SAHM 1/11-1-17/2010



  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Go Trish! Go Trish! Go Trish! :drinker: :drinker: That's awesome! I can't wait to hear about your race! :flowerforyou:

    Stacey- Pat yourself on your back for doing the exercise today!! Yay!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Me...I started to do the 30 day shred again, but I modified like you suggested, I look like I am flailing around killing imaginary flies, but the knee feels good. :laugh: Time to each lunch and drink more water.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, don't worry 'bout what you look like while working out. Grace woke up from her nap an hour early yesterday. I was hoping she'd go back to sleep, but she didn't, so I went to get her, changed her, and brought her into the livingroom. She thought the workout was the funniest thing in the universe! But at least she was my little cheerleader. She got on the Wii board, which I was not using, and started working out with me in her own little way. She was highly amused by this, and Bob on the screen, and Mommy flailing about like an idiot, LOL

    So, Nicole, I'm pretty sure this race will be run up and down a 40% grade hill. How do I train for that?

    Having leftover fajita mix for lunch with some salsa & blue corn chips. YUM!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    cdn't resist posting these fun links for activities w/beans. boy did some collage with beans, glue, pasta, beads and paper last week. this alpha one sounds fun too
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Cool Stacey- thanks for the links! i will check them out!

    Trish- the best way to train for hills is to run on them...repeatedly. I do hill repeats, meaning I do a warm-up jog, to a stinky steep hill, and run up and jog slowly back down, I repeat 3-5 times. You will want to find one that is as steep as your race. Try to run up it for 30 seconds to a minute, for each repeat. 40% grade is INSANE!!!! That is like where I live! I slow down so much on hills it's ridiculous! Make sure you do an easy jog afterwards, to warm-down those muscles. There are all different kinds of articles on that you can check out. I actually use the smartcoach to train for my races.

    How cool is this race? I found one that you win by not being the fastest person, but by how accurate you can predict your finish time. It's called the winter predictor. The distances are odd too. You can either run a 3.74 or an 8.06 race. HA! I may sign up for it, if I can scrounge the money! ( would do the 8.06 miler and count it as my long run for the week!) (Did I mention that I am crazy and I am addicting to running?)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    The 40% grade is right next to my house. Well, not RIGHT next to, but pretty darn close. In order to get from my house to anywhere in town, you have to go up this hill. The race starts at the theater, and goes down to Geneva Road, which is below my house. There's just no way around this hill. The whole town is a hill from Hale Theater to Geneva!
    Stacey, if you were ever in Orem while living in SLC, you might know how this hill affects pretty much all of Orem from 800 North to University!

    Yeah, it's not just my street, it's pretty much the whole town on this hill.

    Should I run the whole hill? It's at least 1/4 mile to the top. I think one day I will push to run from my house to the theater... if I can just find someone to watch Grace for a while!

    The race is appropriately called "Hale Freezes Over". Sounds like this little lump of coal is going through the refining fire in 2 weeks!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    If you can, or do what I said and do repeats on it. Remember....think up and over...not just to the top. If the hill is in the beginning, don't burn yourself out for the rest of the race. If you have to walk in the race, then walk! Don't be hard on yourself like I am and set lofty goals. Since you only have 2 weeks, I would just aim to finish the race, don't worry about your time! Enjoy it!

    Do you have a map of the course? If you do, maybe thisweekend when Andy is home, go out and run the course, so then you know what to expect.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I don't have a map of the course, but I can get one. Nicole, do you repeat the run up & down said hill 3-5 times in the same session or ...? If it's the same session, how many days a week should I do this?

    EDIT: I think I found a copy of the map. It's last year's race route, but I don't think they'd change it if they're making it an annual thing

    can you see that, nicole? 400 is the big hill.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Ok Trish- I saw the course. It's a 5% grade, and you said it's about 1/4 of a mile? You will do fine! 3-5 times in the same session. It honestly wouldn't hurt to run it 2- 3 times a week. I don't know how often you plan on running between now and the race. I would alternate it with easier run days. For example, if you plan running 5 days a week, do easy, hill, easy,hill, easy. Just don't run the harder hill run within in 3 days of the race. You want your legs to recover from that. Does all of this make sense?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Oh, okay! I read online somewhere that it was a 40% grade, but maybe there was a dot in there... 4.0% that I didn't see. It's still really steep! I think if I focus on the hill, I can own that sucker. That will be my goal. All the other runners will be "Oh my gosh, THIS HILL, ARGH!" And I will just chug along past them, laughing to myself "I live here! This is MY hill!!"
    If you look up just past the #2 point, you'll see 490 & I live near there, so you can see I am not very far from that hill at all!

    I think that will be my running strategy. Save myself for that hill and own it. I hope not too many other people have the same idea.

    I can't wait. I even put new tunes on my iPod, Steve. Yes, I named my iPod. We've already been through a major surgery together, what better for a running mate? Found some really inspiring songs like The Climb by Miley Cyrus and some others.

