Do you think that thin people hate fat people, and why?



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    people hate people for all kinds of reasons. some are legit, some are stupid. Either way, it's human nature.

    This sums up the whole debate.... We are HUMANS it happens.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    my daughter is rail thin. She gets a LOT of crap from people who are large. pisses me off.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    As a person that use to interview people for jobs, I pass over heavy weight people!
    I was over weight myself and knew how hard the work would be for a obese
    person and rejected them.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    I think you are over generalizing here. Tsk tsk........
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    people hate people for all kinds of reasons. some are legit, some are stupid. Either way, it's human nature.

    ^^ This.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    They have the appearance of not caring about themselves. That gets into all kinds of weird issues when you are constantly, everyday, are working so hard on restricting what you eat, exercising, and making good food choices. I, personally, just have a very hard time with respecting that. I don't think they are bad people and that they don't deserve the best things in life, they do. But, inside, I feel like they just don't really care. And, therefore, it's just difficult for me to try to care.

    Call me what ever name you want. I'm being honest about how I feel about the situation. This doesn't mean that I'm mean or derogatory, or anything at all. I just have a hard time when they might bring up a medical issue, or talk about how it's hard to walk up the stairs and have to take the elevator instead. Or they take pills for this problem and that problem. And I just keep thinking, all that can disappear fairly quickly.

    I see where you are coing from and I sort of agree with you. But in the same situation, how do you know that the said "fat" person hasn't started their journey to "caring about theirsleves" or just started working out and eating right that day?

    Just because your goals in life are diet and fitness related doesn't mean everyone's are.

    I want to be a published, best-selling novelist and I'm working towards that. Are you less of a person because you're not? You shouldn't judge others' worth or self-worth based on what you choose for yourself. You have no idea what's going on in that person's life unless it's someone you know very well. And if someone has such low self-esteem that he or she doesn't even have the drive to take care of him or herself (if that's the case), does that deserve hatred or judgment? Or compassion?
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    I definitely know people who do. My ex best friend was one of them. She annoyed the crap out of me. If we were at a restaurant and had an overweight waitress, she would want to leave. She said they were probably eating off her plate. She would not be friends with anyone who was overweight. The ironic thing is she ate more than I did, but was naturally thin. The last straw was when I had my son the same week as Jessica Alba and Halle Berry, she told me that they had already lost their baby weight, why I hadn't I. I was less than 15lbs from my original weight. I had my son June 7th and she told me this in October.
  • LaylaJo
    LaylaJo Posts: 44 Member
    i surely hope not but,i know,there's some shallow,mean people out there.
    Anyone judging people by their weight is lacking in intellect and certainly in class.

    These two are truth^^^

    I was sincerely shocked the first time I realized I was being hated on for being skinny. It's equally shocking how obese and overweight people are hated on. I have always been on the thin side myself. In my close circle of friends, there are people who are overweight, underweight and everything in between. We've experienced hate for the way we dress and the way we talk, too. We've been hated on for looking like we're poor or looking like we're rich. We've been hated on for going to church or for not being churchy enough.

    I really don't have time for some shallow fck that doesn't like me or my friends because of how we look. It's been a long time since I've cared much what strangers think about me.

    Love all this. This thread just proved how quickly we are to judge.
  • LaylaJo
    LaylaJo Posts: 44 Member
    They have the appearance of not caring about themselves. That gets into all kinds of weird issues when you are constantly, everyday, are working so hard on restricting what you eat, exercising, and making good food choices. I, personally, just have a very hard time with respecting that. I don't think they are bad people and that they don't deserve the best things in life, they do. But, inside, I feel like they just don't really care. And, therefore, it's just difficult for me to try to care.

    Call me what ever name you want. I'm being honest about how I feel about the situation. This doesn't mean that I'm mean or derogatory, or anything at all. I just have a hard time when they might bring up a medical issue, or talk about how it's hard to walk up the stairs and have to take the elevator instead. Or they take pills for this problem and that problem. And I just keep thinking, all that can disappear fairly quickly.

    I see where you are coing from and I sort of agree with you. But in the same situation, how do you know that the said "fat" person hasn't started their journey to "caring about theirsleves" or just started working out and eating right that day?

    Just because your goals in life are diet and fitness related doesn't mean everyone's are.

    I want to be a published, best-selling novelist and I'm working towards that. Are you less of a person because you're not? You shouldn't judge others' worth or self-worth based on what you choose for yourself. You have no idea what's going on in that person's life unless it's someone you know very well. And if someone has such low self-esteem that he or she doesn't even have the drive to take care of him or herself (if that's the case), does that deserve hatred or judgment? Or compassion?

    Well said.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I think that most people just don't care, but my experience has been I had negative feelings towards myself and then I tended to project those onto others & I assumed they must hate me as much as I hated myself.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I honestly think it depends on a lot of things. A person who is thin, but used to be overweight, might not be as harsh as some of these teenage girls who are toothpick thin and shallow as a raindrop. That is also a part of maturity, I know several girls who are skinny, have always been skinny, but do not pay any mind to another persons weight simply because they grew out of that phase. But with today's society, not everyone grows up to realize what matters more is a persons mind and how they act.

    As for another comment where I saw someone say people attack skinny people on here stating they are too thin, I have only seen that on people who are anoerixic posts. People who literally have bones protruding. Other than that, people who post their success pics from large to skinny I've never seen a larger person on here go and attack saying "ew, you're too skinny, you need curves". This is a site where the large WANT to lose weight and be small and fit and healthy. How small is their opinion, personally I want to just reach a size 8 and I'd be happy, I don't care if people think that's "fat" or whatever because I have been MUCH larger and I honestly want to have a bit of meat on me. But if any one I know wants to be a size 4, they're doing it right, who cares?!

