June Starters - January 11



  • shannahrenee
    I'm impatient too...and it has come to an extremely slow crawl. At least I am maintaining and still working out. It's not so much about the number anymore, but I would love to get there eventually!

    Oh! And I got to run outside today...it was bliss. It has been so cold and I forgot how wonderful it was to get out of the house/gym and be outside. It was 46 degrees when I ran by the bank!! That's like a tropical heat wave here :laugh: I never thought I would say that running was my exercise of choice, but it is. My goal is to run a half marathon someday..though no idea when that would be! I need a running partner...

    I got to run outside too yesterday and it was amazing!!! Who knew I'd ever be happy about temps in the upper 40s?!?!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    YAY! Everyone is doing soooo good!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • schlieffen
    Hey everyone, sorry I've been awol up until now, what a crazy week! I had to teach until 10:30pm both Monday and Tuesday, then we had a big meeting all day wednesday. I had to do the presentation for our lab, so I was trying to work on that around having to teach. There were very few hours of sleep and much stress. It's all over now and I'm just starting to get back into a normal routine. In all the chaos I hadn't been tracking and certainly not drinking enough water. Oh well, stuff like this happens.

    SW 182.4
    LW 142.6
    CW 142.0
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I've been awol up until now, what a crazy week! I had to teach until 10:30pm both Monday and Tuesday, then we had a big meeting all day wednesday. I had to do the presentation for our lab, so I was trying to work on that around having to teach. There were very few hours of sleep and much stress. It's all over now and I'm just starting to get back into a normal routine. In all the chaos I hadn't been tracking and certainly not drinking enough water. Oh well, stuff like this happens.

    SW 182.4
    LW 142.6
    CW 142.0

    I'm so glad the stress is over for you!!! And YAY!!! YOu still had a loss!!! :drinker:
  • amandadaisylotus
    We're all doing so good. :) I managed to go to the pizza shop and bring my own dinner (I had to go because it was a family birthday) of jasmine rice, black beans and chicken wrapped up in a whole wheat tortilla. It was really good and satisfied me and I didn't eat any pizza or garlic knots. Yay.

    I did have a small piece of ice cream cake but my family screams if you don't. It was small, and I had the calories for it.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    We're all doing so good. :) I managed to go to the pizza shop and bring my own dinner (I had to go because it was a family birthday) of jasmine rice, black beans and chicken wrapped up in a whole wheat tortilla. It was really good and satisfied me and I didn't eat any pizza or garlic knots. Yay.

    I did have a small piece of ice cream cake but my family screams if you don't. It was small, and I had the calories for it.

    You so totally ROCK, Amanda!! :drinker:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Ok, I had something really exciting happen to me at jazzercise last night....
    The lady who was standing behind me (she has been going for a while) said, "Wow, you are really toning up"! I was like, "YAY!!! Thank you"!!!! AND she was standing BEHIND me! You know how important it is to tone up THAT area :laugh:
    So, it was sooooo nice to hear that compliment.... Also, three of the teachers at the school where I teach told me Wednesday that they could really tell I was losing weight... GUYS!!! As slow as my weight is coming off and as irritated I am with that, I am totally stoked that my body is changing and people are noticing!!
    I had to share that with you guys this morning :drinker:
    AWESOME!!!! Your doing great!!!! That should give you some added motivation for the next few weeks!:drinker:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    We're all doing so good. :) I managed to go to the pizza shop and bring my own dinner (I had to go because it was a family birthday) of jasmine rice, black beans and chicken wrapped up in a whole wheat tortilla. It was really good and satisfied me and I didn't eat any pizza or garlic knots. Yay.

    I did have a small piece of ice cream cake but my family screams if you don't. It was small, and I had the calories for it.
    AWESOME!!!! Pizza always smells so good, so EXTRA good job!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok, I had something really exciting happen to me at jazzercise last night....
    The lady who was standing behind me (she has been going for a while) said, "Wow, you are really toning up"! I was like, "YAY!!! Thank you"!!!! AND she was standing BEHIND me! You know how important it is to tone up THAT area :laugh:
    So, it was sooooo nice to hear that compliment.... Also, three of the teachers at the school where I teach told me Wednesday that they could really tell I was losing weight... GUYS!!! As slow as my weight is coming off and as irritated I am with that, I am totally stoked that my body is changing and people are noticing!!
    I had to share that with you guys this morning :drinker:
    AWESOME!!!! Your doing great!!!! That should give you some added motivation for the next few weeks!:drinker:

  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    The website is updated!!! Phew!

    Congrats Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • amandadaisylotus
    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    The website is updated!!! Phew!

    Congrats Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you!!! It looks FANTASTIC!!! I love the goal weight column!!!! It will be encouraging to see that number shrink each week!!

    Congrats, Amanda!!! :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Hey, if you ladies want some fun workout music... here is my playlist... I love to turn it up and cardio it in!!!


    It is somewhere around 25 minutes right now... I add to it as I find songs that get me moving :drinker: We do most of these in my jazzercise class :wink:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I just thought I would share...I woke up this morning and weighed and it said 149.5!!! In the 140s finallllllyyyyyyy yay!! Just hope it hold up until Wednesday, but I'm sure it will! :drinker: :smooched:

    Happy Saturday everyone!! I hope you spend it better than I do--studying all day :noway:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I just thought I would share...I woke up this morning and weighed and it said 149.5!!! In the 140s finallllllyyyyyyy yay!! Just hope it hold up until Wednesday, but I'm sure it will! :drinker: :smooched:

    Happy Saturday everyone!! I hope you spend it better than I do--studying all day :noway:

    YAY!!!! I know how excited you must be!!! Congrats!!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Had my daughter's b'day party last night... I would love to be able to tell you how good I was, but alas... I can not... I ate pizza... AND I ENJOYED EVERY BIT OF IT!!! LOL... I also drank some pepsi... Anyway, jumped on the scale this morning to see what the damage was and it said I was up 4 lbs.... I know most of that is water from all of the sodium... BUT it was a good reminded to get back into gear and get it off... So LOTS of water today and definitely getting my shred on :laugh:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I had pizza last night too. Hopefully I can work it off by Wednesday.

    I am glad you enjoyed your daughters birthday party though!

    It is my sons birthday tomorrow, I had cake last night, planning some tonight and tomorrow too (3 different celebrations). I am keeping to small pieces. I don't even like cake that much. Oh well.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I :heart: pizza!! I haven't had it in awhile...and there's a Little Caesar's just a short walk from my house :) Maybe next week after this hellacious exam is over I can have a treat. Have a happy holiday tomorrow and I'm off to overload on coffee now so I can get through these blasted notes a few more times :cry: :frown:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I had pizza last night too. Hopefully I can work it off by Wednesday.

    I am glad you enjoyed your daughters birthday party though!

    It is my sons birthday tomorrow, I had cake last night, planning some tonight and tomorrow too (3 different celebrations). I am keeping to small pieces. I don't even like cake that much. Oh well.

    the cake was easy to turn down... the pizza...not so much :laugh: