my husbands family has grandfathered land there. No electricity or running water, just an outhouse and a well to haul water from and a few old 3 wheelers to get around on. Usually we are the only people on the island when we go.
    I do have pics, but can't post from my iPhone.
  • 13363_100585709969695_5308291_n.jpg


    I'm both girly and outdoorsy, by the way lol
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member

    how do ya make the pis smaller mine are too big,...does wrkin in my flwer garden count?
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    We have our iPhones with us pretty much all the time. My silly hubby loves to snap unflattering pics of me working out and then post them on Facebook. :tongue:
    (I was 26 weeks pregnant in this picture.)

  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member

    sweaty,dirty,wrkin in the flwr make up,.....just me! havin fun!
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    yeah, I don't carry a camera when/if I work. Feel free to imagine me in waders tromping through a mucky wetland just to get a soil and water sample.

    I don't carry a camera working out outdoors either. guess I am sol.
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    I've only been successful at posting a picture once. :frown:
    But I assure you, I'm an outdoorsy gal. Always hiking, snowboarding, camping, kayaking. :smile: I like fishing, but I haven't been in awhile.

    Though, I can assure you, my profile pic was taken while camping on top of a mountain. :bigsmile:
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Awwww, c'mon, "prissy" need to be offended! :flowerforyou: Us "tomboys" don't get all bent out of shape when you post pics of yourselves looking all hot and dolled up and getting all the attention! There's nothing wrong with dolling yourselves up and nothing wrong with wanting to show off playing in the dirt. But we rarely show ourselves off just being ordinary ol' fun-having gals.

    I can't help but notice in four pages of outdoorsy women pictures, the guys aren't pulling up chairs, getting out their popcorn, and cat-calling. :laugh: That's alright with me.
  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm a girly girl who loves the outdoors..... :drinker:

    [img] Buddy 2012/MuddyBuddy-During.jpg[/img]

    [img] Buddy 2012/MuddyBuddy-After4.jpg[/img]