    Hamburger Helper for dinner. Nothing terribly exciting.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    That's cool Trish! I can't wait to hear about all of the people that you drop on "the hill"! I didn't name my ipod, but maybe Steve could give my girl a few pointers...everything she plays for me SLOWS me down!:laugh: :laugh:

    Edit: Are all of the street names really numbers like that? Seems a bit confusing....N680W .....HUH?

    I made meatloaf for dinner here. I am really hungry this week for some reason, but I have been doing really good with staying in the range so far.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Yes, all the streets are numbers. Utah is primarily on a grid system. Once you figure out how many blocks you need to go, you've figured out every address in Utah! We do have a few street names that repeat themselves throughout the state though-- State St, Main St, University, etc.

    Steve & I will have a chat about what songs might help your little Francesca out ;)
  • curliegirl
    You guys are really pumped about RUNNING! I don't know if it was in the air or what today. I was seriously agrivated when I returned from errands(why in a sec) so I hopped on the treadmill for 15 minutes(better than nothing) and walked & then RAN for 2-3 minutes. I do not do that EVER--I am a serious walk girl. Running is something they made us do in PE in jr. high. I am larger on top and no one ever told me about wearing an exercise bra then. OUCH! But hey it burned of some anger & some calories so I am happy.

    Anyway--returned from an awesome run to Kroger & got $37 in groceries for $8(YIPPEE!) and backed in to my driveway with our Suburban and . . . hit the fence. Not a happy camper here but I have a great hubby who said "They had an earthquake in Haiti that seems a bit more life shattering than bumping the fence." His perspective is so different than mine most days--glad he's here.

    Today has been good. I lost count of the water but I have drank a ton. Had a soda when I went to Culvers with the ladies but haven't gone over my calories.

    Tomorrow we are going to tour a college that's 1 1/2 hours away so we are eating out again. I don't know where so cannot plan it. I will just have to choose wisely. :) Or have a cheat day.

    Have a great day tomorrow everyone & I will check in tomorrow night.

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicole--it's actually very easy to use the # system for streets. it really makes it simple to find stuff when you know the coordinates.
    but i will say my mom cdn't get the hang of it during visits. and yet, chgo is on a grid too; grid + names. like fullerton ave is 2400N. so you learn both parts. (or you move to a new city like me!)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    kim--would it work to pack a cooler w/sandwiches and snacks??
    or are you wanting a cheat afternoon??? :devil:

    what school, btw? hope the tour goes smoothly. how exciting to be at this point with your son!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Okay.... NOBODY PANIC!

    I had a meeting for church tonight (I'm on the presidency over the kids), and I ran my first half mile tonight. I went 1/2 a mile in 7 minutes... because I walked... a LITTLE! I can run from my house to the block corner, which is probably 1/3 of the way, then I walked a block, then I ran 1/2 a block, then I walked, then I pushed up a small hill at a jog. Boy, have I been strongly disillusioned! Running forward is NOT easier than running in place. It's not even on the same playing field. It's COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! The air has been real bad here, so knowing that, maybe I'm just panicking... my legs were not tired, I just couldn't breathe. When I got to the president's house, I sat down, enthusiastically accepted water, and in my mind kept thinking "Oh, no, what have I signed up for?! 3 miles of THAT! No, no, no, it's not possible. I'm going to look like a total fool."
    But the 2 gals that were at the meeting have both run several races, and one gave me a ride home, even though I wanted to run. I told her my feelings, and she said it's cuz it's cold and the air is really crappy right now, and I'll do fine. Just run the hill every other day till the race, and that should build up the stamina I need. She even offered to loan me her jogging stroller for the day of the race if Andy signs up so we can take Grace with.

    Oh, yeah, did I mention? Andy said he wanted to do the race, too. I am kind of concerned. This is not an athletic man! This is a man who whines and gets sweaty doing basic yoga. He's tall though, and walks at least a mile every day. So, I dunno, maybe he could do it.

    Anyway, way to go curlie on running. That's huge! And I'm glad it helped get some pent up frustration out. Sorry 'bout your car.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    well, the day is going to end well. i'm almost done with 8 glasses h2o and i already told you the exercise part.
    i had a healthy choice meal for dinner.
    and i was abt 200 cals over for the day. fine with me!

    i'm going to try to get out of the kitchen soon before i succumb to unnecessary snacking....

    'night y'all
  • curliegirl
    Stacey--yeah sandwiches aren't probably gonna cut it. Hubby doesn't really like them & I always end up eating all afternoon if I have that. I do have tuna(made into salad) that I could pair with crackers & tomato. Hmmm thinking about it.

