

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    STILL not done with the paperwork for hubby's business, so another day of inputting lies ahead. Grrrrrr.

    janemartin02 -- I hope that your friend's lung mass turns out to be benign, sending positive thoughts.

    jb -- I loved your blog! Evening snacking is a hard habit to break, but the water should help.

    Deborah -- Congrats on your 2 lbs. loss! It's hard when you're using two different scales. I refuse to be weighed at the doctor's office for just that reason. My scale is relative to itself, and it's depressing if a different scale weighs differently.

    Liz -- The new colors sound like they'll be great!

    Lila -- I enjoyed seeing your new profile picture. I'm glad that your daughter has arrived safely in Holland. Mine is moving on Friday, and reality is starting to hit home. I've been avoiding thinking about it, but it's getting harder. I'm happy for her, but sad for me. I'm sure you feel the same way.

    Amanda -- The grandtwins are so cute! I went in and "liked" both of their photos.
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Ladies, just stopping by for a quick hello before getting on with my day! I developed a bit of heartburn this morning after drinking DH's very STRONG coffee. Usually it's not a problem (and much more convenient that going down and making my own), but for some reason today it didn't sit well for me.

    Have a super day, full of productivity and pleasant happenings...

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Back from my aquafit class and I'll be going to the mall this afternoon for a couple of circuits and meet up with friends.

    Had to have two large trees cut down (Emerald Ash Borer) and lost my washing lines which were attached to them. I'm waiting for my contractor to come to attach a new washing line attached to the side of my garage. He aslo has to re-roof the garage because the all the stuff off the trees has damaged the shingles. I must give him a call and remind him because I would have liked to hang my towel out to dry.

    I recently had a problem with my fridge and had to buy a new one. One week after delivery it packed up and I had to wait almost another week before a replacement was delivered. I've filled in the claim form for all the stuff that was lost and need to get that off in the post today - hope to get the claim paid in full. Did you know that many new fridges don't come with ice-cube trays. Mixed verdict from Maytag - one it was a cost cutting efficiency (as if you'd notice an extra $10 to cover the costs) (information given to the salesman who queried it on my behalf) or they asked their customers and they say they don't want ice cube trays. (information given to me who phoned). I'm not sure who they asked - probably only the people who had bought a fridge with an ice maker.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi friends. How is your hump day going? Mine is going…going…soon to be gone I hope! My fitness buddy and I went for a walk earlier…it is beautiful! We got through our route in 15 minutes (0.65 miles), which is 5 minutes faster than usual. We plan on adding an extra walk tomorrow so hopefully we can place in the top 3 again this week! I updated my measurements…kind of a mixed bad. I lost 2” in the arms (jeez can’t tell!), 1” in the bust, 2” in the hips, and 0.3” in the thighs. Otherwise all the same. I thought my waist would be smaller, seems like my clothes fit better there? Oh well. I’ll take any loss! :bigsmile:

    “They are worth it….they are worth it.” OMG we didn’t eat dinner until nearly 8 last night…DD#1 was cooking what I thought was a very simple meal. Guess not LOL :angry:

    Glenda: your new goals look great!

    Deborah: good job on your loss!

    Ladyberyl: good news on your knee not hurting so much!

    DeeDee: my Halloween kitty looks great in the entry way, right in the corner behind the front door. It kind of freaked the cats out for a while; they stood there hissing it at! I’m thinking a string of orange lights would look magnificent on it! I don’t have a good joke, but I do think that by next week you will look back on your frustrating day and laugh…at least at some of it! A nap was probably your best bet! At least you didn’t eat all afternoon! :smile:

    Janie: YUM thanks for sharing. That recipe sounds great! I’ll give it a try soon!

    Mom of three: I hope you get that house ready!

    Louisa: welcome and come back often to visit!

    Liz: prelogging helps me with my water. I feel obligated to drink it since I logged it! :laugh: Thanks for the soup recipe.

    Linda: I hope both of our IRS woes are gone soon! DH is calling our congressman today. Hope you’re feeling better.

    Barbie: I LOVE your last goal…be Barbie! What a nice, self affirming message that is! :flowerforyou:

    Wessecg: there are worse things to eat than cereal bars! Upping your produce is a great start!

    Lila: you have some great goals too!

    Carolyn: wow thanks for the info on the news anchor. I watched the video and she is right…she was being bullied. I can’t believe the guy had the nerve to write back and say he’d be happy to offer her advice!

    Jessie: welcome to our group.

    Nancy: hope your open house went well.

