SAHM 1/11-1-17/2010



  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hello to all of our new SAHM members. This is a great place to come and vent about food/ family whatever.
    Haha! I think it's great that we got one of the dad's showing us some support. Thanks Forkdown!

    Nicole-great job finishing the pants. I hope the kids liked them after all the work you put into them. And I don't know when your bday was, but sounds recent so happy late bday!
    Stacey- My back is doing somewhat "better" today. Well, it killed me to get the shopping done, but I did over an hour of yoga today and that felt great. But then I get into carrying the baby, or fixing dinner or something and it gets bad again. IDK, gonna keep working on it. GREAT job on the eating so far it sounds. Hope dinner doesn't do ya in. I know that's when you have the most trouble with snacking. You can do it!
    Trish-aw, sorry you're in pain. LOL thanks for the sympathy though. Sounds like the Biggest Loser is giving you that step up you were craving on cardio. I so want an HRM now...
    Deb-I hear ya on the cooking vs. cleaning thing. In fact, I will usually find anything to do besides cleaning for as long as I can. Been kinda lucky lately. I've been so depressed and then having the back issues, I haven't been getting much done around the house. And since I've shut husband out but he won't move out, he's been cleaning alot when he's home. Hey, gotta find the positive in the situation somewhere. Now why would he never clean when I asked him?
    Jennifer-great job on the first week's loss. It feels amazing doesn't it? Makes you want to pick up and do more next week.
    Hopey-Good luck on your trip! And isn't it funny how excited we get about having adult conversation? I know I sometimes look forward to my volunteer time at DS school, or even just school pickup so that I can chat with the teachers and staff. I feel so pathetic :ohwell:
    Kim-We care that you passed up the cookies.:wink: I think we all know how hard it is to pass up the sweets. It's still one of my downfalls, but I just try to limit myself to a small treat every other day. And awesome on the water and the workout. Glad you're finding time to fit it all in. I know how hard it can be.

    I felt like such a huge success today. I made a dinner (a modification of one of my fave recipes arroz con pollo-chicken with rice) that both my kids enjoyed, and of course I was kinda digging it too. I used low sodium chicken broth,no salt added tomato sauce, McCormick perfect pinch (no sodium seasoning blend), some chili powder and cumin, diced bell pepper and yellow onion (and of course chicken and rice). The seasoning blend had cinnamon in it, which was kinda weird, but I think that's why the kids liked it so well, had a sweet and savory taste. I garnished mine with black olives, shredded cheese and 1/4 of an avocado. I had the urge to snack all day, but I just kept reminding myself that I weigh-in tomorrow and I need to lose this water weight, so nope no extra snacks for me!

    Hope I didn't miss anyone. Where's Silver and Shera? Haven't heard from ya'll in awhile.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    jennifer--i forgot to say congrats! it is exciting when your efforts are rewarded!

    jr--you are so right abt that hard time of day for me. i almost overdid it--i snacked on 1/2 piece of kids' cheese crust pizza. had i eaten more, i wd've been over my cals. but i stopped! and continued on with cooking. major triumph so thanks for sending those good vibes!

    to the cooking divas--impressive. aren't you proud of yourselves for trying new things? for gettin in there each day and doin the work. yay you/us!

    jr and trish--sorry to hear that your backs are causing such pain. makes you/me grateful for the healthy days. :) i hope you both get real relief real soon. :flowerforyou:

    forkdown--how nice of you to pipe up! and i ditto trish--being the sole breadwinner is no easy task either. and i hope your wife feels better soon.

    alright...hope everyone has a great night. will see you on the flip side....

    nicolee--the link for the ticker--but weird b/c all other parts of the site don't exist...
  • curliegirl
    First of all welcome again Erica, Kawade80, Celeste & anyone else I missed! This group has really been an encouragement to me & I haven't been around too long!

    I am a 37 SAHM & I homeschool my 4 kidos(18ds,13dd,11dd, 7ds). We live in Columbia, MO--not sure if I've shared that before. Right now life is nuts with a senior & all the stuff that goes with that. I bop in and out as time allows. That is the great thing--everyone misses you when you are gone! Love that!

