Do you think that thin people hate fat people, and why?



  • superfly33
    Anyone judging people by their weight is lacking in intellect and certainly in class.

    This guys has it right. And really who cares what others think. If being fluffy (I do not like to use derogatory words like fat and skinny) makes you happy then be fluffy. If being thin makes you happy then be thin. The problem with society is that we try so hard to please others, we forget about ourselves. Who cares how you look, as long as you are healthy. Be who you want to be .
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    Bump - I will read this later when I'm "working" haha!
  • Monalisa85
    Monalisa85 Posts: 31 Member
    I believe it works both ways and I'll tell you why. Up until recently I managed to stay slim and I always got comments from people that were not slim and they would also say I was 'lucky' when I was working hard to stay slim. Now, I'm at my heaviest EVER at 148 and people like that I gained weight cause then they don't feel so bad about themselves. Sucky, huh? But my daughters are fit and they work hard by the eating right and working out and they too get treated badly cause they aren't overweight. They are 35 and soon to be 37 and I am 57. I do tire of hearing people complain about the weight they have to lose but yet refuse to do anything about it. There have been the excuses made but nothing will change unless you make a decision to change yourself! I have been able to steer some to MFP after numerous attempts and now they are losing and I keep encouraging them! That is my two cents.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm thin and have been all my life.
    I can say personally, that I don't hate fat people. In general I don't hate people I do not know; but I am aware that sometimes, I pass judgement on them. Sometimes I ask myself why people allow themselves to become obese. But I would never make a rude comment to anyone on how they look or choose to live their lives. I've called two people fat in my lifetime, when I was in elementary school, and I did that after they chose to belittle me. Obviously not a mature reaction, but I wouldn't expect anything else.

    I have some friends who are overweight, and one of my best friends is actually obese. Will I give her positive attention if she decides to lose weight? - yes, I would encourage her because I love her and I want her to be around for many more years, and also I think she would be happier if she were in better physical shape. However I don't dare say that to her; I'm sure she knows she's obese and she knows it's not good for her. Nothing I say would cause her to realize something she doesn't know already.
    Would I avoid someone because they're fat? The answer is no, because I really don't care about that.
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    we judge people for race, religion, the area they live in or car they drive, why do we think that we wont be judged for being fat or thin?

    I am afraid I jusdge people on their ears. I don't trust people with no lobes :P

    If people judge me for being fat then thats up to them. I'm working on it, and in all other respects I'm happy with who I am. I consider these idiots to have the probem, not me. ALthough I'd love my body to stop moving when I do :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    As the saying goes... Haters gonna hate.

    People who are mean and spiteful are just looking for reasons to be mean and spiteful.
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    On the other side of that is this....My best friend from years ago was an overweight girl. But she was the nicest sweetest funniest do anything for you kind of person! Everyone loved her. In fact the guy she dated was smokin hot and he didn't care what she looked like on the outside. She was a beautiful person. THEN...she lost a ton of weight. She looked good. But she changed. She turned into super ***** and acted like everyone owed her something. She became materialistic and super cranky. I know she went about the weight loss wrong and I tried to believe that her behavior stemmed from that. But thn I gave up. Her boyfriend eventually dumped her and his last words were "the best part of her left with the crisco" it was a mean comment but she became a monster. So sad.
  • solyhhit
    solyhhit Posts: 97 Member
    Sometimes when I see someone really obese, I get sad for them. But if there are overweight children following closely behind I get upset.
  • JenSpinnaChick
    JenSpinnaChick Posts: 104 Member
    As a woman who used to weigh 335 lbs I can say yes I was treated differently in all areas of life....Now after saying that I have to admit as I hang my head in shame I "agreed" with a comment on another thread yesterday that offended some people. So I guess the inner fat person inside of me still holds some form of jealousy of thinner people.
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    yes because thin people are inherently better than fat people, therefore they have a right to look down on fat people.
  • semperfit1823
    I don't hate fat people but I do hate fat service members I'm not saying i've been in the best shape 24/7/365 my whole career so far I've had my personal ups and downs but theres no way I trust any Marine or service member out there to go out to combat with me hike for days on end and patrol up those Afghan mountains its really not that big of an issue for my unit but there are definitely some disgusting nastys out there and its a disgrace.