    M: I love baseball! I have to limit myself to2 games a week or I’d never get off the couch. :tongue: Glad your headache is finally gone. I think I was trying to come down with something. Maybe that’s why I was so tired!

    Janehadji: I say get jb’s hammer and smash the paperwork!

    Well I need to get back to work.
    Take care and stay strong! Meg :drinker:
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am just back from aquacise class on this chilly morning. Yes, the weather has changed here - rainy and 4 degrees celsius this morning Brr! But we have had such a great fall, still no frost and some lovely summery days....such a gift!

    wessecg - I agree with others who have posted. It looks like your consumption is 1500-2000 daily, and your net shows that you are not eating back your exercise calories (which is not necessarily a bad thing), sitting at 1200 for the 27th and 1st. Looks like you didn't eat at all on the 26th:embarassed: but burned 400 calories:smile:

    deedee - Well you could have a chuckle at my morning! I woke up at 6;35 to the realization that my alarm had not gone off and I had a 7:00 bible study!! As I was hurriedly getting dressed, I had the startling moment where I remembered that I was on the schedule to bring breakfast this morning!!! My mind raced - what to bring?? I washed strawberries, retrieved yogurts from the downstaire fridge, sliced cheese and thawed banana loaf and almond/poppy seed loaf....grabbed my bag and headed out into the cold, dark morning, hoping I was fully clothed!:laugh: Made it there just beforee seven, took a deep breath and wondered what the resrt of the day might bring.....:ohwell:

    Lila - Love your photo. Good to see a face behind those comments, but it took me a minute to realize it was you:smile: Glad to hear your daughter made it safely. You -and she- will be fine but the settling process is , well, unsettling at first, isn't it! So the real test of your Dutchness - how do you feel about the double salt licorice?:happy:

    jb - I say go for the party. :happy: I am all about celebrating whatever good things come our way.
    and I hear you on the evening snack attacks. I have found some individual yogourts that are coffee, caramel, or chocolate flavoured that are only 35 calories. I rationalize that it also helps increase my dairy intake. I also like a chai tea latte with no sugar flavouring (made at home),in the evening when the weather is cooling - warm, comforting and more milk!:smile: Sometimes I just need some crunch and salt so have been trying snap peas or cucmbers with tzaziki.

    jessie6060 - I can relate to the stress eating. A couple of years ago, I attended some classes called Building Healthy Lifestyles and discovered there is hardly an emotion that I do NOt eat for - stress, worry, joy, celebrating, lonliness, boredom - you name it, and I will eat for it. They gave us a fridge magnet that asked "What kind of hunger are you eating for?" and the awareness of the emotional eating did help to control it.

    Peggy - So many positive health changes! Congratulations!! Keep on working slow and steady on the weight and celebrate the improvements in all those health markers Good work!

    Deborah - could you just make the pumpkin pie without the crust? I have never actually tried it but... Great work on the two pounds!

    Ah yes, the Halloween candy dilemna!! I find as long as I keep it put away and out of sight, I can manage it. But I also saw a brilliant alternative today that I think I will pursue. The pool here in town has a poster up offering coupons to hand out on Halloween for a swim at the pool or a skate at the indoor rink.( I think it will work out to 50 cents a coupon - definitely a little more than I would normally spend but we have been getting fewer kids so it will balance out.) So great - keeps the candy out of my house and promotes an active lifestyle to the kids. It's a win-win:smile:

    My Canadian friends, it is Thanksgiving this weekend! How are you planning on handling the challenges of turkey dinner, pumpkin pies and family gatherings based around big traditional meals??

    Time to go tackle some tasks, and hope for a warm and relaxing cup of tea later. Go well ladies, stay well.
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member

    Deborah - could you just make the pumpkin pie without the crust? I have never actually tried it but... Great work on the two pounds!

    Ah yes, the Halloween candy dilemna!! I find as long as I keep it put away and out of sight, I can manage it. But I also saw a brilliant alternative today that I think I will pursue. The pool here in town has a poster up offering coupons to hand out on Halloween for a swim at the pool or a skate at the indoor rink.( I think it will work out to 50 cents a coupon - definitely a little more than I would normally spend but we have been getting fewer kids so it will balance out.) So great - keeps the candy out of my house and promotes an active lifestyle to the kids. It's a win-win:smile:

    My Canadian friends, it is Thanksgiving this weekend! How are you planning on handling the challenges of turkey dinner, pumpkin pies and family gatherings based around big traditional meals??

    Time to go tackle some tasks, and hope for a warm and relaxing cup of tea later. Go well ladies, stay well.

    Glenda, I received a response from Janie that will work for the pie, and a bonus recipe for pumpkin trifle with crushed gingersnaps! What a great idea to hand out coupons for a fun, healthy activity! We live in a well established neighborhood where all the kiddies have flown the nest and have families of their own now. Plus we live in a cul-de-sac so if the weather is very cold, most kids won't take the time to turn in. Needless to say, in the past few years, we've only had a handful of kids show up, so now we just tag along with our little grandsons while they stumble from house to house ~ such fun!!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Wednesday one and all!:smile:

    Today is a mixed bag so far! DD is going through some female health problems. Still waiting on all the tests results but she doesn't care for the doc and it might be too time consuming to start over with another one, since this needs to be resolved now. Taking this one day at a time! On a more positive note, I went to water zumba class today and love the class and instructor! My knees aren't very happy but she's given me ideas on modifications. Probably will alternate that class with the water aerobics one.

    Lila- Love your pic!

    Peggy- That's fantastic about the good news from MD! My blood pressure was the best it's ever been when I last went to the doc! Great reasons to rejoice!

    Meg-Congrats on the new measurements!

    Glenda- It's funny you should mention snap peas!:smile: I just tried them for the first time recently and love them! I just eat them plain for a good crunchy snack!

    Thinking I'll definitely take the advice given on here to buy Halloween candy that I don't like! That means I need to stay away from the Tootsie Rolls!:grumble:

    Time to get busy and clean!

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Wednesday and I'm here in bed with my head propped got the dizzies today, mineres strikes again. Being in bed is not how I like to spend my day but every time I move my head from the pillow I konw this is where I have to stay:sad:

    Kathy- sorry that you 20 min walk with your boys caused pain in the knee but glad you are getting a handle in this #3 right away and have chased away #2 so far:drinker:

    wessecg-I have no idea how to read your chart but looks like others do:wink:

    texasgal-glad you are feeling better, October is a great month to get in some goo exercise:flowerforyou:

    Meg-what kind students you have and what a great way to make the gift card go even farther. Sounds like you and your "loser"partner are doing great:drinker: Hope the headach is gone:flowerforyou:

    glenda - what great goals you have, continuing on and adding more..I probably should take a page from you book:huh:

    deborah- :flowerforyou: great going on you #2 loss For crustless pumpkin pie I make the regular pie put it in a greased pie pan and bake like usual...I tweek the receipe with fat free evaporated mike and egg beaters to reduce calories:drinker:

    ladyberyl-great way to improve you health on cycling:drinker: keep it up:flowerforyou:

    deedee- how frustrating for you and to top it off with getting caught in a rain storm:sad: today is aure to be a better day:flowerforyou: sorry no jokes from me I can never remember the punch line:ohwell:

    janie- that sounds yummy:drinker: what's the nutrition info in it:huh:

    dmomofthree-good for you getting the house readynto sell, hubby and I need to do that too but can't seem to get off the dime and just do it, Our DVR is pretty full too I always say one day I'll get caught up...yep some day:blushing:

    Liz- football :love: yep I love my football:love: thanks for the receipe:drinker:

    linda- so glad you are making progress with the irs. I'm sure that's a relief.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- you are so lucky to live where you're hubby can catch salmon and then you have it fresh:drinker:

    michele-between you exercise and eating it's no wonder you have been successful:flowerforyou:

    lila-it's always harder on us parents when the kids leave no matter how far they go, your trip give you something to look forward to:flowerforyou:

    carolyn-thanks for the reminder that as adults we can help stop the bullying:drinker: by setting good examples.

    jb-glad the scale was given a repreve this week since it cooperated:wink:

    nancy-how smart of you doig a slide show for the parents,probably a better use of time than puttung together some special paper work to shoe them.
    great going getting in a workout beforenthe open house too:drinker:

    m-so glad we aren't made od brown sugar:laugh:

    I better post this before I lose it. Being in bed all day and my back hurts so I need to find a new position for the body. Will read the rest of the posts later.


    PS hubby is off work today and has been taking good care of me, he's off on a bike ride right now I'm missing it:sad:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Janie:smile: that Denver egg mug sounds so good!!! Thanks for the recipe!!! How is PT going?

    DMomofThree:smile: hope you get your house listed and sold soon!!! Your horse likes twizzlers:huh: , I don't really know much about horses, that image gives me the giggles:laugh: . Your goals look good! I too, have gone to Starbucks on occasion with my iPad, coffee and the Internet !

    Louiesa55:smile: welcome to the group, come in often and chat with us!!!

    Liz:smile: yay for the quicker recovery time!!! Love your goals! Thanks for the soup recipe, I think I'll try to make it sometime this weekend!

    Linda:smile: wow, you had a busy day off, hope today is a bit more relaxing!

    Barbie:smile: you and Jake sound so perfect together:love::heart: :love: !!!!

    Wessecg:smile: filling your fridge with fruits and salads....YAY!!!!

    Michele:smile: clean up of the pool already, it's coming right along! How does the concrete look now since it's finally stopped raining?

    Lila:smile: love your new pic! Hope your today has been full of energy!!!

    Amanda:smile: Teddy and Molly are adorable:love::love: !!!

    Carolyn:smile: I agree, negative energy sent to someone is always wrong!!! I applaud her for addressing the issue!!!

    Jb:smile: congrats on 1/2 pound gone!!! Good scale, finally behaving!!! Congrats on ignoring that call for ice cream too!
    Write a book, I think it would be fabulous, your writing is wonderful!!! I would buy at least 4 copies!!!

    Jessie6060:smile: welcome to the group!!! When you feel like stress eating, read the success stories on MFP, they always seem to motivate me!

    Nancy:smile: I love the slide show of the childen at work and at play, what a fabulous idea!!!! The dog has always liked her hair blown dry, even when it's not wet, if I'm drying my hair, she stands beside me till I finally give in and do her hair:laugh: . She is a very prissy girl, I swear I think she would wear makeup if she could, she also likes to dress up in her clothes, the only thing she doesn't like is hats:laugh: . I'm thinking maybe it's me with the problem, dressing the dog up:laugh: :laugh: :tongue: .

    M:smile: my aunt had a cat that loved to be swept, she would pick up the broom and he would stretch out and make purring sounds while she swept him:laugh: , that used to just crack me up! 23 pounds in 16 1/2 weeks...fabulous!!!!

    Peggy:smile: Yay, your Dr. appt, went well!!!!

    Janehadji:smile: another day of paperwork:frown: , I know the feeling!!! Enjoy the next few days with your daughter before she moves:sad: !!!

    Deborah:smile: hope your heartburn has gone away:flowerforyou: !

    Genealace:smile: no ice cube trays anymore:huh: , what happens if the ice maker goes out??? Guess they are trying to save every penny:angry: .

    Meg:smile: congrats on losing those inches!!!! I'll take them wherever they come off, as long as they're coming off!!!! I bet it was fun watching the cats hissing at the tree:laugh: , Noel growls and snaps at the singing, dancing witches hat, I should have done that last night, I could have gotten a laugh out of the dog:tongue: .

    Glenda:smile: I'm impressed!!! Up at 6:35, out the door with fruit, cheese and cake, fully clothed and still made it before 7am:noway: . I dont think I could have done that, actually I know I couldn't have done that:laugh: !!! Great idea giving those coupons out for Halloween! I know my granddaughters would love something like that. I usually give them a few pieces of candy and a stuffed animal. I don't really have any trick or treaters at my house, so I don't buy a lot of candy!!! What I get for the girls are things I don't really like, they like those sour patch candies:noway: , too sour for me!!!

    It has been a much better day today!!! However the Internet was strange again this morning, but it cleared itself up. I'm starting to wonder what's in the air around here, my modem died yesterday, my brothers computer, and microwave died yesterday, my friends computer started acting strange and he lost a lot of data, someone told me this morning her hair dryer just stopped working, another girl said her car was acting strange:huh: , makes me wonder what the rain brought in with it:ohwell: . At least today has been mostly normal!!! I got my walk in this morning outside and that made me feel better! Noel and I took a walk in the sunshine and she seems happier, it's all good now!!! I did make it to the store this morning and I'm having salmon tonight:love: , also asparagus, I got white asparagus this time, I've never tried it, so that will be something new to me. Well I have been at this for too long now, better get some work done!!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day, and a fabulous night!!!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , and log your food!!!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Laura80111:flowerforyou: hope you're feeling better soon:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !!!!!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    hello all, boy has this group grown and gotten chatty.

    So two days into Sober October and I am doing great. I am not doing to well on the water since the boss is on rampage and I didn't even get to each lunch or use the restroom yesterday (no time to stop) Trying to do better today.

    DH has been home ill for the past three days. I think he is finally starting to feel better. I suffered thru work yesterday feeling pretty bad but I slept very well last night.

