CC's Biggest Loser Challenge Week 2



  • tvgal
    tvgal Posts: 87
    Week 2 Weigh-in: 169.4
  • thicansxy
    I woke up late this morning so I will weigh in tonight. Was reading everyone's progress and great job. At the end of this it would be cool to see what percentage we lost as a group.
  • proudloser
    Last week 242.5
    This week 236.5

    LOST 6 POUNDS THIS WEEK and i'm feeling GREAT!!!!
  • cc_campbell81
    WOW! You people amaze me! I haven't weighed myself yet b/c I always weigh in after work..which isn't the best b/c then I don't see what I WANT to see but I think it's a true estimate of my weight so...I'll post my current weight this evening. Can't wait for Biggest Loser tonight :)

    Anybody interested in adding some challenges into this BL Challenge?! Maybe a weekly challenge? Just throwing it out there...I'm not sure I would even have enough ideas to come up with one for each was just a thought this Tuesday morning :)

    I like the idea.
  • jessica_benson
    I will post my weight around noon tomorrow central time. I go to the YMCA so I use there scales. they are way more accurate than mine.
  • jessica_benson
    How about at least 15 minutes of cardio each day. Even if it is 2 minutes here and 3 there and so on. walking to the toilet can be cardio if you get your heart rate up! What ever we decide to do lets just make it fun and be healthy together. WE have a great team here.
  • MFS27
    MFS27 Posts: 549 Member
    Weight today was 140.8.

    I was surprised because I didn't have time to exercise (had to take DD #2 to ER last night for possible appendicitis - turned out to be a false alarm, whew.) But I guess watching my food was enough (plus four hours of sitting in the ER - how many calories does that burn? LOL.)
  • Fat2FitAmanda
    well considering i just chimed in on this yesterday (i think) with my starting weight, i think my 1lb loss is awesome! i'm so excited! so i'm down from 170 to 169 for this week. next week will start a real week for me though! can't wait to see the results! and to everyone else, you guys are AWESOME! i'm so glad to be part of a group of people who are going through the same thing as i am! keep up the good work!!!!
  • augustbells
    Last week 266.0
    This week 262.0

    Yeah, 4 lbs lost!!!
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    I forgot to weigh this morning until after Breakfast. Last weeks was 213.4 and todays was 212.6. I will weigh in the morning to make sure this is correct. I had a good week as far as my exercising but I didn't eat all of my calories and I think that hurt me. This week will be better!
  • thicansxy
    I really think there is something wrong with my Wii. I have been using it as my scale since I started this Jan 2 and it says I have lost 20 pounds. So I can going to put in my lost weight but when I get to a real scale I will see what it says. So my weigh in this week 290
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    I started last week at 138.0 and I'm excited to say that I'm down to 136.2...I had no idea that I had lost anything! I also do measurements each week...I'm curious to see if I've lost inches b/c I sure don't look or feel like I have!

    Great job this week everyone :) Keep up the hard work!!!

    Oh and about the challenge...I'd love to do a water one...I do at least 15 minutes of cardio everyday already! ;) It's been my adjustment in my workouts...less strength and more cardio...I build muscle SUPER easy so I'm going for burning calories for a while and then will add strength again in the future ;)

    How much water must we drink ladies?!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    My starting was 191. This morning at the same time of day as usual, I was 188.2. That's 2.8 lbs lost since the day I started this challenge. Thanks for helping with my motivation!
  • dchief30
    dchief30 Posts: 129 Member
    today's weight 196.0
  • SunshineLady
    SunshineLady Posts: 36 Member
    I am at 143 today! Just 1 lb lost but at least it is some movement, I have been stuck for awhile.

    Any weight LOSS is a AWESOME!! That is one less pound you have to carry around...... and one less to worry about....:happy: and one step closer to your goal.
  • saraketner
    141 lbs as of this morning! but, I have been sick with a cold for the last 4 days and not eating a whole lot, so we'll see if it bounces back up next week. I sure hope not!!
  • mrsbojangles
    Can I join? You guys sound so encouraging!

    Last week's SW: 354
    CW: 349
    loss of 5 pounds
  • cc_campbell81
    I forgot to weigh this morning until after Breakfast. Last weeks was 213.4 and todays was 212.6. I will weigh in the morning to make sure this is correct. I had a good week as far as my exercising but I didn't eat all of my calories and I think that hurt me. This week will be better!

    I will record 212.6 and if it's different tomorrow just repost and I will update it.
  • cc_campbell81
    I am at 143 today! Just 1 lb lost but at least it is some movement, I have been stuck for awhile.

    Any weight LOSS is a AWESOME!! That is one less pound you have to carry around...... and one less to worry about....:happy: and one step closer to your goal.

    I 2nd that! I always try to keep in mind that as long as I am moving in the right direction it's good. Even if you gain it's okay just keep working at it and you will reach your goal. Most people say it's healthy and normal to lose 1 to 2lbs a week so don't be disappointed if you don't have huge numbers. Keep in mind that the people on the Biggest Loser have Bob and Jillian helping them along with cooks, doctors, and nutritionists. They also get to work out all day and don't have to worry about all the day to day stuff we do. Everyone is doing great. Keep up the good work.
  • cc_campbell81
    Also I meant to say no one here is going to judge. We are here to help eachother.

    Based on earlier posts I am suggesting we do two challenges a week. For each challenge we can get points and at the end we can see who has the most points. (It will be seperate from the weight loss portion) What do you all think?

    I am proposing two challenges this week taken from earlier suggestions.

    Challenge 1: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    Challenge 2: Do at least 15 minutes of cardio each day. (what type is up to you)

    For each day you will get 1 point for each challenge you complete. So if you drink all your water all week and do your cardio all week you will get 14 points?

    What do you all think?