    When it comes to civilians sure I judge people somewhat on there overall health but not as harsh and I don't see a problem with it honestly.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    yes because thin people are inherently better than fat people, therefore they have a right to look down on fat people.

    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that was sarcasm.
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    I don't think so. I have some really large friends. I love them but I do wish they would take charge of themselves. (Just so they can be healthy, and enjoy more of life.)

    Totally this. I look at my body as the ultimate gift, the vehicle my spirit was given to get through this life. We should be supremely grateful for that gift and treat our bodies as such in hopes of getting as much performance and milage as possible.
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    Anyone judging people by their weight is lacking in intellect and certainly in class.

    This is incredibly true, however, in our society people are judged for a lot of reasons. Some people are just very critical and judgmental and will always find something to judge other people on.

    I don't think "all" thin people hate "all" fat people. Often there is a minority of people who just happen to be louder than the majority.
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I know a lot of thin people and most of them feel "sorry" for heavier people. Awful.
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    yes because thin people are inherently better than fat people, therefore they have a right to look down on fat people.

    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that was sarcasm.

    I feel the topic title was either poorly worded or not appropriately considered before posting.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    yes because thin people are inherently better than fat people, therefore they have a right to look down on fat people.

    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that was sarcasm.

    I feel the topic title was either poorly worded or not appropriately considered before posting.

    Not everyone is William Faulkner. :smile:
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I was a thin kid. I was thin in university, and started putting on weight in my mid 20's. I joined a gym and did a really inefficient job of keeping it at bay. Worked for a few years, and then I got lazy (because my methodology sucked) and I started putting on weight slowly until recently. I've shed about 45 pounds and have somewhere between 15 and 30 to go.

    So I was obese. I was fat because I was too lazy to fix it, to do the work, and educate myself on what I needed to do. And I was fooling myself into thinking that I wasn't as large as I actually way. When I imagined myself, I was still thin. My sense of identity was thin, even though I decidedly wasn't.

    I look down on myself for what I allowed to happen. How I allowed myself to live a lie. How can I help but look down on others too? It would be a weird reverse sort of hypocritical to only look down on my own poor behaviour and give everyone else a pass.

    I would never say anything to anyone, of course. But I can't (wont!) censor my own thoughts.

    There is an outlier, which is medical conditions which make weight management very difficult, or impossible. If you look at the number of obese people in France, and then look at the number of obese people in the US and (to a lesser extent) Canada, it's quite obvious that this outlier isn't as prevalent as many would have us believe. Most people are fat because they eat too much, and don't exercise enough.

    How can you help but look down on people who use motorized carts to haul their fat *kitten* around the oversized supermarkets, because they can't even manage to forage for their own foods unassisted in a building?

    You can call me judgemental all you like. Ironically, when you do, you're being just as judgemental.

    I have plenty of respect for a person who's overweight if I know they're working on it. If I see them eating massive calorie lunches every day? Not so much.
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    I think there are just people out their who like to make other people feel bad. That person who wrote that letter was a bully, plain and simple and I LOVE how that newswoman handled it. She called that person out and called it for what it was bully behavior. I don't justify being fat, I am fat. I am now working on it, but I still may give up, I hope not, but this is not an easy journey. I don't like to exercise and I don't like to sweat. I would rather spend my time being creative. But no one has the right to judge me, but me, unfortunately though I still allow others to judge me, and it hurts.

    So applaud how the newswoman handled this bully behavior.
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    it's just a world where everybody judges each other and everybody hates each other. It's usually the men who make fat jokes about me and i'm almost a normal size now! people are jerks I've just learnt to deal with it or come back at them with something sarcastic that makes them look stupid.