Would you use a 'unfit' looking personal trainer?



  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    eatcleanNtraindirty Posts: 444 Member
    I was just pondering the other day, whilst in the gym. We have several PT's at my gym, none of which, if i'm honest look like they practice what they preach so to speak. So would you use a unfit looking personal trainer? I know my view on it, just interested in other peoples ;-)

    Hell no. I wouldn't use a dietitian or nutritionist that was fat either. Would you take investment advice from a homeless person?
  • kramalicious
    My PT is happy, healthy and can demonstrate everything he asks ME to do. That's what moeativates me. I think the situation where the woman had lost 100 pounds but was still overweight would be the only situation where I would consider an out of shape trainer. I think they need to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk. My trainer has me doing things I did not think I could achieve. Someone who is no longer working out due to injury is the other exception I can think of. I need someone who has been there, not just a cheerleader.
  • alaliberte
    yes if they had proper credentials (degree in sports science), but I'd ask if they were in a bulk phase~

    "Bulk Phase" haha, I like it...is that a real term? I'm not a weight lifter by any means...

    I don't think I'd use an unfit personal trainer, but I see the points made here about knowledge being more important. You don't want to injure yourself...I mean, how did they get fit? Were they smart about it or did they burn themselves out? Personally, I'd want a running trainer that was a runner...walk the walk or you might lose a little credibility in my eyes. Just my opinion.
  • kramalicious
    I was just pondering the other day, whilst in the gym. We have several PT's at my gym, none of which, if i'm honest look like they practice what they preach so to speak. So would you use a unfit looking personal trainer? I know my view on it, just interested in other peoples ;-)

    Hell no. I wouldn't use a dietitian or nutritionist that was fat either. Would you take investment advice from a homeless person?

    This says what I was really feeling LOL
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Good question...imo, it all depends on the type of person I am.

    If I do not take responsibility for my own fitness and nutrition education and then chose to rely soley on a trainer who was unfit, I probably would not trust that person to make a good decision for me, as I wouldn't be able to trust myself or verify if the information they were giving me is correct.

    If I do take responsibility, and the unfit trainer was explaining proper nutrition and exercise protocols, I would absolutely go with them. Otherwise, I would just be being prejudice at that point. Besides, who knows why they are unfit...could be a valid reason, none of my business. If they have the goods, I'm buying.

    On a personal note, I cannot wait until my outsides reflect what I know and that I am practicing...that way I can keep smiling at all of the people who give me that "skeptical" look. Ahhh, yes, that will be a good day.
  • alaliberte
    I was just pondering the other day, whilst in the gym. We have several PT's at my gym, none of which, if i'm honest look like they practice what they preach so to speak. So would you use a unfit looking personal trainer? I know my view on it, just interested in other peoples ;-)

    Hell no. I wouldn't use a dietitian or nutritionist that was fat either. Would you take investment advice from a homeless person?

    Good point!!
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I've thought about this before to, but for a nutritionist or dietitian. Would I listen to what they were saying if they were overweight? Well it depends, they may know what they are talking about, but if they are not passionate enough to try and follow their own advice, I would find it hard to follow their advice. So I guess same goes for a trainer.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Nope, but then again I could give specific advice regarding running, marathons and ultras that most PTs would not be able to.... Sure I have a PT in my family and have read the books for fun that was studied, but applied fitness and research is where it is.

    Sure looks can be deceiving, I wouldn't trust someone TOO overweight, but if they can demonstrate they know what they preach and they are willing to prove it before I pay them. Then why not.

    I do not look super thin etc but I can outrun almost everyone in the gym here. There are a few awesome runners I can't compete with but I am getting close!

    My goal before end year is to do a 800m run on treadmill at maximum speed. Try for 2km as that is 5 x 400m, but I'd be happy with 800m at top speed...

    I have 10kg more to lose, people say I do not have that much, but I can see it, feel it etc... Hard to explain. So I am disproving everyone around me who says I am wrong.

    I would love to get into PT, but between training for races, engineering and programming... where am I going to get the time? :P
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    I was just pondering the other day, whilst in the gym. We have several PT's at my gym, none of which, if i'm honest look like they practice what they preach so to speak. So would you use a unfit looking personal trainer? I know my view on it, just interested in other peoples ;-)
    I manage the PT department at my gym....I wouldn't hire anyone who didn't take care of themselves or look the "part"
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    hmmmmm Ya I would actually. I had one that was over 200 pounds but she started at a little over 300 . Yes she looked big still and not muscular yet but as she trained me and as she taught work out classes in the gym we all saw her transform and some transformed with her

    Thats interesting, and a great example to set as well. Deffo a reminder to not judge by appearances I think ;-)
  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
    I was just pondering the other day, whilst in the gym. We have several PT's at my gym, none of which, if i'm honest look like they practice what they preach so to speak. So would you use a unfit looking personal trainer? I know my view on it, just interested in other peoples ;-)

    Hell no. I wouldn't use a dietitian or nutritionist that was fat either. Would you take investment advice from a homeless person?

    Lol ... Funny... BUT I know ALOT of people around here that LOOK like they dont know where their next meal coming from, But have enough money to buy me (and I would venture to guess probably you too ... hope I don't insult you, just making a point ... They are multi-millionaires ... If you are also God love you) MANY times over!
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    At my gym there is a trainer who in everyone eyes would be considered overweight or even obese. I don't really bother to look at who's teaching a class because I have loved every trainer and I was in a few of her classes. I've taken a yoga class and a Body pump class with this trainer. She did every move with the ease of someone who seems to be in much better shape!
    I've also seen skinny and/or muscular trainers who do not know what the heck they are talking about.
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    How many of you would jump at the chance to get trained by Arnold even though he's out of shape? It makes no sense to require that a trainer be in shape.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    How many of you would jump at the chance to get trained by Arnold even though he's out of shape? It makes no sense to require that a trainer be in shape.

    I'd love that. Because being 65 means he isn't going to have a 25 year old body no matter what, and because his past accomplishments speak volumes fro his ability and knowledge. He did also use steroids. I'll overlook that. He's someone who is world famous for being incredibly fit for decades of his life.

    If it's a trainer you know NOTHING about aside from what they look like, then the decision is more black and white.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I was just pondering the other day, whilst in the gym. We have several PT's at my gym, none of which, if i'm honest look like they practice what they preach so to speak. So would you use a unfit looking personal trainer? I know my view on it, just interested in other peoples ;-)
    I manage the PT department at my gym....I wouldn't hire anyone who didn't take care of themselves or look the "part"

    haha you obviously don't work at my gym then lol
    You don't look like you are from the north :wink: :tongue:

    Oh now that's below the belt! Lol
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    hmmmmm Ya I would actually. I had one that was over 200 pounds but she started at a little over 300 . Yes she looked big still and not muscular yet but as she trained me and as she taught work out classes in the gym we all saw her transform and some transformed with her
    You don't know where that trainer started. You also don't know if they're working around any injuries. You don't know their personal goals for themselves -- their job isn't to transform you into THEIR ideal of health, it's to help you reach YOUR ideal. I don't think you can judge their effectiveness by appearance alone.
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    I was just pondering the other day, whilst in the gym. We have several PT's at my gym, none of which, if i'm honest look like they practice what they preach so to speak. So would you use a unfit looking personal trainer? I know my view on it, just interested in other peoples ;-)

    Hell no. I wouldn't use a dietitian or nutritionist that was fat either. Would you take investment advice from a homeless person?
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Depends on what I'm using him for. Food? Yes. Money? Yes. Sex? Only if he feeds me and gives me money just because.
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    How many of you would jump at the chance to get trained by Arnold even though he's out of shape? It makes no sense to require that a trainer be in shape.
  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
    How many of you would jump at the chance to get trained by Arnold even though he's out of shape? It makes no sense to require that a trainer be in shape.

    Lol And How many would think they could kick Mr. Myogi's @$$ if they saw the little.scrawny old man on the street ... Just ask the Cobra Khan "BEAST" (lol ok showing my age with the Karate Kid reference). Looks ARE deceiving.