    Thanks for getting us started Stacey! You are doing great with the water & calorie counting. It does make a difference. I made my 8 glasses today plus some! Yeah!

    Trish--good luck with your scheduling your time & your little ones. I think kids thrive on schedules. THey know what to expect and Mommy can make the most of the time she finds here and there for herself! We get so much done when we are running on a schedule for school. I always tell my kids "Shoot for nothing & you will hit it" Not sure who said that but I didn't come up with it. Thanks for the low down on the chili. Not sure why I thought chili would be bland--lack of sleep probably. :)

    Hopey--have a safe trip Nicole--great job on the pants & sorry to whoever I have forgotten. Keep up the good work!

    Today was a GREAT day! My Monday's usually are because we are home all day. Did the water, did the workout, did our school & got TONS done. Tomorrow will be different. We are in town all afternoon--usually really tired by supper time so I am going to bed before 10. Oh and NO cookies! Yeah--they are almost gone too.

    goals tomorrow

    8 glasses of water
    no more than 200 over my calories
    really would like to do some pilates but we will see how the energy is tomorrow night.

    Maybe this will be the week I will finally drop a lb--sort of stuck right now it seems. I have light things planned again this week so I can hit my calories if I miss my workouts. Tomorrow is b'fast yogurt, fruit & granola, lunch chimichangas, supper beef stir fry. My goal is to drop below 150 next week--reward is to go buy a new book.

    Do you guys give yourselves mini rewards when you reach small goals?

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Woke up to the usual tune of "Dadaaa.... Dadaaa... My! My!" Which is Grace's way of saying "Hey, parent type figure! I threw my bear across the room. Go fetch."
    She can say Mama... she just chooses not to. She often calls me Dada & Andy Mama. WTFudge?! We correct her, but she just throws her head back & laughs. Crazy kid.

    Anyway, woke up to the above tune and got going. The pain in my hip/butt is diminished. I think I just needed to get off it for a while. It was hard to get and stay comfortable all night though. Was up at 1, 2, and 4:30, but feel better overall. I hope I don't aggravate it during my workout today.

    Nicole, I keep having dreams of running. I haven't been able to get a free moment to go time myself for my first mile. Is this normal? Maybe my head is just expressing its distress over the matter, but I dream I can go reasonably fast without too much effort (like 8-9 min mile. That's my idea of a reasonably fast first time).
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm Ladies!
    Trish- That's funny about Gracie! I had one of our cats wake me up this morning, and I was having the weirdest dream! It was part finding Nemo, part Track and Field:laugh: I dream of running alot, and I day dream about ti all of the time! OH NO!!! YOU MAY BECOME AND ADDICT LIKE ME!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 8-9 minute miles are great! If you really get into running, you will actually have runs at different paces during your workouts. burns a TON of calories! YEAH!:drinker: I would make sure that you strecth your muscles after your run and do your exercises. Your muscles are warm enough to get nice stretches without injuring yourself. That pain may be the periformis(sp.?) muscle that is attached to your back and runs down he but and attaches to your hammies. MY friend had issues with that at one time.

    Kim, good luck with the daily goals! I think rewards for yourself are great! Iwould stay away from food rewards though.

    Thanks JR. for the happy birthday wish! it was on the 3rd. I hope your back is getting better.

    Everyone else? your goals for the day?

    Mine- get my water in, and try to eat a balanced diet so I don't go over in any aspect of my food diary. NO MORE RED NUMBERS in any part!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    When I was little, I used to run around with a herd of Arabian horses my parents bred. I also remember trying to escape punishment by jumping on to the back of a moving truck traveling down the road of our house. For whatever reason, I was never as fast as I got older. I think it's because I kept putting weight on. All my life, I kept having running dreams though. That I can go fast. Maybe it had something to do with keeping up with an Arabian. ;)

    Aren't you supposed to stretch before AND after running? Or just after? If I don't stretch before walking, my legs are screaming at me by the 1/2 mile mark. I have shin and knee issues.

