Eating over 900 calories too hard?!



  • juuliv
    juuliv Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you sobmch everybody! I've never gotten so many replies this fast on a forum. Well I am 5'1''. Although I realize I'm not overweight, I think for being so young I should be not only skinnier but living a healthier life. Since I hit puberty I haven't been able to wear a skirt in public.
    Sadly I can't buy peanut butter as I'm not from the US but all the other advice is great. Thank you.
  • joyceca
    joyceca Posts: 9 Member
    Eat some healthy fats like avocado or bananas. They're high in calories but not tough to eat. Slow complex carbs are surprising high in calories too. Try quinoa, beans or sweet potatoes! Weigh them out and find the calories for those. Don't go for granola bars they're empty in calories and imo they still dont fix my appetite. High calorie healthy natural foods is all you need. Good luck :)
  • jflint86
    jflint86 Posts: 74 Member
    Just curious, where are you carrying your "excess weight" that you want to lose? Ideal body weight for a woman your age and height is between 95 and 127 lbs. You fit perfectly within that range. That being said, I am very petite and my ideal weight is about 100 as well. I am VERY tiny, though. 28.5inch hips and tiny frame. If you're any larger than that, you NEED to be above 100. Honestly, 116 sounds perfect for you :)
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    woah wait where doesnt have peanut butter!?
    tbh thats my only point on this.. otherwise i echo the calorie dense food :)
  • rachelshead
    Its really not hard. What do you usually eat for breakfast? (yes you have to eat breakfast) if you eat some egg whites, toast and fruit thats probably about 200 calories already. or a bowl of healthy cereal is still almost 200 calories. I typically eat about 200-300 calories in the morning and around 400-500 for lunch and dinner depending on how hard i worked out at the gym. On every plate you have you have to make sure you have a protein, a carb/starch and a fruit and vegetable. Before you eat add up what you are eating before you sit down and if its not enough go add some more protein or veggies.

    Also Im guessing you're hungry during the day if you cutting it down to 900 (that's crazy) and skipping snacks. Do not skip snacks during the day. Have a banana with peanut butter or a string cheese anything small but useful to your body. You can even have 2 a day. I don't know if you know this but if you starve your body (constant state of being hungry) you wont lose weight how you want. Your body eats away at muscle first before it does fat. Yes the scale might say your shedding pounds but really your body is just eating itself.

    I suggest going to the gym at least 4-5 times a week so you can build up healthy muscle and it will become more pronounced as you eat well and stick to a diet. You can not simple diet alone.

    Last part I swear :smile:... I am also 5'0 tall and I'm trying to get down to a smaller weight (Im 120) but Im really trying to get toned and lean most of all. So I go to the gym everyday and it really makes a difference. It's not all about losing weight, because nobody except you and you're doctor know how much you weigh on a daily basis. The thing people see if how healthy and fit you are on the outside. If you shrink down and get super skinny trust me people find that unhealthy because people like that, look weak and like they just might break in half. You have to have strength behind you're weight and then it wont matter what the scale says.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    2 large salmon fiilets
    1 sweet potato
    olive oil dressing
    scoop of peanut butter

    thats probably 1000 calories in one meal.

    I fail to believe any adult could not eat that over a 24 hour period.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    To the OP I think you are aiming too low but that is your choice, in regards to you question an idea would be to make a high cal shake with fruits etc in it, much faster way of getting those cals with less effort. Please stay safe whatever your choice.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I'm gonna give you some of what my juvenile delinquents call "REAL TALK":

    Your profile says you want to be healthy. In what warp zone does eating 900 calories sound healthy? I can't stand it when people say they can't eat over X number of calories... Eat the granola bar you cut out. Drink some juice. Eat a scoop of ice cream.

    I KNOW I don't have to reply, but I am kind of OVER being nice and/or ignoring. As someone with actual work to do on here to lose weight, this **** just rubs me the wrong way. Go to a doctor and get a healthy weight recommendation. If it is a psychological thing, which I assume it is whenever someone tells me they CAN'T eat over X number of calories, see a therapist.

    If you plan to say "I don't want to eat junk, I want to "eat clean." Well juice is "clean." Drink some. Problem solved.

    This is why I preface ALL of my friends requests with "I am blunt and honest." People don't really want the truth, they want nonsense.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Substitute calorie dense foods. Avacado, unsalted almonds, peanut butter, and Greek yogurt will all give you more calories for lower volume of food. So you'll get your calories without feeling like you're eating a ton more.

