

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Jane - so sorry to read about your friend - hope that it will be treated successfully.

    Linda - sorry to read about the loss of your friend. I lost a friend recently, not to breat cancer. She suddenly went blind and then was unable to stay in her home and moved into a care facility. She took her own life but I suspect there was more behind it than seems on the outside.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I thought I'd share my blog post from this morning. I've been struggling a bit over the last month, scale going the wrong way. :grumble: You're all very inspiring, and I thank you for that! :flowerforyou:

    Realization Station
    Posted on 10/02/2012 by jb_2011

    The weight-loss radio is blaring away this morning, screaming out warnings of pending doom and gloom. I've tried turning down the volume in order to decrease the impact but it just won't budge. I've located the power switch and found it to be stuck in the ON position, so I've decided the only way I'll be able to turn it off is to smash the entire thing to bits, using brute force and an extra large hammer.

    The announcer is saying that the engine is losing steam even though the destination is still a ways off. And worse, due to a few rather quiet earthquakes, there are road blocks and rockslides that continue to thwart the efforts of forward motion on the road of self-improvement. Work crews have been on vacation for the last month causing a total shutdown of progress. Rocks continue to fall, wreaking greater havoc by adding many more tons of rubble to be removed from the roadway.

    It could take weeks before the work crews will return, as no one has been able to verify their whereabouts. It's been said that they're prone to wreckless abandon while on leave, having not a care in the world as they go galavanting around the countryside, whooping, hollering and completely living it up by eating ice cream every night. Efforts are being made to call in a temporary crew, but so far none have been located.

    Always trying to look on the positive side, I realize the absence of work crews will allow plenty of time to address the issue of loss of power in the engine. The steam has dissipated and the fuel supply has dwindled. Additionally, there is something amiss in the way the pistons are firing. Definitely not all of them are working properly, which I understand means a complete engine overhaul. The willingness to get-up-and-go simply must be rejuvinated. I'm certain that I need a new set of spark plugs.

    Now where is that hammer!

    :smile: jb

    How creative:love: Once you find your hammer don't keep it in your hand while on the scale it may inflate the numbers there:wink:
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Hi everyone. Can someone tell me if my net calorie graph indicates that I am doing well, or something wrong? I think it means that I am under my goal for eating 1420 calories a day. Is that correct? I am actually eating more calories than that but fitbit adds all my working/working calories back in. I'm steadily losing so it must be ok, but what does this graph say??


    If I read your graph properly you are eating substantially below 1420 net calories -- almost always below 1200.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    That was Net calories. I'm just trying to make sure I understand it. Here are the actual calories I consumed (don't know why it's not picking up the 26th.

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Oct. 2nd and doing good! My boys insisted on a walk this morning and I managed 20 minutes!:happy: Now, of course my knee is paying for it but I'm not going to let that get me down! So many greats posts and goals here! Playing catch up-I had put 3 lbs back on but am already back down 2 of them. Hugs to all of you as you go through struggles and triumphs!:flowerforyou:


    “Smile, and the world smiles with you. Frown, you’re on your own.”

    ~ Unknown
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi everyone. Can someone tell me if my net calorie graph indicates that I am doing well, or something wrong? I think it means that I am under my goal for eating 1420 calories a day. Is that correct? I am actually eating more calories than that but fitbit adds all my working/working calories back in. I'm steadily losing so it must be ok, but what does this graph say??


    Your net calories are you base calories plus exercise minus your eaten calories. It looks to me like you're doing just fine on most days - you want to keep it right around 1200, which should be what you ate plus/minus your exercise. The day you have negative, you either didn't log your food, you did but didn't eat more than you exercised, or you simply didn't eat :laugh: . I think it looks like you're doing just about right.

    I just reset my goals, which changed my daily calories from 1430 to 1200. I'm working out to the tune of about 800 - 1000 calories a day, so if I consume 2000 calories, I'll have a somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000 - 1200 net calories. It's about right.
  • grammaree
    grammaree Posts: 2 Member
    Saw this topic and decided I need to jump in and get going "again". I need the accountability and I need to hear the success others are having. I don't seem to be able to be consistent these days and really need to lose the rest of this weight. I am successful for short periods of time -- lose a little and then become undisciplined again and gain some back. It's a roller coaster -- and I want off. It's time to make changes and get going on this weight loss!
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Such a beautiful Tuesday in the neighborhood; I :heart: this October weather! I feel much more like my old self which means the appetite has returned :smile:

    Net Carbs can sure be confusing especially for the diabetic. Here's one of many links that help to explain net carbs. I haven't looked to see if MFP gives an explanation of their method which they probably do.


    grammaree, I have the support here on MFP to be beneficial to my weight loss. I was on WW but I switched especially now that I am watching carbs for blood glucose.

    Kathy, kathyszoo I sure hope you get some relief for your knee soon. Awesome that you took the walk and didn't let it hold you back. :bigsmile:

    Jane, janemartin02 - sorry to read about your friend with the lung mass; give her a big hug when you can :cry:

    jb_2011 your blog is awesome; it speaks for many of us :smile:

    genelace October is a GREAT month to get back in the swing; enjoy the autumn days.

    Laura, thank you for your kindness and remembering me in my time of illness :flowerforyou:

    Well, this is as far as my mind can go back for now. I wish to all that read a blessed day and much success on your journey.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all, It’s another beautiful fall day here. Today was my last day with this clinical group. We were super busy and had a very good day. We left early to go to lunch and I stayed on plan! I had told one of my students that I always buy a pair of earrings from the hospital gift shop when I have clinical, so they gave me a gift card for the gift shop! Well instead of buying earrings, I showed them what I was getting…this is so cool….a Halloween kitty/tree. The top half is a cat dressed like a witch and the bottom half is a black tree. They also gave me a 20% of discount card ( I guess it came with the gift card) so I got a nice discount! So that is my joy and beauty for today! :happy:

    Well, our taxes we just sent to our CPA…we get a refund….YAY! :tongue:

    I was feeling pretty crappy last night so I went to bed around 8 and slept right through to 4;30. I feel better today but have a headache, so I’m napping after I finish this. My fitness buddy and I got 3rd place last week in the biggest loser contest…we have been in the top 3 each week! :happy:

    Youngfleur: congrats on your losses!

    DeeDee: great goals!

    Sistanorfolk: you too…great goals

    Janie: sounds like you are a fall person! Me too! I love this weather.

    Liz: That’s a tough one isn’t it? Children with special needs are hard! No matter how prepared you are for it, you just aren’t! I’m glad that story helped you. I was annoyed this morning at something and told myself…”IT’s ok to be annoyed or angry, but she is still worth it.” Then I was able to go to work and not be all angry. :smile:

    Wessecg: math? What’s that????? That’s what my students say when they take their math tests. There is one classic question about how many pills to give. The answer is 3 but if you don’t have your decimal in the right place you get 300. I always say “REALLY! What would you say if some nurse brought you 300 pills for your blood pressure!” Then they catch on. :bigsmile:

    Wessecg: your graph shows that you are mostly staying under 1200 calories. The first block seems to be a day where you burned more than you ate. You had one day just slightly over 1200. If you are losing, you are doing it right!

    Kim: welcome to our group

    Lin: good news on the health care insurance!!! You will meet your goals

    Michele: you sound as busy as ever!

    Micki: nice to see you again

    Terri: thanks for your beautiful thoughts!

    Liz: painting! OMG wonder how many calories that burns. I’m sure it’s more if you fight as you paint LOL. You know what they say…painting or wallpapering and marriage! IF you can do it together you have a good marriage! :bigsmile:

    Lila: hope you had a good night’s sleep

    Amanda: good plan…avoid those grouchy people because it’s contagious!

    Milagross00 : you CAN do this. Baby steps, baby steps. Pick one small goal and make it a habit before moving onto something else.

    Tigress: glad you are done with the party. LOL. We all have them from time to time.

    Nancy: there’s not much else that is worse than a horrible meeting like the one you describe. I find that many nurses are like that…kind of passive aggressive and always looking to blame someone else for all their problems, including “keeping them down” and powerless in nursing. I hope your boss lets you out of the rest of the meetings. I do need to recharge myself but have a very hard time finding time to do so. Seems I work all day then come home and work on books, so no time to find time…..boy that’s confusing itself!

    M: I’m finding it hard to get things done too.

    Janehadji: good going for staying on plan during your meeting!

    Deborah: keeping my fingers crossed for your weigh in!

    Laura: I used to be a great water drinker, now it seems tiresome LOL. I try to get 8 ounces in the morning but that’s all I can manage…kind of makes my stomach flip. But I have been doing better!

    Jane: Oh dear, I hope your friend finds out good news about the mass in her lungs and that it’s not cancer.:flowerforyou:

    JB: handing you a hammer!

    Genealace: I used to tat, but have forgotten how

    Linda: hope things are going better today and that your loss is a little easier to bear. :flowerforyou:

    Well to all the newbies I have missed: welcome to our group. To everyone else, have a wonderful day. Take care, Meg
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    wow ladies, I am so far behind!!

    Wessecg - Looking good girl1 You must be very proud of your progress1

    Lila - Vancouver Island is so beautiful! enjoy your time there. Has Jeneka left for Holland yet? I asked about family there because we have a large dutch community here and people are always travelling back and forth. It sounds like it will be a great opportunity for you to travel to visit!

    tigress - I f i am reading your goals correctly, you will have 10 exercise sessions a week? how do you find the time?

    Linda - I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. It is always difficult when we lose someone so precious to us. it is a good reminder to us all to live for the things that are truly important. Live well in honour of her memory!

    jb - Happy days tiptoeing towards that birthday! :wink: Hope you enjoy it!

    robin - Great goals for this month. And think of all the calories you will be saving by eliminating the alcohol. good luck!

    Nancy - you did great on your September goals. If you added in your school activity, you would be way over your exercise goal for the month! You have my sympathies re the tension of staff cuts. Every year, everyone walked around on eggshells at the prospect of staff reduction, looking over their shoulders and protecting their own turf. I hated it!! and is one part of working that I am not missing at all! I know you will be able to use your positive outlook to stand apart from the complaining and stress. And just go for a good long walk when it gets to be too much.:grumble:

    Kate - I loved how you turned those potentially negative staements into positives. It is all in how we look at it! and I often use that 'object lesson' for weight loss - 3 pounds =a 3 pound package of margarine. 20pounds = a bag of flour. Imagine carrying that around all day. It would be so tiring. So see it, and celebrate it!:happy:
    You told the story of the elderly fabric lady so well. You were so sensitive to what this meant to her, and to the 'fabric' of her life. A deed well done on your part!

    Micki - I sure hope the cortisone shot gives you some relief. When is your trip? I see your banner says you have lost 58 lbs - so great! Imagine how much easier it will be to walk around Israel without those extra pounds! (=almost 3 -20 pound bags of flour!!) I took a folding cane on my trip to Israel - I did have to swallow a little pride as I hadn't used one here at all - but it was handy to have along for some of the more uneven terrain (and it could hide out in my backpack when I didn't need it:smile: )

    milagroso00 - you can do it! be sure to set realistic, achievable goals to experience some success and boost your confidence!

    lin - so good your coverage has been extended. It will be good motivation to keep at it while you still have coverage. Your 61 pound loss must have you feeling better already!

    Deborah - So how did the ww scale compare. On my trip to the doctor this past week,I discovered that hers weighs much heavier than mine. But a loss is still a loss no matter what the numbers are, right?:smile:
    Good luck with the retirement planning. I could never get DH to make a plan. His retirement found him back working full time within weeks! Good thing I hadn't followed the advice of some to quit when he did!! So I am still not sure what retirement will look like!

    I think I did okay on my September goals - started physical activities,started regular devotional reading, did the clothing purge, visited the doctor and checked in/logged daily.

    So for October?
    some continues:
    continue logging daily
    continue exercise 3 times per week
    continue devotional reading

    and some new goals:
    drink 8 glasses of water daily
    switch the biking to the gymn as the weather changes
    integrate the physio exercises
    attack and conquer the mountain of paper (my purging organizing goal)

    Now to write them into my paper journal.

    enjoy your day ladies. I have company coming for supper tonight - 8 of us at last count - so I best get at it!
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    jb - just read your last post - you definitely are a writer! I think you gave voicein that piece of writing to all of our frustrations from time to time. Hope you can change that channel soon!!:laugh: and hear some encouraging messages. oh wait - maybe here!!:wink:
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Jane, so sorry to hear about your friend ~ hope it is treatable.

    My weigh in was very good ~ down 2 lbs since the last time I was there which was two weeks ago. Both scales were exactly the same!