    Goal for today: Survive without losing my mind. I'm back to doing the single mom thing while Andy works overtime. I just need to keep thinking about the extra money & using it to get that much further out of debt! Women's group (Relief Society) tonight at church. I've pretty much been corralled into going by at least 2 people. I don't enjoy going. I think the meetings are BORING. I get bored during Sacrament (communion) at church, but I go to church because I enjoy the calling (job) I have, and Grace enjoys Nursery.

    Okay, I'm rambling now.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    If you do stretch before, keep the stretches light. Save the deeper static stretches for afterwards. Shin problems? Do you have shin splints? If you do, that is usually and indication that you need new shoes. I would want to be fast too if I was chasing after Arabians! Don't get me wrong, I always try to get faster, but I know I will never be a gazelle.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I don't expect to be a gazelle, and definitely no Olympian, but I think I can be pretty fast once I get all this weight off. I won't get my hopes up though. Just be smart about it & accept my abilities for what they are (or aren't).
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    trish--8 min mile?! the lady next to me at the Y yesterday was doing an 8 min mile--running. i was walking (w/slight incline) at 3.6mph and no way could i have gone twice as fast! (and yet i can do the equivalent of 5mph with leslie sansone dvd's) in any case--CHASE THOSE DREAMS!
    hang in there w/o andy. i know it can be hard. my dh is working a lot rt now too. and the last cpl nights i was LOSING it--i'm yelling, they're still not doing what i want, i'm crying, they cry....just a lovely pic of family bliss
    however....we do eventually calm down and get the hugs and snuggles. and i get myself to bed.

    kim, i sometimes wish someone would come schedule my life. or put in place a few schedules and i can alternate. hehe dh has "kindly" offered to give me a schedule. yeah. that's what i wanted....

    shera and amy--if you're lurking, just know we're here when you're ready! :)

    erica, celeste(just love that name btw!) and kawade--hope you're finding "space" to join the conversation. we've gotten to know one another these last cpl months, but there's always room for more. and as kim mentioned, you can drop in and out as suits you.

    GOALS: drink 8 glasses h2o
    stick to cals with max of 300 over
    get in 2 veges (not just 1)
    and do CORE (+ stretch?)

    wish me luck. perhaps overly ambitious due to other already schedule stuff.

    oh--can i slice and then freeze meatloaf?? i know we won't finish more than 1/2 of what there is.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    How hard can it be to shave 2 minutes off a 10 minute mile? (As Nicole giggles and shakes her head "Sweet, silly, naive Trish...")

    I'm feeling pretty confident I can do a mile in 10 mins... even though I haven't actually tried it yet.

    Yes... you laugh now... but you fail to realize I am a walkin, talkin, breathin' ball of FIRE! Or I will be...
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! I missed being on here yesterday. It's been crazy around here since the break-in. The insurance adjuster should be here before the end of the week and then we can start getting the doors and the mens room window fixed. My new computer has been ordered and should be in today. We got a laptop with a docking station this time so I can take it home with me. That will be nice in case of future break-ins and also sick/snow days. I spent a long time yesterday updating documents (where someone e-mailed me an older copy) and recreating others. Still have a long way to go.

    But the good news is that even with no exercise the past 3 days and not logging in or drinking all my water, I lost a pound since last Tuesday! :bigsmile:

    I briefly skimmed the posts from yesterday. I'll sit down tonight (hopefully) to catch up. :smile: :heart:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stacey- you absolutely can freeze the meatloaf! Slice 'er up!

