

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    October goals:

    1. break into the "decade" for my goal weight.
    2. no more than one day over per week
    3. organize my new guest room now Aaron is off to college
    4. plant all the spring bulbs before first frost
    5. Be kind
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy October! Thanks for the new thread, Barbie, and welcome to everyone new.

    Wonderful weekend at the coast, the weather was incredible. It wasn't easy leaving yesterday afternoon, the sun brightly shining, no wind, temps in the 70's, toes in the sand, eyes feasting on the view. I waved and said goodbye as we drove away.

    I have a list a mile long of things to do this morning including canning the apples I picked last week. I'll cook most of them up into sauce, adding raspberries from the freezer. The cranberry-red color looks so pretty in the jars.

    This is an important week for me as I tiptoe towards another birthday come the weekend. Be good to yourself, I say, and get those couple of pounds gone. They've been stubborn.

    Have a great Monday, it's good to be home.

    :smile: jb
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy October and Good Monday Morning to all,

    Welcome to the newbies:flowerforyou: keep posting and let us get to know you.

    Linda- so sorry for the loss of your friend:cry: Prayers for you and her family. Ahh the dreaded Halloween candy, my hubby was asking me if we should buy our yet and I said NO, it's bad enough that I have the Hershey's Nuggets that my friend gave me for my birthday...I just stay out of the livingroom where they are and don't think about them.

    Lin-so sorry to hear about the gentleman you'd worked with and his sudden accident. You be carefeul on your road trips. It was a good reminder that tomorrow is promised to no one and that we only have today to be the best we can be.:flowerforyou:

    jb- glad you enjoyed your time at the coast, that's something I miss :sad: living in Colorado getting away for a weekend or a day to the coast used to be such a pick me up for us when we used to live in Oregon. I love your "top toeing" toward your birthday this coming weekend:wink:

    Sounds like we are well on our way to getting to those October goals.

    I met two of my three goals for September, losing the #2 and doing cardio for 20 days...never did get back on track to doing my squats:grumble: they just didn't seem to fit into my workout schedule.
    October goals are to lose the final #2, another 20 days of cardio and 5 days of kettlebells.

    This past weekend was busy with hubby working on Saturday so I did house work and got the fall decorations out ...it's amazing how quickly you forget what it's like to fill up your weekend with housework. Hubby has been doing it all since he was unemployeed and I will admit I got spoiled:blushing: I don't consider house work dusting, vaccuming, mopping and laundry with going up and down stairs "exercise" even if I do work up a sweat...to me it's just regular living. It was good to have a clean house but was still so busy that i didn't have the time to sit and enjoy it.

    Yesterday when we were just getting ready to head out to a bike ride #2 son called to say they were taking the grandkiddos to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate #1 grandsons 5th birthday...so we cleaned up and headed over there insead. Spent a couple of hours with them and came home it was time for the Broncos game and I decided I just had to get in some exercise so I spent from the middle of the 1st qtr to the end of the game on the treadmill...and I've decided that's the way I need to watch all football games killing two birds with one stone:wink: For the 4th qtr hubby came down and joined me so it was a good workout afternoon.

    Last night we went to Elephant Bar with Son #3 & DIL so they could celebrate hubbys birthday we did pretty good but it was the sodium that got me so today I'm flushing it out. But was glad that we were able to eat something that keeps hubby on track he's pretty encouraged right now and I'm hearing determination in his voice when he talks about what he can and can't eat. and how he wants to get back in shape:happy:

    Barbie once again thank you for getting us started on a new month not sure where we'd be without your excellent guidance.:flowerforyou:

    Everyone have a great Monday, post your goals, drink plenty of water, get in some exercise and log your food :drinker:

  • andreajp
    andreajp Posts: 52 Member
    I hope it is okay just jump in - this is my first time posting in this group.

    September was a initially frustrating because even though I have totally stuck to my exercise goals and calorie limits I really only lost weight the first half. The second half I was at a stand-still as far as losing. But then I looked at my progress for the entire month and realized that I had lost 10-11 pounds over the month. I have to remind myself not to get too hung up on what the scale says.

    Even though I am only a third of the way to my goal I started taking more pains with my appearance in September. Dressing better, putting on makeup more regularly, wearing shoes other than flip flops :happy: and people have really responded to that. I think they notice that first and then notice the weight loss.

    Resolutions for October
    *Add strength training three times a week
    *Start the Couch to 5K program
    *Don't go wild with all the appetizers at the annual Halloween party :laugh:
    *Get fitted for a properly fitted bra (even if it is just a temporary bra....)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Good morning, all my MFP friends. My #1 goal for October is to try to keep up with this group.

    Linda, condolences on the loss of your friend.

