Has "Aunt Flo" stopped visiting anyone else???



  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    It's my understanding that a major contributor to amenorrhea is simply not eating enough. There's also things like PCOS. Talking to your doctor is probably the best advice you can get here.
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    I seemed to have the opposite issue. I'm currently morbidly obese and was put on the Mirena coil after my daughter was born. 8 months down the line and after a ton of gained weight due to the fact that for the first two months I was essentially on bedrest after an emergency c-section, toxemia and pain, all I did was eat and lay around... my periods stopped. My weight kept climbing. Nothing. I hit my highest weight at 340. I started changing my diet and went back and forth between the same ten pounds for nearly a year. Finally, I got involved here and my weight is now below 320 after one month of a challenge group. I'm in the middle of the first real period I've had in close to four years. It hit me on Sunday out of nowhere and I can say I was insanely surprised. I couldn't believe that maybe I had lost enough weight to have my body finally rebalance itself like that.

    Those who are thin and stop having their periods may be TOO thin and need to gain a little weight back. But if there's ever any concern, definitely consult your gyno. They'll do everything they can to check and see if (to borrow a phrase from Scrubs, lol) your crockpot is on the fritz or not.
  • CassandraMarie3
    CassandraMarie3 Posts: 147 Member
    I stopped getting mine! My gyno said it is because fat holds estrogen. Less fat = less estrogen. And my birth control works with the estrogen in my body, so I all sorts of messed it up. Not in a bad way, but my birth control and chemicals and hormones all have to adjust and whatnot.

    Although, the first month scared the crap out of me. First time I've ever bought a pregnancy test.

    Love this! Yup, this happened to me this month and I was racking my brain trying to remember if I was late any day taking my pill...I took 2 tests, a week apart, to be sure. :) I would be too lucky if this was a long term thing. I want more kids, but until then, I would be fine avoiding that monthly hassle!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    generally this happens when you've lost weight too quickly or you've lost too much weight. It is definitely something you should be concerned about. Go see your doctor.
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    Oooooooo, how I wish! I'm almost 52 and I still have regular monthly visits. I'm sick of it personally but I have no control over it so I have to deal with it until it stops!!! In fact, I'm due to start in a couple days to be exact! :sad: TMI I'm sure! :laugh: :tongue:
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    my BF was too low so it stopped; this isnt a good thing it means your hormones are out of wack and you could eventually start showing more manly body qualities such as unwanted hair growth, or receding hair line. you could also be losing bone mass.

    i went on birth control to fix the problem, i recomend you talk to a doctor :D

    I completely agree. I had been through the same thing when I was at high school. It's not something that would be called lucky.It's a hormonal imbalance and has many negative effects.

    ^^ Agree. Same thing happened to me as well in high school. It causes hair loss from the scalp, and hair growth on the rest of the body. Bone mass begins to deplete, and your hormones become out of whack. This usually happens because when your body goes down to such a low weight (after it has been used to a 'comfortable' weight for years), it freaks out and stops menstruation because your body is not healthy enough to support a baby as well as yourself.

    Go see a doctor, this isn't necessarily a good thing.
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    My mom started exercising regularly at 35 and stopped getting her period...and it never came back! She never had any of those horrible menopause symptoms either. She's now 51 for the record.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I was just wondering if I'm the only person that has stopped having a period since loosing weight? I was worried at first that something might be wrong, but I've learned its most likely due to my weight loss. By the way, I don't miss "Aunt Flo", I actually like not getting a monthly visit from her. I hav'nt had a period for going on a year and a half :bigsmile:

    A year and half? And you haven't seen a doctor (assuming this since you are posing the question here). Even a well woman should see their GYN at least once a year. Unless you are doing something very extreme, such as following a pro-ana type diet or dropping BF very low there is no reason weight loss should stop your periods. You need to see a doctor.
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    Mine has actually become more regular. I can only hope it goes away the closer I get to my goal weight. :ohwell:
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    Go see your doctor, because some of the reasons to stop are serious. Make sure you TELL your doctor about the weight loss.

    However, if it helps, mine stopped when I was in bootcamp, despite eating plenty. Extreme stress, amounts of exercise your body isn't used to, and dramatic weight changes can all tell your body now is a sucky time to be pregnant, lets turn off the system for a bit.

    Your doctor is the only one that can confirm that this is the reason, and not something more serious.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,717 Member
    Please see a doctor. This happened to me as a teenager, when my body fat got too low when I was a distance runner.
  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368
    Unless you're really short it seems as though you are probably underweight. 35 seems really young for menopause so I think you should DEFINITELY talk to a doctor to rule out amenorrhoea.
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    I think Ive had the opposite problem. Mine comes every 3 freakin weeks! sooo annoying.
  • beanerific518
    I am glad you posted this. I have lost nearly 100 pounds since January 2011. During 2011 for the bulk of my weight loss my period was super regular - i mean 28 day cycles like clockwork. Then in February 2012 they became a little irregular - like 35 day cycles. Then in May it stopped all together. This past spring I switched to MFP from Weight Watchers. I was trying to keep up my strength training and living off 1200 calories. I did not understand at the time that I needed to eat back exercise calories. I changed my ways and adjusted my calorie intake based on my BMR and TDEE.

    Now my system is whacked. I went to see the Gyn in August and got tested. Not pregnant, no thyroid issues, no hormone issues, okay, what gives? I finally got my period two weeks later. Well now it is October and I haven't had my period since August. I am currently taking Progesterone (prescribed by my Gyn) to get my period back on track. So we will see. The sad part is that I initially made the switch to a healthier life style so I could get pregnant. Now I am healthier than I have ever been and my reproductive system is effed up.

    I love the way I look and feel, I just wish that my period would get back on track so I could get pregnant :-(
  • AbzRocks
    I wish lol but apparently it is diet related. Back in England before the 1950's where people lived off of high fat diets and ate a lot of lard their periods were very irregular and came every 3-4 months.
  • superfly33
    I was just wondering if I'm the only person that has stopped having a period since loosing weight? I was worried at first that something might be wrong, but I've learned its most likely due to my weight loss. By the way, I don't miss "Aunt Flo", I actually like not getting a monthly visit from her. I hav'nt had a period for going on a year and a half :bigsmile:

    You may want to check with your OB. Rapid fat loss will cause miss periods because of the shock to your system but i do not think for an entire year. In the begining for me, I did skip a period or it was extremely light. Now they are just extremely light and other symptoms have come up. With a family history of premature menopause, I went to my OB. No cyst and with a negative pap it looks like early menopause. If you have other symptoms like irritability, vaginal dryness, decreased sex drive, sleep issues, night sweats, and incontinence, especially when I run, then you might want to get checked out.

    I know you are only 35 and it's too early. But I'm 32 and going through it. :)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I had the opposite. Lost 20kg started again. I've had more periods this year than the past 9 put together!
  • MuscleJunkieK8
    Mine usually went away for about 4-9 months at a time.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Mine stopped when my weight and body fat got too low, and I wasn't eating enough fat and carbs. And when I was working out too much.