    Trish- :laugh: I am giggling at what you wrote, not at you! You are soo funny! You can defintely drop 2 minutes off your time! And it's a great goal to have! Just remember it will take time and hard work you ball of fire! The more weight you lose, the faster you become! that being said....I bet you are gonna pass me and do 6 minute miles! The fastest mile I ever did, that sticks in my head anyway, is a 7:42. That was in a 5k race. my first mile!:laugh: I went out way too fast! My fastest 5k time is 25:10. I haven't been able to break the 25's. That was when I was 10 lbs lighter than I am now. Sooooo...when I get lower than that, maybe I will break it! Right now, my fastest 5k time from the Holly Jolly, is 27:26...I am slowly coming back! I am rambling witht lots of jibberish!:laugh: :tongue:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    When I do a 5k, my goal is to finish ahead of at least 1 person, LOL! And a sub 30 minute race would be really nice too. If I could do a 10 minute mile, statistically that means I'll probably run a 5k in 35 mins...
    So... goal 1: See how far I can run in 10 mins
    Goal 2: Start taking time off that pace, comfortably
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    and then this shows up in my mailbox--hehe

    thanks nicole--now i gotta ask--is it nicole? or nicolee?? can't tell what you prefer from your "call sign". let us know cuz i don't want to keep calling you the wrong name!

    and amy--forgot abt that break in. well, didn't forget, but didn't exactly remember. glad things are getting resolved. you seem to be handling it all calmly. that's hard to have to re-do work. congrats on the wt loss too!!

    ok. back to my to-do's
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Oh, guys I feel so stupid. I was really freaking out today because my blood pressure is high, and I really haven't been feeling well (I mean over and above the back pain and depression). I also "gained" 1.5 lbs this week despite staying within cal goals and drinking water. Ok, so I had two days where I had like 3000mg in sodium but I was still going what the heck?! I'm not on meds for the bp because my dr. wanted me to try eating better first. And so far I felt like I was doing pretty well with that. I mean the only thing I could think was maybe I was pushing it too hard on the cardio, but even that has slowed down bc of the back problems. Well, I finally decided to just google and do some research. And I discover this. 3 things that can raise blood pressure:certain medications (i.e. antidepressants, pain relievers like ibuprofen. I'm taking both), acute pain (the back pain), and cold temperatures (it's been below freezing here for several days, and I never feel warm even inside under blankets with the heater. My toenails and fingernails are blueish from being so cold. ) SO, at least I know why my bp is up. Now I'm just gonna try to take some measures to help it go down. Gonna try to see my dr. next week about it though. I haven't been in since Oct.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Trish- a 10 min. pace for a 5k is 31:04...I know you can do that!

    Stacey- my actual name is Nicole, but if you want to call me Nicolee, that's fine too!:flowerforyou:

    JR- A check up at the doc's is always a good thing!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    With all that's going on, you're probably really stressed as well, jr. Stress can also contribute to weight gain/retention. You might be in survival mode just from stress. Just an idea. Try to chug-a-lug that water to see if it will help. Try a gallon today.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Yep. Going strong on the water. I'm on my 4th water bottle so that's 80 oz. How many are in a gallon? Something like 120? I could do that. But mainly I'm gonna lay off the ibuprofen and just stick with the heating pad. The ibuprofen wasn't really helping anyway. And just keep trying to stay warm. I have an extra space heater that I'm gonna drag out of the closet to keep warm. Those are the things I can change, and the rest I'll just have to accept and move on. What's ironic is I was stressing over being stressed--and that's certainly no good for high bp. Thanks for the tips nicole and trish.

    BTW, Trish, you have got that running bug instilled in me now too. Can't wait for warmer days and back pain to go away so I can put myself to the running test. I DON'T feel like I can run fast, but I'm gonna work up to it for sure! Actually my running dreams are usually me running through mud and I can't move, or the nightmares where one of my kids is in danger and I can't get to them no matter how fast I run. Ick. But I'm determined not to let that be the real me when I do start running. I'm gonna MOVE. :laugh: Please let us know when you're able to give it a try. I'm dying to see the results of all your hard work thus far.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    jr, curl up on couch with that hot pad, your favorite jammies, and a good blanket, and put a non-obnoxious movie on for you & the kids and just veg. 2 hours of veg does wonders! And that's amazing on the water! There are 4 quarts in a gallon, and 32 oz in a quart. I'm working my way through oz # 60, and mentally psyching myself up for workout. I can do it!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, ran with my Wii for almost 30 mins today. Please tell me running forward is easier on ones legs than running in place!