Anyone else doing 30 day shred or about to start?



  • khelm31
    khelm31 Posts: 51 Member
    I just started yesterday and put it in as calisthenics-moderate, vigorous on MFP.
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    I just started day 1 today. I can only do it 3-4 times a week though bc of my job, so Im going to try to squeeze in some gym time on the off days. I couldnt believe how hard it was and I actually thought I was in decent shape! I;m currently 5'4" 118lbs. Hoping to get down to 108 in 30 days! We shall see...
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    I'm new here on MFP. I am on day 10 of my diet and I've lost 2.5 lbs. Its probably all water weight. I want to start working out. I found 30DS on youtube. If I start with that now, will I get scared off? I mean, is it too much too soon?

    It really depends on your level of fitness. When I started my weightloss journey I couldn't even make it through the warm-up. So I l did other things like going for brisk walks and doing Leslie Sansone videos instead.

    I'd say give it a try, you have nothing to lose (but weight). If it's too hard, don' be discouraged but go and do something else, you can always come back to it later on in your journey.
  • deviant123
    So if i look up on you tube for the first 10 days its just level 1? the same workout?

    thanks in advance
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I'll be doing day 5 tomorrow, although I started on the 1st. I was sidelined with major shin splints, so I've decided not to do it every single day but instead rest in between. I find the work out to be just about right for me in terms of intensity, but the impact is a bit much. I may need to modify some of the exercises or substitute things for the parts that require jumping. I really like it though and plan to keep doing it on the days I don't go to the gym. I had been doing a lot of weight lifting though so I feel like I'm actually losing muscle in my upper body because I can' t use as heavy of weights. That's okay though because it will allow me to cycle my strength training a little bit for better overall gains in the end. I don't feel like it allows me to concentrate on my upper body as much as I would like. On level one I really have to push thru the last couple of lunges and bicycles but other than that I don't find it too challenging but rather just right.

    Today I did a Leslie Sansone 2 mile walk and then did the Shred and being more warmed up really seemed to help my shins.
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    So if i look up on you tube for the first 10 days its just level 1? the same workout?

    thanks in advance

    Yes it is, the same workout for 10 days then you can move on to level 2. And you don't actually have to do 10 days in a row, from what I've read Jillian herself recommends taking a rest day every few days just to let your muscles heal and repair.

    Today I did a Leslie Sansone 2 mile walk and then did the Shred and being more warmed up really seemed to help my shins.

    I've been doing yoga before the shred and the warm up and stretching seems to help with muscle aches.

    I've done 3 days now, and am taking a rest day. I find the shred very hard. I have to modify the push-ups because even the beginner version is too hard for me. I also have to put my weights down during certain exercises. But it's getting better, I'm taking less 5 second breaks and have better control of my breathing. I'm very sore today, so besides some yoga and some walking later I won't be doing much today.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm new here on MFP. I am on day 10 of my diet and I've lost 2.5 lbs. Its probably all water weight. I want to start working out. I found 30DS on youtube. If I start with that now, will I get scared off? I mean, is it too much too soon?

    I started off with the Couch to 5k, then started 30DS when I finished it. For me, there is no way I could have done 30DS without building up my endurance with C25k, but it depends on your level of fitness. If you can jog for 30 minutes, you should be able to do 30DS.
  • Chubster40
    Hi, I finished the 30 Day Shred and am now onto Ripped In 30.
    I am completely obsessed with getting shredded/ripped.
    I have never been into fitness or sport until recently,having always felt too fat and self conscious. I love the feeling that I get when I've finished these workouts, only 20 minutes but they are hardcore! When I first started 30 Day Shred I really struggled, I couldn't do the push ups and found the cardio hard for 2 minutes straight. But now I've actually got muscle tone - yay! And I can complete the whole workout - something I didn't think I'd be able to do when I started.
    Sometimes I feel like I might pass out/die.
    But Jiliian really keeps me motivated - when I want to give in I just think "It is only 20 minutes!"
    So good luck with it and I hope you feel proud of yourself when you finish!
  • elebel82
    elebel82 Posts: 69 Member
    I just started this one today, it was difficult. I found there were a few exercises I just couldn't physically do (push ups, even on knees at the moment, and one of the abs movements, I just don't have the coordination for) I tried them though, and I'll keep trying until I get them.