    I kind of set a mini-goal of being down to 210 by the birth of my granddaughter, who will be here in two weeks. That goal may be doubtful since I have 2.8 lbs to go,but hey, every oz closer is a victory! If I don't make it by her birthday, maybe I can make it by mine (October 27). My second mini-goal is to be in Onederland by the end of this year.

    My weight loss goals for October are to continue logging my food and exercise and lose as much as I can. I'm kind of in survival mode since our house is still in disarray from a remodeling project.The new grandbaby will create more chaos. I have tons of stuff to get finished at work so that I can take a week off to help with the baby. 1 to 1.5 lbs a week would be nice, but I'll be happy with any loss at all. With all the chaos, my biggest goal is to still find 1 hour a day for my walk.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Happy October! :flowerforyou:

    I've slated myself to do paperwork for my husband's business over the next two days -- our accountant will be proud! That does mean a lot of sitting, however. I'm also checking out a meeting of Zonta International tonight, to see if I have any interest in joining. This is an organization that promotes women worldwide, providing educational programs, etc. I'll find out more tonight. They meet at an Italian restaurant and offer three choices of meals -- all definitely NOT dietetic! I'm already being a pain, as I told them that I'd prefer to order and pay for my meal separately so that I can stay closer to my goals. They want $25 for the meal, and I hate to spend that much money on sabotaging myself.

    My October goal is simply to break through this plateau! I've been fighting this for the entire month of September.

    Kate -- I loved your post about the fabric. It's so great that you could help an old woman feel good about her purging.

    Lila -- What does your daughter want to do with her PhD in the long run? Is she intending to teach or write? I admire people pursuing their educations, and I know you'll have a great time visiting!

    Wessecg -- GREAT photos! You look terrific, and I'm sure you feel terrific, too!

    DeeDee -- Bummer about the refrigerator. Don't you just hate that?? Congratulations on the 8 inches -- that's wonderful!

    Deborah -- I've never heard that lowering sodium lowers sugar cravings. What a great piece of information!

    Linda -- I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend, Kathy. I was just reading a book written by a breast cancer survivor, and set it down to read the posts, then read yours. It really hit me. She must have been a courageous woman.

    Nancy -- I'm sorry to hear about the cut-backs at your school. I was expecting you to say "loss of funding" rather than "lower enrollment" as the cause. Either way, it's disheartening when trying to make your school the best that you can.

    Laura80111 -- Congratulations on passing two of your September goals! Hearing you talk about going to Chuck E Cheese certainly brought back memories of my own children's youth.
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    My October daily goals:

    * Track food and exercise
    * Do 45 minutes of cardio
    * Yoga 3 times a week
    * Strive for 10,000 pedometer steps
    * Stay on plan
    * Have a positive outlook

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: Nancy, my last years of teaching included massive reorganization of students and grade level combinations of students a week or two into the school year, laying off of teachers, and having my school close...when I retired, it allowed all the teachers to stay in my school the next year (if I had stayed, one of our teachers would have been moved to another school and someone less senior in the district would have been laid off).....it is heartbreaking and disruptive for the students......I feel so much compassion for you and your students and colleagues)

    :flowerforyou: janehadji, one of the things that helped me was doing what you plan to do
    not eating the catered meal and buying or bringing my own food
    we don't ever have to be victimized by the food that is served at an event.

    :flowerforyou: welcome to everyone who is new.....you joined just by posting.

    :glasses: :glasses: about Halloween......for those of you who can't keep your hands out of the Halloween candy.......don't buy any......get a couple of rolls of quarters from the bank and use those for treats.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for October
    *yoga once a week
    *walk with hubby three times a week
    *say “OK”---be agreeable
    *stay in the moment
    *Be Barbie
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I am home sick with some kind of stomach thing. But I needed to mark my spot.

    Linda sorry for your loss. Facebook can sure slap in the face sometimes.

    My goal for October is to have a Sober October. I love my wine and my vodka to unwind with work stress but I am giving it up for the month. I will need a lot of encouragement to make it through. I will keep up with my 20+ flights of stairs daily, and 10,000 steps. I did good in September. I want to tap dance more in October and I think I am going to add a litre of water to my day making it 3 litres instead of two.

    Have a great day all

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks again for another month's lovely start up!:flowerforyou: Didn't do that well with my Sept. goals but it's a new month and I'm already back on track! Started the day eating right, already got some water in:drinker: , and 50 minutes of exercise. Hopefully I will keep the momentum going! One of my goals is definitely going to be focus on the positive not the negative!

    Linda and Lin- I'm very sorry for your losses!

    October goals- Up my water intake!
    Get to the pool 3 times a week (almost there on that one but not quite!) and walk dogs daily (even if it's short)
    Continue to get rid of clutter
    Focus on the positive!
    Read one meaningful self-help article a day
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Hi all,:blushing:
    What a great group to start thanks so much.

    I just joined a facebook challenge called Countdown to New Years Eve (90 day challenge) a friend created it. Now with this group of 50 + women I will have great support from both sites :laugh:
    My goals for October
    Continue exercisng 4-5 times a week
    Eating 1200-1300 calories a day (no matter what MFP tells me)
    Getting back that connection with my hubby that I feel has been missing:heart: .
    Getting our trim painted on the house:bigsmile:
    Getting through this month of polictical madness (and the 1st week in November):devil:
    Get some Christmas presents made and or bought (I am a last minute girl for sure):embarassed:
    Appreciate everyday I have with friends and family
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    @Linda (Sundance) - soooo very sorry about the loss of your friend.

    @Janhadji - We had my mother-in-law's birthday dinner at an italian restaurant last night (same price range as you mentioned.) I ordered Salmon with a white wine sauce and didn't eat anything but the Salmon. It was about 9 ozs of Salmon instead of the 4 I usually eat, and I don't think it was wild. Then I had 1/3 of the tiramisu I ordered. Italian restaurants are hard to come away from on target.

    My goals for October are:

    Buy Twizzlers for the trick or treaters (I hate Twizzlers)
    Offer children money if they will agree not to go trick or treating :happy:
    Get soundly into the "LOW" 160's now that I am in them.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hello again beauties:flowerforyou:

    I'll see how far I can get before I have a conf. call I have to take:angry: .

    Amanda:smile: glad your cousin is home, hope he continues to do well!

    Liz:smile: hope your Sunday was relaxing!

    Deborah:smile: welcome to the group:flowerforyou: ! Glad you decided to jump in and join us! My exercise consists of just walking at the moment. I started in May walking for about 30 min. in the mornings, I walk now anywhere from 45 min. to 1 1/2 hrs, just depending on how much time I have, I also walk again in the afternoon, again depending on the time I have how long I go, and the doggie gets a 30 minute walk at least once a day, sometimes twice, but she likes to stop and sniff a lot. Hope your hubby gets to feeling better!!! Yes, just post your goals here and at the end of the month see if you've accomplished what you started out to do. We will cheer you on!!!

    M:smile: hope your mellow day was fabulous!!!

    LadyBeryl:smile: yay for not needing pain meds anymore!!!! Good for you riding for 4 hours, not sure I could do that!

    Meg:smile: I get lots of dirty looks from the birds too when their feeder is empty, sometimes I look out and it looks like a scene from an Alfred Hitchcook ( yes, I ment to misspell his name so MFP won't edit me!) movie:laugh: .

    Linder:smile: good for you getting your deck cleared off! I need to do that too:frown: . Don't drive when you're tired!!!! Please please be careful!!! As Laura says be grateful for each day we have, we don't know what tomorrow will bring.

    Jen:smile: your weekend sounds wonderful!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: so glad you got to see your grandchildren, they are such precious gifts!!! Hope your friend gets fabulous news from her checkup!

    Michele:smile: I so agree with you on portion size at restaurants:noway: ! Last time I went out for Italian food, my dinner could have fed 4 people easily! I only ate about a 1/4 of it, if that much! It was kind of liberating throwing out some things from the fridge,the really good part of it was really cleaning the inside, I wiped everything down, took the drawers out and washed them, by the time I finished it was sparkling! I am happy about the almost 8", I had to go back and remeasure twice just to be sure it was right:laugh: .

    Kathy:smile: a new month, a fresh start!!! Just get back to your plan!

    Barbie:smile: love your goals, especially, " be agreeable" . I may need to borrow that too.

    Lila:smile: my Noel has been startled by grasshoppers too, and it's so funny, the grasshopper jumps, she gets a funny look on her face, goes back to it to investigate, it jumps again, she jumps back and then growls at it:laugh: . She is good at keeping me laughing. I need to either get my blazers altered or donate them, everyone I have is too big, I really don't want to put a lot of money into suits at the moment, I've been getting by with a few new pants, new shirts and a couple of new sweaters.

    Got to go now, will be back later to finish my post and post my Oct. goals.

  • littlelady62
    Would love to join this group. I feel that this would really help me for the month of October. Love to go turkey hunting with my partner, so exercise is needed badly for me. So if I could really walk without getting out of breath so fast and tired, he would be amazed with me.

    October Goal: :bigsmile:

    Drink more water
    When watching TV do some rope resistant exercises (bicep curls)
    Wii Step exercises
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    It’s Monday morning, it’s October 1, and it’s weigh-in day; altogether there are some pretty negative connotations in that statement but I am going to turn that around.

    It’s Monday morning and the beginning of a great new week and a great new month with lots of possibilities (let me have my delusions.) It’s October 1, a time of colourful leaves, crisp autumn air (okay the temperature dropped significantly this morning but its only temporary), favourite sweaters and Canadian Thanksgiving. (We’re still okay with this?) Its weigh-in day, fingers crossed we step on the scales knowing it has gone down because we have willed it down (and had baked salmon last night)….. drumroll…… 2 lbs! That’s 25 lbs. in two months! Something that has never been possible before MFP and you!

    Later I began looking at what I was going to bake for Thanksgiving dinner this coming weekend, checking my supplies and it suddenly dawned on me that I have lost the equivalent to a big sack of flour or a small pyramid of butter! I had to sit down for a minute as this revelation washed over me! Wow!

    Sometimes our bus service can be a bit dodgey and one day this week I had a choice to wait 45 minutes for the bus or walk home which takes 45 minutes, walking won and I shaved 7 minutes off my time which surprised me indeed! Maybe I should walk home a little more often? hmmm.

    I watched ‘The Hunger Games’ movie with my son last night, rather reluctantly I might admit based on the premise of the movie. I always enjoy these times with my son and said yes because he assured me I would enjoy the costumes. It was surprisingly good and nothing like I had envisioned but I had crazy dreams about it all night long! I hate that because you never sure what’s real for the first few minutes of waking time and you’re always a little more tired than normal. I wonder if I was running in my sleep? Can you burn calories doing that?

    Anyways I must away to catch my bus for work, no I am not walking to work, no, no, no…
    Have a marvelous day,
  • ekburnet
    ekburnet Posts: 44 Member
    I will write more later. Here are my resolutions/goals for October. :devil:

    Resolutions for October
    1) Increase glider workout to 3 times a week
    2) walk to store (4 blocks away) for those quick trips to the grocery
    3) Stay away from Halloween candy and cookies
    4) Break the Plateau I’m currently on and lose 8 to 10 pounds
    5) Enjoy autumn by taking walks/hikes.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Marking my spot for later. Happy Monday. Eileen
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Back again, trying one more time to finish this post!

    Carol:smile: More veggies and fruits are good goals!

    Stardancer:smile: congrats on the 1.1 pound gone!!!

    Michele:smile: floating in the pool reduces stress, and stress increases appetite , so reducing stress by floating in the pool is a weight loss aid, almost like exercise:laugh: .

    Carolyn:smile: your goals sound good. I like "buy candy I don't like".

    Tigress:smile: Sunds like your goals will keep you moving!!!

    Karin:smile: congrats on meeting your Sept. goals!!!

    Nancy:smile: you and Jb stocking up for colder months!!! I want to come to your house and have salsa and CAKE:love: !!! I think you should count PE as part of your exercise! Hope things with the school improves!!!

    Jb:smile: sounds like you had a delightful weekend!!!

    Drkatiebug:smile: I need to post twice a day to keep up with everyone, most days that doesn't happen though. However today I will probably have 4 posts:ohwell: .

    Jane:smile: good luck on the meal tonight, let us know how the organization is!

    Robin:smile: hope you're feeling better soon:flowerforyou: !!! You know we will be here to encourage you on your sober journey for Oct.!!!!

    Kate:smile: I like that you turned everything into a positive! Congrats on willing that scale down 2 pounds!!!!! Good for you walking instead of waiting!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: , come in often and chat with us, this is a great group of women, full of inspiration and motivation!!!

    Once again I must run, meeting in 15 minutes:grumble: . Will be back later to post my goals for Oct.

  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Everyone, I’m having an ok day. DH just brought home some mini chocolate bars! Grr! :grumble: I have a weakness for stuff like that, which is why I never buy it. I told him he’s better eat it quickly! LOL! We don’t even get kids at Halloween! I went out and popped some popcorn to stop me from pigging out on the chocolate!
    They just called me to tell me they have my leg brace back. (for my left leg that has arthritis and is rubbing bone to bone) I go in Thursday to see if they can get it to stay up on my leg...here's hoping:smile:

    Cathy in Nova Scotia

    October Goals:
    * Track my food
    * Use the bike pedals at least 5 days a week
    * Get to the pool 2-3 days per week
    * Cut back on my drinks on the weekend
    * lose and keep off 6 pounds (I tend to yo-yo)
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I have had a long break with reality but am back because I have slipped back into old bad habits. I need to re weigh myself and see what I have gained back and buckle down and get back to what works for me.
    Since I have been gone I was working 2 jobs and taking care of my brother and living with my dad so I lapsed into mindless eating in the car as well as snacking on pastery at work ( there is always cookies and worse available at the nursing home) But tonight I am starting my new position at a nursing home closer to my df farm so I am in the process of moving in with him after 7 years!! He has been very patent.
    I will take some time to catch up with you all and get to know the ladies that have joined since I last posted.
    Good to be back among friends