Is it just me......Always overbudget



  • lukeevans85
    lukeevans85 Posts: 108 Member
    I can't believe how many people are justifying the shoe price because they are "work shoes"

    I wear suits and dressy clothing to work every single day. I've never had to spend $150 on shoes. That's a crock of crap.

    I can't believe how many people are *****ing about his shoes. Whatever man. Let him spend however much he feels is necessary for his work shoes.

    Holy crappoly. Just let it go.

    Isn't that the point of the OP's post? The OP is freaking out about being overbudget...and yet the shoes are what is essentially causing it. So yes...people are going to talk about it. IT'S THE POINT OF THE ENTIRE FREAKING POST.

    PSHT! PSHT I say!

    I figured the point of the entire post was to ask if anyone else has experienced the same problem.

    I have. I totally get it.

    I spend the same amount on shoes. Because I don't like wearing crap footwear. Because my back kills me if I wear anything less then the best.

    Maybe your back is tough enough to put up with dollar store shoes but some of us don't have that luxury.

    So :P. And get over it already.

    There's a huge difference between "Dollar Store Shoes" and quality footwear. You can buy a good quality, comfortable pair of shoes for much less than $150.

    Oh...and I'm pretty certain you're back doesn't know the difference between brands. Let's be clear here. Most expensive shoes are no different than the cheaper ones when it comes to back/foot/neck pain. Why do you think people spend $80 on orthotics half the time. Because everyones feet are different. It's not like just because a pair of steve maddens cost $150 your back pain will automatically go away.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    There's a huge difference between "Dollar Store Shoes" and quality footwear. You can buy a good quality, comfortable pair of shoes for much less than $150.

    Oh...and I'm pretty certain you're back doesn't know the difference between brands. Let's be clear here. Most expensive shoes are no different than the cheaper ones when it comes to back/foot/neck pain. Why do you think people spend $80 on orthotics half the time. Because everyones feet are different. It's not like just because a pair of steve maddens cost $150 your back pain will automatically go away.

    Brands don't matter, quality does. I can't believe you're arguing with me over shoes????

    Let me tell you. When I go into a shoe store I don't care about brand or price. I try on every shoe they have that fits the criteria for my work place (certain color, no open toe, etc). The ones that support my foot the best and seem most likely to stand up to the abuse I'll put them through are the ones I buy. And everytime the price is usually $150.00 or more. Once I lucked out and found a good supporting pair that cost $120.00. It doesn't happen often. Anyway, I generally need new shoes every two-three years. They wear out FAST because I put them through the paces.

    I defy you to find a pair of $60.00 shoes that actually offer proper support and can stand up to 12 hour shifts on your feet. Go ahead. Try it. I dare you. I've tried. I have never, ever been able to do it.

    My back says you can't judge. And my feet say you can suck it. :P

    Right, and I've had orthopedic inserts straight from the chiropractor. They did jack all but a good pair of well supported shoes? They did the trick. So it works for me and you can't tell me any different.
  • lukeevans85
    lukeevans85 Posts: 108 Member
    There's a huge difference between "Dollar Store Shoes" and quality footwear. You can buy a good quality, comfortable pair of shoes for much less than $150.

    Oh...and I'm pretty certain you're back doesn't know the difference between brands. Let's be clear here. Most expensive shoes are no different than the cheaper ones when it comes to back/foot/neck pain. Why do you think people spend $80 on orthotics half the time. Because everyones feet are different. It's not like just because a pair of steve maddens cost $150 your back pain will automatically go away.

    Brands don't matter, quality does. I can't believe you're arguing with me over shoes????

    You do realize it takes 2 to argue right?
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    There's a huge difference between "Dollar Store Shoes" and quality footwear. You can buy a good quality, comfortable pair of shoes for much less than $150.

    Oh...and I'm pretty certain you're back doesn't know the difference between brands. Let's be clear here. Most expensive shoes are no different than the cheaper ones when it comes to back/foot/neck pain. Why do you think people spend $80 on orthotics half the time. Because everyones feet are different. It's not like just because a pair of steve maddens cost $150 your back pain will automatically go
    Brands don't matter, quality does. I can't believe you're arguing with me over shoes????

    You do realize it takes 2 to argue right?

    Why so angry?
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    There's a huge difference between "Dollar Store Shoes" and quality footwear. You can buy a good quality, comfortable pair of shoes for much less than $150.

    Oh...and I'm pretty certain you're back doesn't know the difference between brands. Let's be clear here. Most expensive shoes are no different than the cheaper ones when it comes to back/foot/neck pain. Why do you think people spend $80 on orthotics half the time. Because everyones feet are different. It's not like just because a pair of steve maddens cost $150 your back pain will automatically go
    Brands don't matter, quality does. I can't believe you're arguing with me over shoes????

    You do realize it takes 2 to argue right?

    Why so angry?

    Why so angry?
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    There's a huge difference between "Dollar Store Shoes" and quality footwear. You can buy a good quality, comfortable pair of shoes for much less than $150.

    Oh...and I'm pretty certain you're back doesn't know the difference between brands. Let's be clear here. Most expensive shoes are no different than the cheaper ones when it comes to back/foot/neck pain. Why do you think people spend $80 on orthotics half the time. Because everyones feet are different. It's not like just because a pair of steve maddens cost $150 your back pain will automatically go away.

    Brands don't matter, quality does. I can't believe you're arguing with me over shoes????

    You do realize it takes 2 to argue right?

    OH absolutely! I'm willing to argue over shoes because I LOVE them. But you're arguing out of hate and that confuses me. Love the shoes. Love them and they will reward you greatly.
  • I try to buy foods that are buy one get one free. Definately take advantage of store texts and incentives. Famous foot wear if you sign up for email notfications you can save money. I shop dollar stores for some household items. One way to save money as well is diy laundry detergent. For buying a few ingredients you can make enough laundry for a year. I made 10 gallons and gave some away and I have a neighbor that keeps on asking for more. It was a fun activity and the kids have fun. My daughter shared the recipe and gave her teacher a sample. Google duggers laundry detergent. It is also great for sensitive skin, great for HE washing machines as well. There is also DIY fabric softener. I also have a recipe for diy fabric softener we are working on a Science Badge for Cub Scouts and the boys learned about going Green and back to the old days.
  • Wow I would almost wonder if it would be better for one of you to stay home and maybe work weekends. When my kids were babies I worked 12 hours shifts on Saturday and Sunday. I am a RN. It was better for us for me to work part time because day care would have been too much. Curious if it would be cheaper for you to hire a Nanny or a live in perhaps maybe a college student.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    I like shoes. Skate shoes, walking shoes, running, casual and dress. Gotta have em all.

    What was the question again?
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I like shoes. Skate shoes, walking shoes, running, casual and dress. Gotta have em all.

    What was the question again?

    Well, aparantly, paying more than $20.00 for dress shoes for work is the equivalent to sacrificing babies to satan.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I like shoes. Skate shoes, walking shoes, running, casual and dress. Gotta have em all.

    What was the question again?

    Well, aparantly, paying more than $20.00 for dress shoes for work is the equivalent to sacrificing babies to satan.

    And orthopedics will solve any back problems you might experience while you're wearing your cheap *kitten* shoes.
  • i'm in the same boat, dude!
  • I think the most I ever paid was $100.00 and being a nurse working 14 hour days I really needed a good pair of shoes. I tried buying cheaper shoes but my feet were hurting. I am a Diabetic so my doctor told me buy a pair of shoes that are alot more on the expensive side I wore those shoes for 2 years. I would never pay $150.00 for a pair of shoes for my kids. The most I have paid are around $50.00 and my son did extra chores to earn them. Otherwise Payles BOGO. I would never spend $75.00 for another kids birthday present. Seriously? The most I pay is $10.00 and that is usually for a kid we know. A kid from school the kids are allowed $5.00 and they make their own card and wrap with newspaper. Kmart and Walmart now have layaway. I put some of my daughters school clothes on layaway. I had to pay a $5.00 fee but it was well worth it. She got the clothes before everybody started looking for clothes for back to school. When we want to save for something special we put change in a pickle jar. Also try opening a account with your debit card. It is called keep the change. It adds your change to your account. I saved $25.00 in 4 months. It was enough money to take the kids to the money
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    My shoes live.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I like shoes. Skate shoes, walking shoes, running, casual and dress. Gotta have em all.

    What was the question again?

    Well, aparantly, paying more than $20.00 for dress shoes for work is the equivalent to sacrificing babies to satan.
    I think it was $150, not $20. More tah $20 is akin to sacrificing marshmallow to the fire, maybe. But they look pretty when they burn!
    I think $150 if fine if it's not a monthly thing.. If the shoes last you a few years and it fits the budget. My son wears a size 13 and has ankles that roll, I pay a pretty penny for his shoes have good ankle support... I look for bargains and sales, but still.....
  • misskariw
    misskariw Posts: 171 Member

    order your shoes online. I think the MOST I've ever spent on pair of shoes is $120 and those were for work at a job where I HAD to stand on my feet all day every day. Where are you shopping?
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member

    order your shoes online. I think the MOST I've ever spent on pair of shoes is $120 and those were for work at a job where I HAD to stand on my feet all day every day. Where are you shopping?

    Shopping centre. I will not buy shoes unless I try them on.
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    My husband is active duty Marines and I have a small income. Together, we make it and have gotten a savings going (its not much but its a start!). I clip coupons and we don't really spend much unless its a necessity. Thankfully, we have 3 cars paid off before we got married so that isn't an expense for us. It takes a lot of sacrifice though and a close look at wants vs needs. There are plenty of online tools can help with budgeting for those who might need some help!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member

    Shopping centre. I will not buy shoes unless I try them on.
    I have tried on shoes at the store, then went and ordered them somewhere on sale online.
  • Well, aparantly, paying more than $20.00 for dress shoes for work is the equivalent to sacrificing babies to satan.

    HA HA HA HA ... I just spit Diet Mountain Dew all over my laptop. Oh wait, I'm probably wasting money by drinking soda! But back on topic, Jesus Christ people!!!! Lighten up. This place is getting more and more hostile every day. I don't remember anything in the original post where the poster was asking for sympathy or pity or even a lesson on budgeting. He was simply stating his situation and asking if others are in a similar situation. Offering advice is cool and all, but you can do it without casting judgement on the person. As for me, I'm trying to save up for a nice set of cowboy boots. They cost about $150, which is actually laughably cheap for a pair of boots, and they should last me about 5 years or so if I wear them every day. (At least the pair I have on right now did.)