4 out of 5 challenge week 3 jan 11 *always open*



  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    logged all my food
    exercised for 45mins burned 816 calories
    Had time to myself while taking my nap and watching TV with my hubby
    Drank 3 quarts of water
    ate to loose.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    logged all my food
    exercised for 45mins burned 816 calories
    Had time to myself while taking my nap and watching TV with my hubby
    Drank 3 quarts of water
    ate to loose.

  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Ate to loose
    Logged all my food
    drank 3 quarts of water
    45 mins of exercise
    Had LOTS of time to myself as the kids are at their grandparents house this weekend


    One more day like this and I have another grace day
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Well, I had planned to do really well today, then got invited to my sister's house and things didn't go at all as planned. We ordered out lunch AND dinner (My sis has 4 kids, and with the addition of my 2 no one wanted to cook for 9 ppl). Sooo...

    Today I
    Logged all my food
    Went over in cals by 100, but way over in fat and sodium too :(
    Drank 10+glasses of water
    exercised for 75 min.
    Spent time with family, had my older nieces and nephews as "babysitters" so got some "me" time in
    Today I ran an 8 min. mile!!! My 15 yo niece challenged me, and I kept up with her for the most part. She was impressed :)

    Still got my 4 of 5, but I'm disappointed in myself for my eating. Will do better the next few days. Congrats to everyone keeping up during the weekend. It seems that is the hardest time.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Saturday's Totals:

    45 minutes of Taebo dvd
    Logged all my food
    Remained w/in my calories
    Drang 10 glasses of water
    Had lunch w/fam and friends

    Chocolickkyss: 7/7 another successful week. I earned 2 passes this week and still have the 2 banked from last week.

    Despite what I thought, I didn't not go over my calories today. Since the nutritional information was not available for the restaurant that my friends and i went to I estimated to the best of my ability and it came up to approximately 1300 calories for a turkey burger (w/alvacado, alfafa sprouts and tomato no/cheese, no mayo), hand cut fries and a milkshake. I'm so glad I ate a light breakfast and that our day got thrown off schedule b/c by the time we ate that meal had to account for my a.m snack, lunch and dinner. Also the 400+ calories burned from Taebo contributed to remaining w/in my calories. I'm so glad I didn't let the little episode at the gym this morning deter me from working out altogether.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, another Sunday workout complete....YIPPEE...YIPPEE....YIPPEE.

    I got up early to get the workout in and over so my day of relaxation can begin. I completed a 10 minute circuit training dvd called "Melt It Off" and then I completed 20 minutes a dance exercise dvd called "Core Rhythm".

    Since my cousin decided to get on the road a day early I have the rest of today to chill out and watch FOOTBALL!

    I'll check in later to see how everyone is doing
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Sunday's Totals:

    20 minutes of Core Rhythms dvd and 10 minutes of Melt It Off dvd
    Logged all my food
    Remained w/in my calories
    Drang 10 glasses of water
    Watched football and relaxed

    Chocolickkyss: 1/7 a good start to the week. I earned 2 passes last week and still have the 2 banked from the week before that.

    Where are the rest of the ladies? I haven't seen much activity on this thread lately.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    hey ladies, week four is up, except i think it's listed as week three again. but the date is right! so get over there and log in!