Is 25 too old to be single?



  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I was divorced by 22. Don't rush :)

    If you can't be happy by yourself, you'll never be happy in a relationship.
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    30 here... I was in the same situation, actually earlier than that.. like 21 or so, and everyone was married or popping out kids and there I was single, and bored...

    fast forward: married at 30. I got to live my life, watch those friends get divorced and screwed over by their exes... and I got to keep all my money! wahoo!

    when you're ready, you're ready.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    um. no.
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    I sure hope not :brokenheart:
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    If you haven't already cranked out 4 babies, you failed your gender.

    If you want to fend off the pending apocalypse, you best start tossing down mad quantities of baby growing pills and try to kick out 5 in one shot.

    If you don't want to, well, then you hate bunnies.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    definitely not. i thought i'd be single and alone but turning 25 made me want to be single forever lol this is when the fun really starts!!!
  • banshishi
    banshishi Posts: 197
    Not at all, and if I could go back and live my life again, I would never ever get married anyway. I got married in my early twenties, before I even really knew who I was and formed my own views and had my own experiences in life, I like being my own person, I have a great relationship with a wonderful guy, but we have our own lives too and we are our own people. I wish I had waited until I had discovered my own sense of self before I got married, it would have saved a lot of heart ache all round.
  • 43 and never been married. And I'm actually happy about that.
  • LaurySch
    LaurySch Posts: 277 Member


    I love this song!
  • ElicitDreams
    ElicitDreams Posts: 73 Member
    I don't believe that there's anything wrong with it. I'll be 26 in a week and I am single, never been married but I do have kids. I do feel like I am behind compared to my friends who are married or in relationships that have lasted for years but I do not feel like everyone has to have that. I'm not lonely either and not really looking for a relationship because it's easier to be single and meet the weight loss goals first and then maybe date you know?

    It's like you took the words straight from my mouth.

    But while there are sometimes I do get lonely, overall, I'm much happier on my own. Who cares if by society standards I'm supposedto be working my way towards getting a spouse and then 2.4 children. I'm going to stay single until that random day when someone completely sweeps me off my feet, and changes my mind about being alone. Until then, I'm happy.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'm 26 and just got out of a long relationship. I can say that while I miss the company, there's nothing wrong with being single around this age if you're happy with the situation and comfortable with your life. It's fun to be yourself, and not part of a unit.
  • majordlite
    majordlite Posts: 266 Member
    I didn't get married until I was 39........ I kissed A LOT of frogs before I found my prince!!

    Same here, and I had my daughter when I was almost 46. I wouldn't change a thing, considering I have everything I ever dreamed of now.
  • graveflower316
    graveflower316 Posts: 169 Member
    That's not too old at all! Especially in this day and age. If you're worried about how sterile you will be when you do find that perfect one, you may want to look into getting your eggs frozen so you could have children at a later age without age being a factor (though, this isn't always needed, since women are having children at all ages nowadays! I'm 23 (almost 24) and have been single for more than a year. I love it and I don't think I want to settle down anytime soon, so I will likely be in the same boat as you when I do turn 25. Don't worry though. I know sometimes I think, OMG if I don't meet a good man now, they'll all be taken by the time I do.... but I hope that's not true. And if it is, well I'd rather be single and happy than with a man that I only kind of love ;).

    Focus on you right now :]
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I'm 30. Been single since I was 23. I'll start my drive to the Golden Gate Bridge now.
  • First off, why are you under the impression that marriage is expected of you, and best?

    We've got 7 billion+ minds out matters not if we get married and have kids.

    Secondly, are you planning on having kids??

    If so, there are biological limits to this. If I'm recalling correctly, ~97% of a females eggs are gone by the age of 40.

    The prime time to reproduce is actually below the legal limit!! (16.7 years). The longer you wait, the more of a chance your eggs will be damaged, and especially so for a males sperm being less fit.

    If you can get passed the biological urge to procreate, doesn't much matter.

    There are always older guys out there who are willing to date someone in the 25-45 range.

    I'm male, and about to hit 30 in a few days (Vegas, here I cum!!)...and am not even thinking about getting married any damned time soon.

