body odor



  • For excessive underarm sweating, have you tried CertainDri? You can find it on the shelves at any store basically. I started using it a couple years ago and it works great!
  • juliesjuke
    juliesjuke Posts: 93 Member
    I went to school(grade school) back in the mid 50's with a girl who had the same problem.If we were going to have a quiz and she knew it a day before,she would be home sick.She would get so worked up about the quiz. Her body odor was like a trillium(flower) and of course back then the dr's had no idea what was causing it so she just had to live that way.At least with this day and age you would think that there would be an answer for this issue. Anyway i wish you the best of luck.Hope the dr can figure it out for you and give you a normal life.:wink:
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    This topic hits home for me because I've always been the sweaty girl.... like today, my boss just shook my hand for a 5-year anniversary, and my hands were practically dripping sweat. In my family, only myself, and my 3rd cousin have this issue. My feet sweat so bad that I can't wear summery type shoes unless they have that felt/leather type of bottoms, or I will twist my ankle and slide out of the shoes. I can't wear lighter colored/pastel shirts because of my armpit sweats.... it's just ultimately frustrating! I hate it. I'm 30 years old and can't even wear anything but black out in public. When I was little, I used the Drysol, but it only really helped "reduce" the sweating on my fingers. I guess my palms produced too much sweat? My 3rd cousin was actually put on medication when we were younger (about 16), and the Dermatologist gave him a medication used in Alzheimers Patients to stop/reduce the sweating. It worked, but my cousin was constantly dry mouthed, and applying lotion or lip balm.

    As for the smell in the lower region, it's a known fact that most people are more sensitive and obsessive about their own smells. Once, I thought I was really disgusting, and my husband said he couldn't smell anything. (note: this is as I was sitting Indian style on the floor in front of him when he was sitting on the couch)

    What I would do is to make an appointment with an ob/gyn and get an exam. Before the exam starts, let the dr know that "THIS" is your issue, and you'd appreciate honest feedback about smells, and visual problems. When a woman has a constant production of yeast, they tend to have a lot of smell, which is why yogurts are recommended daily for women. If the dr agrees, then ask for recommendations of a cleaning/food regimen, and/or the name of a specialist to help.

    My thoughts are with you. I know it always seems like "children are cruel", but some people just never grow the F up. Just remember that you are NOT alone in all of this. You have support right here! :)
  • Have you ever tried tea tree oil? It's relatively inexpensive and is a natural antiseptic...if you have underarm order due to bacteria, the tea tree oil should help. I'm not sure if you saw that suggestion in my last post.
  • ScumbagSteve
    ScumbagSteve Posts: 103 Member
    I can smell you from here.

    Seriously how old are you. That was very childish

    Mandy, thanks so much for defending Sunshine. Some people have nothing better to do and need to get a life.

    And to the homeless drag queen who posted that comment: Seriously, dude, don't dish it out if you can't take it.

  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    If you are overweight and have "skin folds" and any sign of rash it could be Intertrigo.

    The online link does not mention odor, and doctors don't seem to know this, but it can happen as a side effect.
  • erinfog
    erinfog Posts: 95 Member
    you should really get a second opinion from a doctor. it could be hormonal and may be very simple to fix if you see the right person.

    as for down there, it sounds like BV. you can get a prescription for it, but there are also homeopathic pills ( and natural remedies. i've heard that wiping a few times a day with a hydrogen peroxide/warm water mixture is helpful.

    this sounds like something that would be really hard to cope with and i hope you are able to get some answers. :)
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    I am also a heavy sweater. maybe I should see doctor too
  • Thanks everyone, most of you all have been helpful trying to help me through this. the doctor did give up she didn't try to help. we sat down and I told her the problem but she dismissed it stating it's normal. she didn't do anything. one day I went in for a pap she said everything was normal though if I remember correctly we didn''t discuess the odor during that session.

    I do sweat a lot under the arms and my deordant dosn't smell so fresh before the day is over with though sometimes I'll get lucky and it does and I *think* I smell fine and down there isn't so strong or rarely smells fine.

    as my grandmother tells me I have some odor and it may not just be the underarms or down there alone. she advised me to shower with vinegar and it helped for a few days say said. she smelled nothing but then she started to so it only works sometimes. I just have this unexplainable scent to me and it's not pleasing. it's odd she can't explain it. I'm guessing she's senstive becuase my aunt tells me she or does my uncle smell me like she seems to be though sometimes they do. we don't talk about it so I don't know what they think, really.

    I've used cholerphill and it doesn't help the odor, though it does help with bad breath so I take it for that. I like yougret but i never buy them. never tried tea tree oil or any other oils and I'm afraid it wouldn't work and I'm screwed if I did it and was out all day and end up smelling bad or worse.

    people are telling me to go to differnet types of doctors and some (least one or two that I seen posted that I can think of) I've never heard before. so which one should I be seeing and how much would it cost to see them? I don't have insurance and have little money (working min and not many hours a week) so money is scarce.

    I was given anti biotics in the past for bv from urgent care but it didn't work.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I can smell you from here.

    Seriously how old are you. That was very childish

    Mandy, thanks so much for defending Sunshine. Some people have nothing better to do and need to get a life.

    And to the homeless drag queen who posted that comment: Seriously, dude, don't dish it out if you can't take it.


    Changing your profile pic and deactivated your account doesn't change who you are i am glad you deactivated your account. Maybe you can take this time to grow up and leave ppl alone.
  • I would find a new family medicine doctor and ask him/her for referrals. They SHOULD direct you to the right specialist.