    I am thinking of you all and wishing you the best.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Wow! I read all the posts since I last posted. I must say it does take some time - great thread. And I made a few notes along the way. It does help me in getting to know each of you a little better. I hope I wrote down the names correctly; if not, please forgive a newbie.

    It's been a great week in my household as this cold of mine loses its grip. And I am loving the autumn weather. I am going up to the local Sonic as soon as I finish this for some tea and sunshine. Dinner is cooking in the crock pot.

    megblair1 - Meg, sounds llike you scooped a good deal at the gift shop yesterday. I'm still working on my taxes; almost done - in the review process. That was some good results on your routine today too.

    glendalight - Glenda, hope your dinner party was a success! I am not looking forward to the rain and the cold. Autumn just began in our parts. Good luck with that paper!

    4thoseiluv - Deborah, really like your userid :smile: congrats on your loss and watch out for that coffee; hope the hb didn't last long.

    LadyBeryl - sounds like you are on a good path especially with the meds; WTG!

    DeeDee2211 - DeeDee, I've had a few of those technology challenging days myself and yes, I wanted to throw in the towel. Glad that you were able to get it all resolved.

    DMomofThree, all the best getting your home ready for the market; as a REALTOR® myself I agree the better the prep the better the return $

    louiesa55, good spot to be and some nice goals you have there for October - Welcome :flowerforyou:

    lizmil79 - Liz, I like your goal #5 - who can go wrong with a grateful heart?!

    SundanceB - Linda, Wow, I didn't know you could take 3 yrs to do taxes with a refund coming; good info!

    barbiecat - Barbie, with you on the gratitude thing :smile:

    lizmil79 - Liz, Sirloin Soup sounds delicious :bigsmile:

    sasha4427 - whew! I made it to today's posts :laugh: weight loss is our ultimate goal - yay!

    tiarapants - Amanda, my browser didn't want to open those links; I hope your grandchildren come out on top!

    carojrrn - Carolyn, saw the news anchor story on Facebook and I watched the video. Bravo! to the lady going public with such a personal message.

    wessecg - looking out for the underdog are we?!

    jb_2011 - congrats on your loss!!!

    jessie6060 - welcome to the thread and TY for the connect :bigsmile:

    mazaron - Nancy, hope your open house goes smoothly and the changes being made suit you.

    mwheatcraft54 - M, a walk in the rain - why not, umbrella please :smile:

    milugrosoo - Millie, with you on learning the new portion controls; they can make all the difference.

    revpeg - Peggy, you have given us a good cause to rejoice with your good news on your health - PTL!

    kathyszoo - Kathy, hope results prove to be good for your daughter; keep us posted.

    Laura80111 - hope you feel better quickly and are not confined too long; God bless you :heart:

    Okay ladies, I am off to enjoy some of this beautiful autumn on-hand here. We will have rain for the weekend too. May everyone's evening be blessed and much happiness to all.

    :flowerforyou: Teri
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    OK deep breath.....deep breath. They are so worth it....they are so worth it.

    Just had to go rescue dd#1 who blew out a tire driving in a rain culvert on the side of the road. The whole wheel is trashed. She doesn't quite understand how it happened because she was not near the edge of the road. HMMMMMMMMMM

    Deep breath, deep breath. LOL Meg
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Good evening all! Great posts...very inspiring...now if I could only execute the changes:blushing:

    I am haviing a little trouble with October goals...so some random thoughts on my journey...quite a few years ago I started carrying my water bottle with me...now I easily drink 60-80 oz of water in addition to 3-4 cups of decaf tea each day. The next change was exercise...I started with 20 minutes on a gazelle...remember those...I actually wore it out...now I workout 4 days a week and mix it up with bike, rowing machine, treadmill, kettle bells and dumbbells. 18 months ago was portion control...joined ww and learned to measure and log..be accountable...my ticker says I have lost 5#... but i have really lost 25. Not as much as some but healthful for me and more importantly changes that have stuck. So as I continue on the journey I guess my next trouble spot to tackle are the sweets one step at a time...uh-oh that sounds like a goal.:bigsmile:

    Thanks for listening...now back to my first knitting project...I think you all should start a pool to guess how many stitches I drop...that is what the little "holes" I am discovering are, right??!:laugh:

    Have a great evening. Hugs, high fives and prayers for strength and blessings
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    OK deep breath.....deep breath. They are so worth it....they are so worth it.

