Love our Boobies :)

briteyes1002 Posts: 313 Member
Since this is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I know this subject hit home for a lot of us who have lost someone special from breast cancer.

So women... Do you check monthly for lumps? If not- do you check at all?



  • beernpizza
    beernpizza Posts: 431 Member
    I check every month, and my husband checks a few times a week....

    ETA: *rimshot*
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I check every month, and my husband checks a few times a week....

    ETA: *rimshot*

    Can't go wrong with the buddy system!

    *wonka wonka*
  • " Love our Boobies :)"

    We do ( + Y + ) :laugh:
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Save the Ta Tas. :3
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    I do love my boobies!!!!
  • I check every month, and my husband checks a few times a week....

    ETA: *rimshot*

    :laugh: :laugh: well played
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I love your boobies too.
  • <
    totally love them.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    My husband checks every chance he gets :wink:
  • I don't check at all. Perhaps I should :S
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    My wife does every week...and I give her the 'honka honka'' about a hundred times a day.

    ***Bonus points to anyone that catches that reference.
  • tomdVT
    tomdVT Posts: 30
    I check every month, and my husband checks a few times a week....

    ETA: *rimshot*

    Can't go wrong with the buddy system!

    *wonka wonka*

    HAHAHAHA! As long as they get checked!
  • beernpizza
    beernpizza Posts: 431 Member
    I don't check at all. Perhaps I should :S

    You should!! I found a lump when I was 19, and I found it because I was checking them myself monthly.
  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220 Member
    I love all ya's boobies :)
  • murphette2
    murphette2 Posts: 75 Member
    I am already prepared for the fact that when I lose 30 pounds they will be leaving also!! Boo!
  • i do love mines!!! every month!!!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Love the boobies - check often.

    I wish my god mother loved them enough to see her Dr. She passed away 2 yrs ago from breast cancer.

    Just wish my BF loved them enough to buddy up with me lol

    Here's to saving the Ta Ta's! :drinker:
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    No, it would take all day!
  • briteyes1002
    briteyes1002 Posts: 313 Member
    Lol... love all the Hubby and boyfriend "support"! Everyone loves Boobies :)
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    ( + Y + )

    Awesome! :laugh:

    I check at least once a month--you're never too young to start the self-check habit, either. I didn't start checking until I was took a curious boyfriend to tell me that I had numerous suspicious lumps (thank god they were benign).