What's the most efficient exercise to burn cals?



  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I'd also like to know what those things in my husband's arms are that have gotten bigger while he's been shoveling at work. He's actually doing the opposite of lifting. So it can't possibly be muscle building, right?

    Shoveling is the opposite of lifting * scrunched up face* What?
  • lisitabonita
    lisitabonita Posts: 81 Member
    zumba!! 600-1200 cal/hr
  • BetterCrazyThanLazy
    the one that YOU enjoy and gets your heart rate up and gets your @$$ up and moving. A LOT of people on this site seem to be an expert at what exercise is the best..no it's the best for THEM!

    I walk 6 - 7 days a week..and I'm totally losing weight AND BUILDING MUSCLE! I don't have to be in the gym lifting weights or running. You will read a ton of threads that say if you aren't lifting you aren't building to which I call bullsh*t.

    Excuse me?
  • amylovescupcakes
    amylovescupcakes Posts: 146 Member
    Hot yoga (Bikram or hot) burns a ton of calories and it is also really awesome :)

    I wish I could do yoga! It seems so incredible!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Work up to a 1000 burn in 74 minutes--took only 2 months to get the rhythm and speed.
  • clintbritt3
    I would say Elliptical........
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    If all you want to do is burn calories, set the elliptical really high and go for a steep hike!
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    oh god...ok I'm done.. it's always best not to feed the trolls..and I've got better things to do than argue with these expert dbags. to the OP...good luck to you..and just do what makes you feel good!
  • BetterCrazyThanLazy

    I second this!

    oh please do second it..you and your little bunch are proving my point with each post! Thanks!

    Little bunch? STFU!
  • BetterCrazyThanLazy
    oh god...ok I'm done.. it's always best not to feed the trolls..and I've got better things to do than argue with these expert dbags. to the OP...good luck to you..and just do what makes you feel good!

    GO AWAY!
  • orti3841
    orti3841 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to myfitness pal, so don't have much history on this site. Still, I'd go with running. I started off with brisk walks and have progressed into running. Try the C25K app on your smart phone. I'm on week 4 and feel great. Plus, my legs are looking nicer and I've lost some weight.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Yes, I feel very insecure, which is why I have my actual picture up.

    how lovely for you

    How original of you!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    here you go since you are all about showing off "your guns" of many different variations....


    And that proves exactly what?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Nope.. I can be sure of that the rest of my post is correct too.
    I can also be sure, that you are entirely looney tunes and have no idea how muscle building actually works... because if you did, you wouldn't be claiming what you are and you'd have pictures as proof.

    nope you can't. you can make a general assumption which is totally incorrect...again nice try

    So I have a question for you. How exactly did you determine that you gained muscle purely by walking and I assume eating at a deficit?
  • jbaca9602
    jbaca9602 Posts: 64 Member
    Well, I know that when you overstress muscles they come back larger, and where I used to have flat skin and bone in the front of my lower leg, now when I flex my feet the muscle pops out. That seems like bulk to me, in textbook definition. But whatever.

    Fighting about whether or not a walker is building muscle seems silly anyway, on a post about burning calories.

    OP, I messaged you about a group you might be interested in :) I will definitely say that while it didn't burn much in calories, walking did increase my endurance, gave me the ability to control how hard I worked out, gave me an option to still get activity during my rest days, and worked multiple muscle groups. I also enjoyed pilates, it really strengthened muscle groups in my back and arms that I'd never used before. I started out really "creaky" in the upper arms/shoulders, but after just a couple sessions I felt much stronger. It was really low impact, too. Kickboxing videos are an easy way to do something quick at home and get a fast amount of calories burned off, too. But I'm giving 30 Day Shred a try because I'm impatient. I hear a lot of great results, and with 30 Day Shred it's not just calories burned to lose slow weight, it's targeting muscle groups to strengthen and tone, and while weight might hardly change, inches do. Most of the posts I read about it had a majority of people saying they lost a dress size. That matters more to me than the number on the scale, and seeing the toned body "after" pics is motivation enough for me!
  • Crysti
    Crysti Posts: 17
    I'm too lazy to go through all of these. Someone mentioned BodyRock- awesome! I'm a very low equipment sort of girl, though, so Zuzka, one of BodyRock's founders has a great youtube channel with short videos. Her workouts are short, but intense. I can't always do everything she does, but I do as much as I can and I definitely feel the results. I feel like I sweat more in a 20 minute workout there than a 6 mile run! Her channel is under ZuzkaLight. Good luck!
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    I do interval training on my Elliptical at home..

    Currently I am doing 50 mins at this routine:

    Forward: 4 mins steady pace, 1 mins fast paced.
    Backwards:4 mins steady pace, 1 mins fast paced.


    I am hoping to lower the steady pace and increase the fast paced times and up my total time in due course but for now this works for me and I feel it gives me a pretty good cardio workout.

    I have also just begun http://www.twohundredsitups.com :)

    and will start strength training on my arms soon eventually :) x

    Hope you find something that works for you!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    oh god...ok I'm done.. it's always best not to feed the trolls..and I've got better things to do than argue with these expert dbags. to the OP...good luck to you..and just do what makes you feel good!

    I don't think you understand the meaning of troll!
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    the one that YOU enjoy and gets your heart rate up and gets your @$$ up and moving. A LOT of people on this site seem to be an expert at what exercise is the best..no it's the best for THEM!

    I walk 6 - 7 days a week..and I'm totally losing weight AND BUILDING MUSCLE! I don't have to be in the gym lifting weights or running. You will read a ton of threads that say if you aren't lifting you aren't building to which I call bullsh*t.

    The OP asked whats the most efficient, not whats the best for them.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I only read a few replies, and saw running mentioned a lot. It's true it's efficient at calorie burning, but if you're an over-35 female, I'd avoid running or skipping - especially if you fall into the 'overweight' category' (more pressure on joints).

    Unless you've had a long history of that without any injuries. Or, if you're maybe working with a guided group, have access to individual instruction & excellent, excellent shoes.

    You can burn 300-600 calories an hour with low impact activities like:

    Hula hooping

    Calisthenics/boot-camp/circuit training style workouts - go for low impact, if possible. Other benefits than cal burn: athleticism, agility, balance. DVDs are good if convenience/time's an issue. As far as low impact emphasis I liked Jillian Michaels' No More Trouble Zones and Jari Love's stuff.

    Spinning/stationary cycling

    500 cals an hour, for a 160-lb person; with enough resistance, also has anaerobic/moderate strength training qualities

    Strength training, though, really, will give the most bang for your buck as far as body composition's concerned. Would try to get it in the mix somewhere, at least twice a week.