    I want to be in a financial position which is conducive to best parenting and providing for my children, if ever I have any.

    Right now I'm just starting to develop the networking needed to find adequate investors to realize my ideas.

    It will be 2 years minimum before I try to secure a female worthy of my standards.

    Just be happy to be alive and well in the (near) prime of your youth. The years start to fly.

    Do the dirty dirty, and live it up. The advice I've heard from wise people is to not look for love, but be open to it.

    It either will or will not happen anytime soon. There is no "too old" regarding marriage, until you're 6 ft under.

  • Danayle
    Danayle Posts: 74 Member
    You should get married when you meet someone worthy of marrying. There's no right age for it. I didn't even want to think about getting married until I was 30. I actually met my husband when I was 35...we got married a year later. In my experience, people who get married very young have a greater chance of divorce. Don't rush things.

    Statistically, people who get married young have a higher chance of divorce.
  • malicent
    malicent Posts: 127
    Yeah my mom got married in her 30's. Sometimes one of the pushes for me to consider it is because her health isn't that great, and she's 62 now. She's not big or anything but has lived with diabetes all her life and it's taken a toll. She just had open heart surgery recently and events like these scare me into thinking I need to hurry up.. cause I would be crushed if she never got to.. you know, be at my wedding or hold my kid. I would want my kids to know the awesome woman that's their grandmother. .__.

    I had two 3-year relationships, the second one beginning a year after the first one. And then my most recent was a 6-month that I ended. I went into it being pressed by her, always saying things like "I don't know I think I need more time.." But eventually she gave me an ultimatum, so I gave in and tried it out. Since then I realized how tired I was and that my heart wasn't in it. My priorities lied elsewhere, and still do even today. That one ended in April of this year. It gets a tad lonely but I'm actually pretty happy, so yeah. ^_^

    OH AND LOL IM A BOY. LOOOOL I GOT THAT EFFEMINATE ASIAN GUY LOOK GOING ON. The "former Bieber-cut" doesn't help either lmao! (just wanted to put that out there xD)
  • Danayle
    Danayle Posts: 74 Member
    If it's old, then I'm definitely in trouble! I've never been married, but I was engaged. I am sooooooooooo happy I didn't marry the guy I was engaged to. I definitely dodged a bullet! Better single and unhappy (although it sounds like you're happy and plenty of single people are happy) than unhappily married. My friend who has been married three times told me that a bad marriage is a hell that I would not be able to fathom.
  • graveflower316
    graveflower316 Posts: 169 Member
    Yeah my mom got married in her 30's. Sometimes one of the pushes for me to consider it is because her health isn't that great, and she's 62 now. She's not big or anything but has lived with diabetes all her life and it's taken a toll. She just had open heart surgery recently and events like these scare me into thinking I need to hurry up.. cause I would be crushed if she never got to.. you know, be at my wedding or hold my kid. I would want my kids to know the awesome woman that's their grandmother. .__.

    I had two 3-year relationships, the second one beginning a year after the first one. And then my most recent was a 6-month that I ended. I went into it being pressed by her, always saying things like "I don't know I think I need more time.." But eventually she gave me an ultimatum, so I gave in and tried it out. Since then I realized how tired I was and that my heart wasn't in it. My priorities lied elsewhere, and still do even today. That one ended in April of this year. It gets a tad lonely but I'm actually pretty happy, so yeah. ^_^

    OH AND LOL IM A BOY. LOOOOL I GOT THAT EFFEMINATE ASIAN GUY LOOK GOING ON. The "former Bieber-cut" doesn't help either lmao! (just wanted to put that out there xD)

    Oops. I only assumed you were a female because I know women worry over marriage far more than men (at least in my experience)... MY BAD!
  • GreyEyes21
    GreyEyes21 Posts: 241 Member
    The only thing to worry about with marriage and age is if you want to have kids. Sure you can have kids when you are 50, but studies are showing men and women past a certain age shouldn't because of birth defects due to the body changing sperm and eggs. When a man turns 40 the sperm starts to mutate. Not sure of the age of a woman but I'm guessing around the same.