CC's Biggest Loser Challenge Week 2



  • wimomma
    wimomma Posts: 21 Member
    Weigh in at 179 lb - a 1 pound loss for me. I'll take it. Even at a pound a week, I will be 50 lbs. lighter by this time next year, right?

    Yippee! Good job, everyone.
  • taz721
    taz721 Posts: 10 Member
    SW 149.2
    CW 147.4
  • neenaof4
    neenaof4 Posts: 41 Member
    week 2 weight 188
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    Also I meant to say no one here is going to judge. We are here to help eachother.

    Based on earlier posts I am suggesting we do two challenges a week. For each challenge we can get points and at the end we can see who has the most points. (It will be seperate from the weight loss portion) What do you all think?

    I am proposing two challenges this week taken from earlier suggestions.

    Challenge 1: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    Challenge 2: Do at least 15 minutes of cardio each day. (what type is up to you)

    For each day you will get 1 point for each challenge you complete. So if you drink all your water all week and do your cardio all week you will get 14 points?

    What do you all think?

    :heart: it
  • cnutbrown
    cnutbrown Posts: 80 Member
    Being that it was my first week back after my Christmas binge, it fell off....first week is always the eay one :grumble:

    SW 207
    CW 200

    Crystal :happy:
  • Also I meant to say no one here is going to judge. We are here to help eachother.

    Based on earlier posts I am suggesting we do two challenges a week. For each challenge we can get points and at the end we can see who has the most points. (It will be seperate from the weight loss portion) What do you all think?

    I am proposing two challenges this week taken from earlier suggestions.

    Challenge 1: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    Challenge 2: Do at least 15 minutes of cardio each day. (what type is up to you)

    For each day you will get 1 point for each challenge you complete. So if you drink all your water all week and do your cardio all week you will get 14 points?

    What do you all think?

    Excellent idea!
    I drink at least 10 glasses of water a day and I do 20 - 30 minutes of cardio every day...I'm already ahead on the challenges. Lol.

    Let's do the challenge today (Wednesday) thru-Tuesday. You can post each day if you did your 15 min and drank your water or you can just post it with your weight next week telling how many days you completed the challenge.

    Challenge 1: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    Challenge 2: Do at least 15 minutes of cardio each day. (what type is up to you)

    For each day you will get 1 point for each challenge you complete. So if you drink all your water all week and do your cardio all week you will get 14 points.
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    I forgot to weigh this morning until after Breakfast. Last weeks was 213.4 and todays was 212.6. I will weigh in the morning to make sure this is correct. I had a good week as far as my exercising but I didn't eat all of my calories and I think that hurt me. This week will be better!

    I checked my weight this morning and it was 211.8. So that is my weigh-in for the week.
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Great. Count me in on the challenges

    1/12 - Tuesday - drank all water
    did 15 minutes of situps
    30 mins of shred 2
    15 mins of walk away the pounds dvd
    15 mins of jog
    15 mins of wii plus.

    Boy do i feel it today. :drinker:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    I lost the thread and finally found you guys!!! Woo Hoo!!
    Been doing my walking and trying to keep diet in check.
    SW 172.8
    1/12 169.0

    Lost 3.8 lbs ~ I'll take it!!

    Challenge met!! Drank 48ounces of water and did 9,432 exercise steps according to the pedometer (2,000 steps = 1 mi )
    My personal challenge is 11,000 steps per day and a sit up circuit ~ whew!! I walk while I'm watching something I like on tv for an hour or so - Leslie Sansone Style - side step w/ lunges, front, back, punches, kicks , twists, standing core all at a -brisk/very brisk pace and jog through the commercials!! Just completed shred in december and TJ all last summer ~ wanted something that was still going to work me but I need lower body help!

    Great work everybody ~ keep moving!!
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    This weeks weight 169 - didnt lose any but didnt gain so that good news.

    ps. CC i tihnk my starting weight is incorrect on the list.


    Hope everyone has a good week.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Weighed in this morning and I'm still at 199. I'm fairly please considering I just finished TOM and had 2 birthday celebrations last week, so to maintain instead of gain is a good start.

    Tuesday challenge - I drank all my water and did 27 minutes on the elliptical.

    Grats to everyone who lost this week!
  • suef
    suef Posts: 12
    I also stayed the same this week 224. Just started doing 30 mins of the bike every day so that should help for next week.

    congrats to everyone!
  • justforme8
    justforme8 Posts: 68 Member
    Starting weight 229.5

    weigh in this week - 225
  • mom22kiddos
    mom22kiddos Posts: 40 Member
    So my starting weight was 202 & this week I weighed in at 200 so 2 pounds lost..I dont think it is that bad considering I did not do to good this week at all..oh well this is a new week & hoping for a way better loss this week! Good luck to all! & I love the water & cardio challenge!
  • Challenge met.. Tuesday and today.. 90 oz. of water, 1 hr a day of cardio and 30 mins strength training.
    SW- 183
    CW- 181

    **********************************2lbs LOST and FEEEELLL GREAT************************************
  • Here are the percentages of weight loss for those who have posted so far.

    Name % lost
    SunshineLady 3.84%
    cnutbrown 3.38%
    tvgal 3.20%
    proudloser 2.47%
    clheide 2.38%
    dragonfly11 2.19%
    lynnie_1 2.14%
    lildebbie 2.10%
    saraketner 2.08%
    dchief30 2.00%
    Dianeb412 1.98%
    justforme8 1.96%
    thiscansxy 1.93%
    jkroc 1.84%
    cc_campbell81 1.84%
    raincloud 1.80%
    Leendybug 1.60%
    neenaof4 1.57%
    tammym1964 1.55%
    augustbells 1.50%
    karlaw 1.46%
    mxburk 1.43%
    mrsbojangles 1.41%
    dreedub 1.30%
    taz721 1.20%
    melody6387 1.09%
    jbrentlinger 1.00%
    mom22kiddos 0.99%
    fbref9 0.89%
    akasullengal 0.84%
    overit 0.78%
    pamh5555 0.72%
    aes14 0.69%
    csnealey 0.65%
    bzcjak 0.63%
    amanda2getfit 0.58%
    wimomma 0.55%
    aag1030 0.54%
    bruiseviolet 0.34%
    cassandra1220 0.34%
    MollyK 0.14%
    katie980 0.00%
    lizagna 0.00%
    luv2learn2day 0.00%
    suef 0.00%

    Great job everyone! Everyone has made the important first step of starting the journey. You can do this! So far our group has lost 124.3 lbs!

    For the water and cardio challenge it might be easier if we just post it at the end of the week. There's over 70 of us so the post could get really long if everyone posted each day! If it helps you to post every day that's ok feel free to do it that way but I will gather the info at the end of the challenge week (Tues). Thanks.

    Grat job everyone. Keep trying we will get there.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Way to go everyone !!!!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    My starting weight this year was 194
    My weigh ins are on thursdays
    Last thursday i was at 191
    Tomarrow morning is weigh in
    will let you guys know what happen
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