    We are looking at Truman State University tomorrow(Kirksville, MO). He's been accepted there, At University of MO-Columbia (right in town), Mo University of Science & Technology(Rolla, MO) & Westminister(Fulton, MO) So many choices & so many decisions right now. We shall see . . . .
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    WOW a gallon of water really makes you feel water logged HAHAHA I did my first goal for today and drank my 128oz. I usually drank about 90oz a day but haven't really since xmas so I upped my challenge for the heck of it..My husband thinks i'm nuts but I challenged HIM to drink that much with me tomorrow :tongue: I washed out he empty apple juice container and he's giving it a go as well LOL
    Food today was good, I am under for calories but not in fat.That seems to be my biggest challenge is to keep the fat & sugar intake under control, i'm hoping with all this water it doesn't have a chance to stick :laugh: Here's to hoping!

    I have to hand it to all your runners, we had a ladies night out thing a few blocks away last night but my friend and i decided to walk anyway. well we ended up running because of the down poor rain we got just before we left. Long story short I think my heart rate was in the 300's...seriously I can bike 20miles, I can't run 3 blocks? WOW big eye opener and feeling a little puny (sp?).
    Good luck and keep up the amazing work! I would love to run but I hate to admit this my 80yr old grandfather can run 3 miles a day and I can't how sad is that
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, Steve & I were talking. He isn't sure if you'd like any of these songs, but they should get your feet moving, or at least inspire you to keep pushing :)

    Gives You Hell (All American Rejects)
    I Get Around (Beach Boys)
    Fun, Fun, Fun (Beach Boys)
    Wouldn't It Be Nice (Beach Boys)
    I Melt With You (Bowling For Soup)
    1985 (Bowling for Soup)
    Get Happy (Bowling For Soup)
    Accidentally In Love (Counting Crows)
    Bring Me To Life (Evanescence)
    Shut Up And Smile (Bowling For Soup)
    Paralyzer (Finger Eleven)
    Be Ok (Ingrid Michaelson)
    I Want You Back (Jackson 5)
    ABC (Jackson 5)
    Harder To Breathe (Maroon 5)
    Life Is A Highway (Rascal Flatts)
    Check Yes Juliet (We The Kings)
    The Climb (Miley Cyrus)
    Something Beautiful (Newsboys)
    Something Beautiful (Needtobreathe)
    Satisfy (Vedera)
    Breathe (Ryan Star)

    Okay... I lied. Steve said nothing. Most of these are from my playlist *cheesy grin*
    I took out a couple like ones from Linkin Park. I tend to like stuff with a really strong beat to begin with, so a lot of these are pop-y.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Good morning everyone! Whoa I haven't gotten to check in with ya'll since yesterday morning! Yesterday was pretty busy. Seems that the ill-fitting pants were the culprit of my back pain, so I wore my 12s all day yesterday and got a ton done. I still have a bit of a muffin top in them, but it's better than having pants that fall off AND hurt my back. Can't wait to shop tomorrow. Well, I got adventurous with my cooking yesterday. I knew I was going to be plus a child for the evening, and wanted to avoid the whole mad-dash dinner hour. I'd planned on meatloaf and mashed potatoes, so I decided to prepare them in the morning while DD was sleeping and then just pop them in the oven about 4:30, dinner would be ready at 5. (So funny we all seem to be craving meatloaf, I noticed Stacey and Nicole had that this week too). I make these meatloaf muffins in cupcake pan with shredded veggies. The kids love them AND I'm sneaking in veggies. Then I did homemade mashed potatoes with skim milk, my new salt sub so very little sodium, and country crock. A healthi-er alternative if not too healthy. So then I always have leftover squash and zucchini (which is what I grate into the meatloaf muffins) So I sliced them up to lightly saute as my veg with dinner. But the squash I bought was one of those freaky giant ones, and I had WAAAY too much. Tried to think of what to do with it so I wouldn't waste it. SOOO I came up with this banana-squash bread (I love zucchini bread and banana bread, figured why not try it out). It came out great and the kids and husband didn't notice a difference. Woohoo, more sneaky veggies. There were a lot of cals in the bread, so it's a breakfast treat only, no snacking. Then I fed DD and cleaned the house before picking DS and his friend from school. That went by with no problem. I'd written out a schedule for our afternoon in hopes of managing the chaos and it worked. And the little boy's dad picked him up promptly at 5:00, so it was really no big deal. I think I can do this. It helps having someone to play with Gavyn so he's not bugging me.

    I didn't think with as busy as I was I'd get time to do any exercise, BUT some energy hit me between Joel leaving and dinner time, so I strapped DD in her stroller and DS and I went for a run. (He'd gotten new shoes and wanted to see if they made him faster lol) We ran a half mile in 7 min. doing walk/run intervals. But I think I could have run the whole way, DS just couldn't keep up. THEN I was so revved up I did another 30 min jogging in place on the Free Run for the Wii Fit Plus! Yep, Trish and Nicole, you def got the running bug in me. I even got up this morning and did 20 min. free run! Well, I'm off to see my therapist today. I worked on my body yesterday, will spend time on my mind and spirit today. I will catch up more later (not that I haven't said plenty already lol)