Vacation Alone??



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I LOVE to go on vacation alone. I've taken solo trips to South Africa, Thailand, Switzerland, Poland, France, and throughout the US. Some places (like Vegas or Napa) are better with friends, but lots of places are better alone.

    Resorts are especially great alone - so much more relaxing. You always hear about people coming back from their vacation more stressed than when they left. That never happens when you go alone! Pick a flight time that you prefer, get up when you want, leave the beach when you want, and schedule that massage in the middle of the dinner hour if you feel like it.

    My tips for a solo vacation:

    -take lessons for sport activities such as windsurfing or sailboarding to make it more interactive

    -get a room with a view (feels more important when you're by yourself)

    -eating at the bar gives you a chance to chat about your day with the bartender

    -when eating at a table, always bring a book or magazine or tablet. Even if you don't read it, it gives you the option. Don't automatically sit at the first table the hostess offers. Often they try to seat you near the kitchen or next to a loud family. Scan the restaurant and ask to sit where you see a nice view. Most places will accommodate.

    -Join a day tour when you want to go somewhere remote, such as hiking. People are usually very friendly and inclusive to singles on a day tour if you introduce yourself. Also, the guide is almost always extra nice to single travellers and then you get extra inside info.

    -don't set an alarm. You'll get the best sleep ever!

    these are really fantastic suggestions. Thanks.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I'd kill for a week wandering the southwest in my car with my cameras.
    Unfortunately, I'd have to literally kill my wife and kids before I could make it happen.

    Go for it while you can.
  • iamshells
    iamshells Posts: 46 Member
    great place..playa del carmen!! not too much of a party spot though. stay at the occidental resort!!!!
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    My family goes on vacation without me. I stay home, take care of the pets, and work. Actually, that means I AM on vacation.

    ^^^^ Best week of my summer.
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    I have vacationed alone a few times. It is fantastic becuase depending on the type of trip you want you can meet so many incredible people. I did a volunteering trip to Peru where I met people from so many different places. I also did a solo trip to Cypres where I spent most of my time alone and taking in the scenery, food and culture.

    I think everone should go on a vacation by themselves at least once. It is a great experience.

    I hope you have a fantastic time!
  • cbenno97
    cbenno97 Posts: 130 Member
    Yes--was in Jamaica. Talked to people I may never have before, did some guided tours--fantastic. Stayed at some amazing places. It can be fun, but you will need to make the effort to connect to other people if that's your interest. Otherwise, you can enjoy being solo for the trip too!
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    Solo vacation is pretty awesome. It gives you time to really ponder upon things in life that you normally don't think about. Not only that but the silent moments really drive you to enjoy what is around you. It's like living unfiltered.

    well put!,....& yes,I've often dream of a long week end in a cottage on the beach of Maine,...cold,...brisk air,waves crashing,me, a good book,and some great wine!...I say go 4 it!!
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i go on day trips alone all the time. its nice to enjoy some peace and quiet and do what YOU want to on your own time table.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I did, I went to Hawaii for my 30th birthday for one week. A friend was originally supposed to come with me but a couple months before she had to cancel and I decided to just go on my own.

    It was amazing. I snorkled, swam in the ocean, hiked all kinds of trails, woke up when I wanted, tried all kinds of new things and it was the most restful vacation I have ever taken because I wasn't tied to any schedule and had no plans. I had been through a very difficult time the previous 2 years and for the first time since then I was finally able to let go and just relax.

    It goes down as one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had and I highly recommend that everyone take a solo trip at least once in their life.
  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    Ive always travelled alone.

    I went to Greece once, stayed one day, burned my return air flight ticket, told my boss back at home I quit and stayed 9 months!!

    Ive lived in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, Egypt, and almost every European country there is. All done by travelling alone.

    When I graduate, Im moving to Latvia - on my own.

    It is awesome to get there on your own and get in contact with the locals. Not the tourist locals, the real locals. Get out of the resorts and get into the real world.

    I dont speak much Arabic, but a couple of nights a week, I go play backgammon with the Bedouins in the Sinai, where I live. They dont speak much English, but its awesome fun.

    Do it!