  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Still thankful that my health is improving with daily stationary cycling. My old, original knees don't hurt as much and I've cut back from 8 ibuprofen and 2 Tylenol to 4 tablets -- at most.

    One of my goals is to return to being an avid pleasure/casual cyclist. I didn't have a fancy bike and I shamelessly rode the same one from the age of 10 to my adult years.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Liz:smile: sirloin steak soup sounds so yummy!!! Do you have a recipe you would share???? Hubby and you painting YAY!!! What colors have you picked out?

    DebA:smile: I'm with you, Oct. weather is wonderful!!! There is a fresh crispness in the air!

    Lin:smile: congrats on your medical coverage being continued!

    Michele:smile: jumping rope sounds like fun! I might buy a jump rope, it would be good to do this winter when it's too icky to be outside!

    Micki:smile: hope your hip feels better:flowerforyou: . When is your trip?

    Terri:smile: glad you're feeling better:flowerforyou: !

    Ladyberyl:smile: your goals look good!

    Milagros00:smile: welcome:flowerforyou: , come in often and chat! Keep on your plan, you CAN and WILL succeed!!!

    Diane:smile: welcome:flowerforyou: come in often and chat with us!!!

    Dar:smile: happy birthday :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !!!

    Amanda:smile: stay away from those negative people, that energy just seems to stick on me, when I'm around someone like that I have to take a shower when I get home to get that ickiness off me!!! Hope you're feeling better soon. Grapes sometimes bloat me, I have to be careful how many I eat!

    Successful21:smile: welcome :flowerforyou: , you joined just by posting! Come in often and chat with us!

    SallyCC:smile: I love the Oct. blue sky too, it's been hiding behind gray rain clouds most of the day here, did see a peak of blue a bit ago, but the clouds are back now:sad: .

    Tigress:smile: glad the party is over! Good for you planning to take your food to the next event, that way, no surprises!

    Nancy:smile: I would want to be excused from those meetings too! Your goals are looking good!!!

    M:smile: congrats on losing 4.3 pounds and 10 inches!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!

    Janehadji:smile: your dinner last night sounds yummy! The group sounds good too, I do believe in women supporting women!!! Yay us!!!!

    Laura80111:smile: I wish I could have salmon tonight:love: , but alas my fridge is still empty:sad: . I will plan on it for tomorrow's dinner though! Good for you getting your exercise in, even though hubby didn't wait for you!

    JaneMartin:smile: sending good thoughts to your friend! Hope you had a good time with Violet today!!!

    Jb:smile: Love your blog!!!!

    Genealace:smile: it is a good time to turn over a new leaf...Welcome back:flowerforyou: .

    Kathy:smile: good for you taking your boys for a 20 min. walk, hope your knee starts feeling better! How is your toe doing?

    Grammaree:smile: welcome to the group:flowerforyou: ! Come in often!!

    Meg:smile: that Halloween kitty/tree sounds soooo cute:love: !!!! How nice of your students to give you a gift card, I'm sure you're a great and fun teacher!!!! Loved the message from your minister, we all need to hear that message sometimes! Wish I heard it about 17 years ago!!!! But 17 years later I can tell you, IT IS SO worth it!!!! Congrats for being in the top 3!!!!

    Glenda:smile: yay! You're goals sound good!!!

    Deborah:smile: congrats on those 2 pounds gone!!!!!

    Oh ladies,it has been a trying icky day today! When I got up my Internet service was working just fine, I had my post all ready to go and hit the reply button and nothing, little sign pops up on my iPad and says I'm not connected to the internet:huh: , I had already logged the days food in, what do you mean not connected:grumble: . So I unplugged the modem to reset it, plugged it back in and nothing, no lights, no anything:angry: . I had today off and had planned on staying home and finishing my Halloween decorating so I hadn't had a shower, no makeup on, still in pjs, I said a few choice words, then called my brother who just happened to be close to a ATT store, so he stopped and picked up a new one for me, over 100.00 it cost me:mad: !!! Then I had to set it up, which in my opinion should take 15 minutes or less, oh no it took almost 2 hours, plus an online chat, and a phone call:sad: :explode: ! It took another 30 minutes to set my iPad back up:grumble: ? Needless to say I wasn't happy!!! Then I took the dog out for her walk and wouldn't you know it started pouring down rain:sad: , and we still had a ways to go to get back to the house, so I'm mad and the dog is mad, she did perk up at the hair dryer, she loves to have her hair dried! I finally just gave up and took a nap this afternoon. So one of my goals is to find something to laugh about everyday, so far I got nothing, any of you wonderful ladies have any good jokes? I sure could use one!