    But back to notes discussed by the OP, I've had many experiences and have been treated poorly based off my size. I don't think I'm unattractive for being overweight, I have a pretty face. But I have had people laugh at my size, make fun of it, I have strangers make comments, and the sad thing is I'm not even bigger than some people I've seen! But that doesn't stop them, they rather laugh because it's easier to make fun of someone then to accept that they are a human being still.

    So thin people hating fat, possibly. But I would not say ALL thin people hate fat people. Just the shallow immature ones. Same for shallow immature fat people hating skinny people. Who cares what size you are, just be healthy.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I never hated ' thin' people when I was 'fat'..and I don't believe that 'fat' people hate be now that I am 'thin(ner)"

    But yeah, I have friends who have lost a significant amount of weight like I have and don't like their snarky remarks about overweight people...they clearly have very short memories.
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    As a fat girl and after reading all of this ... Here is my opinion.

    Since I'm the size I am today, I know who my friends are. My friends are the people who choose to be around me for the right reasons instead of judging me for being fat or not being my friend at all and dismissing me because of it.

    During this life change I've owned up to being my size BECAUSE of me and the choices I've made in the past. I enjoy the encouragement I've received to change but don't crave it. I'm not doing this for ANYONE else but ME.

    When reaching my "normal"and goal weight there will be alot more people "accepting" me. I just hope I can hold on to and weed out the ones who weren't with me from the beginning.

    No one wants to be judged but unfortunately as most of you said, it's in our nature. Personally, I don't mind being judged for being fat because when I'm no longer fat there will be something else that takes it's place.

    Great read and posts. Thank you all for sharing and kudos to OP!
  • jgm379
    jgm379 Posts: 97 Member
    Usually overly confident or nonconfident people judge. Fat people dont like skinny ones because of jealousy and skinny ones think fat people are just gross in most cases. Personally the only "fat" people that make me think anything are the ones that slop down food like no tomorrow and the skinny people that annoy me are the ones that are 110 lbs saying that they are fat. I have been fat and I have been skinny. Its best just to keep your mouth shut and stay out of peoples business.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I think that it's more socially acceptable for heavy people to pick on thin people. Heavier people always feel free to comment on my weight regardless of how uncomfortable it makes me, and I hear the term "skinny *****" a lot more than I hear the heavy person equivalent.

    That said, some people are just asshats, regardless of their size or weight, they will judge anyone.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I imagine people feel more comfortable giving "skinny" people grief because being skinny is socially acceptable whereas being fat is not. nawmean?
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I imagine people feel more comfortable giving "skinny" people grief because being skinny is socially acceptable whereas being fat is not. nawmean?

    I think there's a reverse tolerance thing going on. It's not PC to criticise fat people. But skinny people are fair game.

    Kinda like how middle aged white males are a fair target, even though they are often the majority.

    You can continue the parallel. Skinny people, like white males, tend to have more advantages in life, so it's only fair that they be ridiculed and put down whenever possible, right? To even things out. Some sort of perverse karma.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    its a hard issue. I am fat (not as much anymore but still a "big guy"). I was 50 lbs fatter. So I know both sides, and hopefully I'll also sooner than later know how it feels to be thing/inshape. People automatically judge you based on what you look like - this includes body shape, color, beauty, clothes, get-up, comliness, and mannerism (and mood). This is how we biologically work, so putting aside biology/psychology discussion, there is no getting around it. Add on the car you drive the house you own, your education (and some others) and you get a truer picture. It all matters, but none of it speaks to who you are inside. but should it?

    when a stranger sees you they automatically and very quickly size you up. they don't need to know you more because you are a stranger passing by with whom they'll have limited interaction. I'm sure there's evolutionary advantages at play here as per survival strategies. If people know you know they'll change this first impression. but the first impression is so incredibly important in so many situations.

    isn't it one of the reasons we all want to change? other more important reasons trump of course (like health, longevity, mood etc), but its a huge thing to walk into a room, have a stranger see you, and know they look at you as a fattie who is unnatractive (so much so that many of us are guilty of jumping to this conclusion whether it is the case or not).

    I for one know people see my as a "big guy" and I long for just blending in and being considered "normal". And as I slowly, painfully start to progress to being more and more normal, I find myself losing patience w/ people who are my mind I'm thinking, if I can do it, so can took me a long time to get up the nerve to get healthy, and I deserved all the scorn I perceived from people during that time - and so do you.

    I will probably absolutely hate fat people eventually. I hope so - but as I think is clear its more self hate than anything else.

    so bottom line - I think people do hate fat people (especially those they don't know or care about) - and that is probably the way the world should be. some people have biological conditions that cause fatness, and for them its tragic, but for 90+%, its just the same as for me - a mental game I was losing, and one I want to win (although can I truly even "win" after losing so many years of my life as a "loser"). hmmm.... hope so hope there is light and peace at the end.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    There are probably as many thin people that hate fat people as fat people that hate thin people. There are also fat people that hate everyone and thin people that hate everyone.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I went to school with a girl that was really mean to me from 1st grade until we graduated high school. I saw her the following year in the grocery store. At that time I had lost about 60lbs since I graduated school, she was super nice to me and told me I looked great. A day or so later I told a mutual friend about her being so nice and she told me that the only reason she hated on me in school was because "i was a fat slob" in her eyes! I can't believe people are so judgmental!