    Just had to go rescue dd#1 who blew out a tire driving in a rain culvert on the side of the road. The whole wheel is trashed. She doesn't quite understand how it happened because she was not near the edge of the road. HMMMMMMMMMM

    Deep breath, deep breath. LOL Meg

    So right...deep breath..try to make this a teaching moment ....good luck
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Oh Meg.....deep breaths, continue and repeat!!!! She is okay isn't she? Sending you some positive energy, and a big hug {{{ :heart: }}}!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Another busy day. Started off by doing 45 minutes of yoga then an hour of deep water. Did a bit of food shopping, then senior bowling. Came home, had dinner, back for Newcomers bowling. Tomorrow I'll do a LaLoFit DVD (weights), then we have a crochet class. I know that she has a trick for ending things that you've made and I need to learn that. I made 4 placemats over the summer, so I'll want to find out how to end them. Oh, a guy from the pool company was here today, sanded down the part of the pool where the tile will go, did some other cleaning. The tile should be in around Friday so he might be back on Sat. or Mon. Tomorrow the general contractor, his son (who has been here before) and two other workers will be here burying pipes, etc. We're gettting there......

    Amanda - your grandchildren are absolutely adorable

    jb - Am I glad your scale is still in one piece!

    jessie - warm welcome. Come by often

    M - a bosu is a half-ball. Here's what they're like: http://www.amazon.com/Bosu-Balance-Trainer-Home-Version/dp/B00012PDMW/ref=sr_1_1?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1349315281&sr=1-1&keywords=bosu+ball. Mexican Train dominoes is really dominoes. Why it's called Mexican train, that I don't know. Has nothing at all to do with Mexican.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone Canadian.

    DeeDee - the concrete is getting lighter. there is one part where we will use for cars to park, but you can't park a car on it for at least a month, but that's not a big deal. Slowly but surely it's getting lighter

    Trying to skim the posts, then want to finish watching "the great debate". It's in the background as I'm reading now.

    Robin - yea for you, sober October! You can do it!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I hope all is well. I came home sick today ---headache and stomach issues. I had planned to go to an Author's night (Elizabeth Berg, Amada Eyre Ward and Chris Bohjalian) so I was really disappointed. The good news is that I got to give my ticket to a friend so the ticket was used! I heard it was a great night so I am glad my friends got to experience this night.

    Looking forward to feeling better tomorrow!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    DeeDee – good for you on the inches!

    Amanda – glad to know someone else with a valve replacement.

    Deborah – the body overall did well after yesterday’s workout in the yard, but my hands have been swollen on the tops of my hands between the bones and the left one is worse with a lot of bruising. So, no yard work was done Sunday.

    Karin – 9 pounds! That is great.

    I woke up at 1:30a this morning – thinking it was about 7a. Started to get my day going and realized I was off on the time, so went back to bed. Haven’t done that in a long time!

    September goals were met and October is more of the same: 18 workout sessions including: 8 sessions with weights along with a goal of more than 92,000 pounds for the month, and 20 cardio sessions along with a goal of more than 22 hours for the month. Water doesn’t seem to be a problem these days – just keep filling up those 32-oz plastic cups at work and my water bottle at the gym.

    Welcome to everyone new to the thread! Though we don’t exactly know each other I find myself thinking of the different posts and people each day. Wishing everyone a good night – I’m off to bed soon.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wessecg, I’ve learned so much on MFP about healthy eating and have made small changes day by day…..it’s possible to make huge changes by taking baby steps….my main goal with food has been to have the greatest nutrition for the fewest calories.

    :bigsmile: Lila, I love you new photo….what is the origin of your name “Sasha”?

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, your grandtwins are adorable.

    :flowerforyou: Jessie, welcome to our family of supportive women…keep coming back and you’ll find the encouraging friends you seek.

    :bigsmile: Nancy, your plan for open house sounds fabulous…..I wish I had known you when I was teaching…..you are a source of fabulous ideas.

    :bigsmile: Peggy, congrats on the great news from the doctor

    :bigsmile: I gave up coffee over three years ago and consider it one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

    :bigsmile: I got a call today that confirmed that I'll be substituting for one of the line dance teachers for two classes a week for three weeks.....:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Jake went fishing again today and brought home three salmon…….the limit is two but the guy with the boat has so many fish in his freezer, he gave one of his to us.

    :flowerforyou: We’re going away at noon tomorrow for the weekend….I’m bringing my Isagenix stuff with me and plan to avoid restaurant eating as much as I can.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington