you don't need to carb load for a 5k & other running wisdom



  • fitblondebaker22
    *BUMP* for later reading. Good stuff in here :)
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    Bump to read more later :drinker:
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Remember that not every run is going to look and feel beautiful. You can run 11 miles one day in 1:30, and 3 miles the next in 30 looking like a newborn giraffe taking its first steps (personal experience).
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    Love this!!!

    Don't use the weather as an excuse NOT to run. It can be below zero and snowing but I am still running!

    If you find yourself getting defeated on a long run, it is ok to start dancing and yelling at yourself to get you moving and energized. Yes I received some weird looks from drivers but who gives a what.

    Sprint training is hell of fun. :)
    what about ICE? I am afraid of slipping and breaking my leg-again.
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    Great read. :smile:
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I like all of these except the snot rockets.

    I love running in all distances and ran in all weather and learned you will not melt in the rain. However as I've gotten older I've learned that if I don't feel like running in the sleet or over 100 degrees F then running at the gym with my mp3 player is OKAY.

    I've run for over 30 years, all distances of races from 5k to 50 miles. The biggest thing I've learned is that it does not do much for your overall shape and you can not out exercise too many calories -->

    I'm faster at running HIIT because of my weight lifting program and I know becoming leaner has improved my performance as well. I can't wait to run another half marathon to test this out. I'm 20 lbs lighter compared to my marathon days in my 30's, and 30 lbs lighter than my last half marathon about 5 years ago. It will be fun to see if I can improve my PR at age 52.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I looooove this thread, thank you.
  • rwhawkes
    rwhawkes Posts: 117 Member
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Did anyone mention anything about pain killers before running? I get very intense back pain after the first mile.

    Core strength! (otherwise.....see your Dr)
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Love this!!!

    Don't use the weather as an excuse NOT to run. It can be below zero and snowing but I am still running!

    If you find yourself getting defeated on a long run, it is ok to start dancing and yelling at yourself to get you moving and energized. Yes I received some weird looks from drivers but who gives a what.

    Sprint training is hell of fun. :)
    what about ICE? I am afraid of slipping and breaking my leg-again.

    :) Ice means nothing to me. I live out in the boondocks so our roads are hardly touched by plows in the winter. If I feel it's too bad, I'll drive in town and hit the streets there or a park where they keep up on those. You can always find an excuse and you can always find a solution to it.
  • ZambiNan
    ZambiNan Posts: 61 Member
    Running CAN be bad for your joints, but it doesn't have to be. Try investing in a pair of Merrells/Nike Free's/Newtons/Vibrams or some other barefoot or transition shoe. One of the main benefits of barefoot-style running is that your gait changes so that your muscles are absorbing the impact, not your joints.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Great info - thanks!
  • back_to_18
    "A jogger is just a runner lacking confidence"


    Totally! As a new runner (of around 4 months now) it's amazing when you realise what you thought was a "jog" was actually a "run" getting up its confidence!
  • dmc3044
    dmc3044 Posts: 3 Member
    This is a great thread for a beginner such as myself!! I'm doing my first 5K in November (Turkey Trot in Grant Park, Chicago) and I've been terrified (of not being able to finish it) ever since I signed up. Reading this thread has given me such encouragement and motiviation!!! Thanks for all of the great advice!!
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    what about heel spurs ; any ideas besides sitting it out or surgery?
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Keep your toe nails cut short.

    Buy running shoes slightly bigger than your shoe size,feet swell.

    Minimus shoes are awesome, my shin splint are gone and my back doesn't hurt when I run any more.:happy:

    Coffee with cream and sugar is awesome before a run but it will loosen the bowls so give it a bit after you drink it before you go out.:bigsmile:

    If you haven't inhaled a bug yet,just'll happen.:tongue:

    Stash a few sticks along your route to scare off dogs. They respect you more with a stick in your hand. :angry:

    Fruit,bread and other carbs are good to eat before a long run but not meat. Meat sits longer on the stomach and may give you a stomach ache.

    And......Happy running:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • wannaberunner33
    wannaberunner33 Posts: 55 Member
    love this post:smile:
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I like what I've been doing for the last few years since I started running: train for a 10km from January to April, take a few months off or just walk/run lightly, then start a very gradual 5km training program near the end of summer. I feel like a superstar! The easy 5km training program is so easy and I notice I have more confidence every year.:happy:
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    -Start stretching your IT bands yesterday.

    Iliotibial (IT) Bands- The IT band runs from your hip to your knee, and tight IT bands are a common source of injury that feels like knee pain, hip pain, or both. Commonly people mistake IT band problems for joint injuries, when a few really basic stretches would alleviate and prevent the issue/pain in the future. It's really easy to do and can prevent lots of future problems. Google "IT band stretches" and start doing them religiously.

    Yes! And buy a foam roller, and roll on it, in addition to doing these stretches. If you don't, and continue to increase your distance, it will be a matter of WHEN you have ITBS, not if. Start working it before it hurts.
    Also, Two Toms SportShield > bodyglide
  • butlera8
    butlera8 Posts: 130 Member
    Did anyone mention anything about pain killers before running? I get very intense back pain after the first mile.

    Try improving your posture. Use your legs more. As I said, I'm not a runner, but I know how the body works. There is something called compensatory movement--basically, if you are not using your legs like you should be, your back ends up doing some of the movement. Run with your head up, shoulders back, and remember to run with your legs, not your back. If that doesn't help, you may want to talk to your doctor about NSAIDs or antinflammatories to take before you run. If you run often, DO talk to your doctor, as a lot of OTC pain meds can cause liver or kidney damage with long term use! :)

    I'm currently working on my posture. It just kind of hit me as I watched other people run around the track lol!