    That said, after the 20 mins, I didn't feel like I'd had enough of a workout so I went over to the gym and did weights and more cardio later in the evening. Maybe that's because I didn't get the full workout going, maybe it's because I'm on a crazy exercise high currently, I'm not sure. I'm wondering if I'll feel the pain tomorrow.

    In any case, looking forward to seeing how I can improve, gotta love a challenge.
  • jessica182517
    jessica182517 Posts: 390 Member
    Day 7 tonight :) Only 4 more workouts till level 2!!! im already starting to notice a little bit of a difference in the way my clothes are fitting (i just noticed today lol) but at the end of level 1 i might do my measurements again to see if i have lost any inches or if my clothes are playing tricks on me LOL So glad i found the 30 day shred work out YAY!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I just started this one today, it was difficult. I found there were a few exercises I just couldn't physically do (push ups, even on knees at the moment, and one of the abs movements, I just don't have the coordination for) I tried them though, and I'll keep trying until I get them.

    That said, after the 20 mins, I didn't feel like I'd had enough of a workout so I went over to the gym and did weights and more cardio later in the evening. Maybe that's because I didn't get the full workout going, maybe it's because I'm on a crazy exercise high currently, I'm not sure. I'm wondering if I'll feel the pain tomorrow.

    In any case, looking forward to seeing how I can improve, gotta love a challenge.

    For your push-ups, start with leaning into the wall and then pushing your body away from it. It will get your muscles started and the angle will help you with leverage so that it isn't as hard to do. For the ab exercises, just work on tightening your abs and get as much off the floor as you can. Do the same things, just with smaller movements. I can't do the lunges for *kitten*, but I still try to tighten my glutes while I raise my hand weights in the air. Just do what you can.

    If you don't do the strength training parts, then it *is* just 20 minutes of cardio, which for some people is just a warm-up.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I did Day 4 of level one and feeling the pain. :laugh: :smokin: :drinker:
  • deviant123
    Am going on holiday at the end of next week but i think I am gonna do this when i get back-

    any of you still do the gym etc, I have a few classes at the gym I really dont want to stop going to
  • jagspal
    jagspal Posts: 75
    I started the 30 day shred about two and half years ago now, it really helped jump start my love of working out! Thanks Jillian Michaels. It was really hard at first but after doing it for the thirty days then off and on when I worked out at home, I got excited knowing I could finish it without struggling so much. Best of luck to you! Add me if you like, I am starting p90X this week.
  • jessica182517
    jessica182517 Posts: 390 Member
    Ok, i couldnt wait till the end of level one to do my measurements LOL i have lost from everywhere!!! I love 2 inches just on the biggest part of my belly :) I LOVE 30 DS!!!!!!
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    Just started today!
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I am done with my first 10 days. Tomorrow starts level 2. Nervous but excited.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I have never heard of it till now. So I think I have signed up and tomorrow at 10am I will start..... Is that correct do you just log on and someone will tell me what to do? Is this a free site or will I get charged?
    Thanks Tracey

    It's a workout dvd. You can buy it or watch it for free on YouTube. MFP has nothing to do with 30 Day Shred, but yes this is a free site.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I'm on my second round, finished day 3 of level 1 today. I'm definitely feeling great afterwards. My endurance is so much better this time around and I almost feel like my weights are too light (except for the side lunge/shoulder raise, that kills!) for most of the strength parts. Can't wait to see what kind of progress I make this time around!
  • becs_91
    becs_91 Posts: 180 Member
    Just finished day 4 level 1 today! So far I'm a big fan. I'm doing it in combination with C25K (about to start week 3) and I can't wait to see what kind of results I get.