    This. Beans, eggs, chicken breast, lean beef etc can all help and they aren't "crap" food. Also try marinating your veggies or meat in some olive oil. Its very calorie dense but has good fats that you need.
  • jflint86
    jflint86 Posts: 74 Member
    Oh, and in response to the original question of how to get extra calories in...I started out thinking it would be too hard as well...2 weeks in and it's a piece of cake for me now. Not kidding! I used to struggle to get to 1000 calories, now I hit 1500 easily without hardly trying. My diary is open is you'd like to get an idea of how I get my calories in. I eat a lot of things like string cheese, carrots with ranch dressing(high calories), brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, yogurt, bananas, peanut butter, fruit with whipped cream, meat, grapes, chili w/cheese, eggs, turkey bacon, etc. Those calories add up pretty quick as long as you're spreading them out throughout the day :)

    Edited to add: extra high cal foods
  • tiffanympm
    I went through this phase when I was eating all fresh and natural. I forced myself to eat more and have SOME processed and then BAM. Issue resolved.
  • jeokay20
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hi everyone. I started using MFP a week ago. It gave me 1200 Cal for my calorie goal. I'm 18, weigh about 116 pounds and I'd like to be around the 100's. I know it's not much but I'm petite and it would really make a difference. Now, I thought I ate too much and that with MFP I would see all the extra calories that I could cut back. Then when I started using it I realized I didnt have to mny calories, around 1100 a day, but I thought I could do less and easily went down to 700 or 800. Those were extra calories I didn't need mostly stuff like a granola bar I can totally skip. Now I realize it's not healthy to have that amount of calories. But it's too hard from me to have 1200. What can I do?

    can I ask how tall you are?

    When I was 18, I weighed 115 and am 5'8. And before anyone sits here and criticizes, I was damned healthy, active, and didn't look "anorexic" at all. 6 months prior to my 18th b'day, I was riding my bike over 20 miles every day. When I was 25, I weighed 120 and it was all muscle. I was very defined, strong and healthy. It's not unrealistic if she's short.

    I would suggest doing healthy meals and step up your exercise and let nature take it's course. You will look good if you eat healthy, stay hydrated and exercise.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    can't be serious
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Eat more. It's not really that complicated. Add an extra meal to your day, or snack on things with a lot of calories.
  • gabbymom2
    gabbymom2 Posts: 175 Member
    Huh????Why can't you buy peanut butter??? And why can't you wear skirts????
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    I'm gonna give you some of what my juvenile delinquents call "REAL TALK":

    Your profile says you want to be healthy. In what warp zone does eating 900 calories sound healthy? I can't stand it when people say they can't eat over X number of calories... Eat the granola bar you cut out. Drink some juice. Eat a scoop of ice cream.

    I KNOW I don't have to reply, but I am kind of OVER being nice and/or ignoring. As someone with actual work to do on here to lose weight, this **** just rubs me the wrong way. Go to a doctor and get a healthy weight recommendation. If it is a psychological thing, which I assume it is whenever someone tells me they CAN'T eat over X number of calories, see a therapist.

    If you plan to say "I don't want to eat junk, I want to "eat clean." Well juice is "clean." Drink some. Problem solved.

    This is why I preface ALL of my friends requests with "I am blunt and honest." People don't really want the truth, they want nonsense.

    Drink some juice, eat a couple of bananas, couple ounces of almonds, switch to whole milk, make a smoothie.
    Now how hard is that?
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    I'm gonna give you some of what my juvenile delinquents call "REAL TALK":

    Your profile says you want to be healthy. In what warp zone does eating 900 calories sound healthy? I can't stand it when people say they can't eat over X number of calories... Eat the granola bar you cut out. Drink some juice. Eat a scoop of ice cream.

    I KNOW I don't have to reply, but I am kind of OVER being nice and/or ignoring. As someone with actual work to do on here to lose weight, this **** just rubs me the wrong way. Go to a doctor and get a healthy weight recommendation. If it is a psychological thing, which I assume it is whenever someone tells me they CAN'T eat over X number of calories, see a therapist.

    If you plan to say "I don't want to eat junk, I want to "eat clean." Well juice is "clean." Drink some. Problem solved.

    This is why I preface ALL of my friends requests with "I am blunt and honest." People don't really want the truth, they want nonsense.

    I agree! I see so many people complaining about not being able to eat all their calories and they want to be stick thin. What about your health? What about being strong and lean. Not sickly looking. The OP could tone up and be smaller but weigh the same. I see no harm in that. Just make sure you eat enough calories and make sure they come from nutrious foods. And with that I am going to go ride my bike now.
  • DairByNature
    DairByNature Posts: 35 Member
    put down the hammer !!!!!!:heart:
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    I find it hard to not eat 900 cals in one sitting. Wanna trade? For real though. You can add cals by drinking stuff like Milk and have spoons of peanut butter and stuff. Don't starve yourself over what magazines and media and all tthat bull**** think you should look like.