    Hope everyone's day was much better than mine!!! I'm hoping for a good one tomorrow!!

    Have a great evening!!!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Amanda: I almost forgot. My maps are by Johannes Jannson of Amsterdam. Meg
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    DeeDee---something amusing for you that I saw on Pinterest. (Of course I haven't had a day like yours so I'm probably more easily amused.)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I have discovered that I scream the same whether I'm about to be devoured by a great white shark OR a little piece of seaweed touches my foot........
    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Oh Lin , thank you!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ! Very good one!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Goal reached!!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Here's my Egg Mug Recipe:

    Denver Egg Mug
    ¼ cup chopped green bell pepper
    2 T. chopped green onion
    ½ cup frozen shredded hash browns
    2 slices veggie bacon, chopped
    ½ cup egg beaters, southwestern style
    ¼ cup sharp cheddar cheese, grated

    Spray a large mug with cooking spray. Put hash browns, bell pepper and onion, and veggie bacon in mug, and microwave on high for 1 minute. Add egg beaters, and microwave for 45 seconds (should be moist-set), and stir. Top with cheese and microwave for 45 more seconds. Stir, and season to taste with salt and pepper.
    Basically, I took Hungry Girl’s Egg Mug recipe and tweaked it… Enjoy!

    janie :flowerforyou:
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks for sharing your recipe, Janie! Does anyone have a 'No Crust Pumpkin Pie' recipe they'd care to share? Thanksgiving for us is this weekend!

    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    :smile: Finally, a few minutes to post. Got all my work done and then some so that I could take tomorrow off and get some more painting done in the house.

    I had my realtor come out Friday and go over every room with me, we were pretty much in agreement with what has to be done. She mentioned a few extras like cleaning the chimney & painting the garage walls white.

    The market is improving in my price range, has gone up the past month and she expects it to improve this month also. I really don’t want to wait till after the holidays to list, which is why I’m shooting for the end of this month.:noway:

    Linda, so sorry for the loss of your friend.

    Drkatiebug, good goal, I have been trying to keep up with this group for a month now, but it keeps growing and as soon as I blink there’s another page to read.:frown:

    Wessecg, good idea with the Twizzlers, I usually eat only one or two, not my favorite. But they are my horse Jack’s favorite treat. My daughter loves them too and would share with him at horse shows. :bigsmile:

    Kate, congrats on the 2 lbs, that walking must have helped:happy:

    M, good job on the weight loss & inches lost; don't give up your tortilla chips, I haven't given up my sugar & cream in my morning coffee:drinker:

    Laura, I love Once Upon a Time too, my dvr is packed, haven't been watching much the past few weeks.
    I can't seem to catch up.:yawn:

    jb, hope you can get the jump start you need here:wink:

    DeeDee, hope your day tomorrow is better. I hate it when the internet's out. Last October when we lost power for a week I would sit outside Starbucks with my ipad to get the internet every morning and evening.

    okay, that took me all day. :ohwell: I started it at work this morning, emailed the document to myself and finishing up at home. Keeping up with you ladies is a full time job. The good thing is I'm not eating while I'm typing:bigsmile:

    Have a full day planned tomorrow, painting and figuring out who to call for various repairs that need to be done.

    I did pretty well with my goals for last month. Didn’t get to ride though, but that will be there when all the other stuff is done.

    September goals (3 out of 4 accomplished)
    :smile: Lose 1 lb / week (first week was a bigger loss, don’t expect that again)
    :smile: Continue to log in my food choices the night before, such a great help
    :frown: Get back in the saddle at least once this month (literally – haven’t ridden in a while)
    :smile: Have at least 2 bedrooms painted by the end of the month (selling house this fall)

    October goals:
    Lose 1 lb/week (so far have had no problem with this)
    Continue to log in my food choices the night before
    Cook 2 new items per week, love skinnytaste.com
    Have the house ready to list by the end of the month, this is a big one, hope I can do it