Is 25 too old to be single?



  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    No its not!
    I know exactly where your coming from, im 23 i just got out of a relationship with someone 8 years older for several reasons but one of the problems my side was it was getting more grown up than i was ready for, were talking mortgage :| . I felt a little like i was holding him back from having a grown up relationship *shrugs*

    its never too old to be single... its not really something anyone chooses... its just one of those things...

    but i dont ever plan on getting married or having children...
  • jinjin8
    jinjin8 Posts: 220 Member
    I worry about this too. I'm 28 and definitely not heading down the aisle any time soon! But all my friends are...
  • valldeperas5
    valldeperas5 Posts: 9 Member
    I just turned 25 in September and I feel like I should be in a relationship that is heading towards marriage by now. All of my friends that are 23-25 are either engaged or in a relationship and I feel like I'm behind socially....if that makes any sense. I got out of a relationship back in April and I feel like I'm still young and childish. But I like it.. I mean I'm pretty content with who I am and what I'm focusing on now (myself).

    Part of it is esteem, you know, the whole overweight thing. But I see a lot of people here on MFP who I consider potential friends, but then I shy away from adding them or talking to them much because I find out they're married/have kids. Nothing against it at all but I see the posts and I feel less likely to form any kind of bond because we're at different stages, and that sort of thing isn't what I know and understand well.

    I don't feel too lonely and don't have much interest in getting into a relationship right now, but I can't shake the feeling of being behind I guess.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    ummmm.... no!!!!! i settled down at regrets...enjoy it!!!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    2 of my friends are older than me, I'm 37...they are 38 & they are still both single. In fact I'm not sure if they have ever been in a relationship at all. SO no, 25 is not 2 old.
  • Dinamita_TNT
    I will be 31 in a pair of weeks. I don't even have a boyfriend! LOL
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    i havent read all the other posts, so may be echoing what has already been said.

    Pressure to be in a relationship / married is highly dependent on culture.

    In South Africa, people seem to get married very young! I'm shocked that almost ALL my uni friends are married and have kids.

    i think that if you find the right person, go for it, But marriage and a man is not the be all and end all of life.

    set yourself goals that YOU want to do. maybe travel more, do something crazy? after marriage and kids this may be limited. and its def not all rosy - regardless of what your friends may tell you :)

    embrace your singledom i say! enjoy it while it lasts :smile:
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    I happen to have loved my husband since I was 20, and we had kids and married at 25. However, if I was to do anything over again, I'd have met him and married him ten years later. The only problem with that plan is that then I would probably not have met him at all, so that plan sucks.

    Anyway, what I mean to say by this is: Life happens, and not according to plans. If you're still single at 25, enjoy it and focus on your health, education and experiences you can't have when married with kids. Then, when prince right comes along, you don't feel like you skipped the whole being adult and independent phase, but know what you are leaving behind.
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    Wow, I'm 29 and single. I'm just...gonna go hurl myself out of the window now. Haha.
  • StrawberrySprinkles
    Stupid double post.
  • gbbhey
    gbbhey Posts: 188
    God I hope not! I'm 25, closer to 26 now, and I am still single. I've got my good days about it, and my bad, but for the most part I am happy with where I am in my life. I recently got out of a relationship, by my choice, because I wasn't happy with her, and I'm not going to settle for someone that doesn't make me happy because I feel like I'm at that age where I'm 'supposed' to get married. Right now, I am enjoying the single life by doing some hiking and traveling, and spending a little quality 'me time' :)
  • StrawberrySprinkles
    Thanks guys!

    Yeah, growing up I always said to myself that 30-33 would be when. But life happens differently than we plan right? Also, being single now provides me with all the time and focus I need to work on getting healthier, so yeah.. Cool! :D

    This is very true. When we're young, we have this habit of thinking that life will work out according to our overall plans. In very few cases does this happen.

    I married at 21, but according to my 'life plan', I expected to be married by the time I was 24 or so and have kids by the age of 25...However, when 25 came and I didn't have children...I extended it to 27. Now, I'm 32 and still don't have any children.

    I'm not sweating it yet.....That silly biological clock hasn't gotten the better of me (but that could be because my clock is a little slow).

    I think you shouldn't be afraid to befriend people who have kids or are married. We're just like everyone else underneath. We still have hopes and dreams roaming around our heads and hearts. Sometimes they have to go on the back burner because we have to focus on the group rather than the individual.

    Despite being married for coming up to...11 years... (OMG!) I still feel like I'm in my late teens and early twenties. I will always be goofy on the inside despite everything that life throws at me. :)

    P/S: Enjoy life. It's too short to be caught up on what you think everyone else thinks you should be doing. (tongue twister) Do what makes you happy. If not being in a relationship is what you want then do it. :)
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    Wow, I'm 39 and single. Was engaged once in my early 30's and am glad we called it before the wedding as it wouldn't have worked out. Being single is fantastic. Yes, it would be nice to have cuddles and other things but I much prefer the freedom I have to do whatever I want, whenever I want without having to even think of anyone else. I spent too much time being the compromiser in previous relationships and am still loving being selfish and not considering anyone else. I hope at some point I meet someone I think will be great enough for me to want to share my life with but if that doesn't happen I'm happy on my own.

    Seriously, focus on living your life to the full without the need to be with someone, it is much more rewarding then when you do meet someone to share it with.

    When I hit 30 I had a bit of a tiz about not being married/having kids/owning a house like many of my friends but then when I talked to them about it they said that they wish they'd had the chance to do the things I was doing as I was single - travelling, etc, which is much more difficult and expensive with kids. I have since learned that, as long as I am happy, I don't care what others think or expect of me as my life is actually really good as it is.
  • StrawberrySprinkles
    I happen to have loved my husband since I was 20, and we had kids and married at 25. However, if I was to do anything over again, I'd have met him and married him ten years later. The only problem with that plan is that then I would probably not have met him at all, so that plan sucks.

    I think this a lot myself. I feel like at 30...I would have appreciated the early days of the relationship and the 'courtship' (to use an old fashioned word) a lot more than I did. I would have been a lot less stressed and less flighty by that point because I would have found my feet and been a lot more confident about who I was. :)
  • haydensmommy30
    I didn't get married till I was almost 30. When I was 25 I used to think the same thing. All my friends were married with kids and I could barely hang on to a boyfriend. Now, sadly to say, most of them are going thru divorce, divorced, or remarried. Now that I'm married, I'm so happy that I didn't get married when I was younger and when I look back at my life then, I know that I would not have been mature enough to have a healthy marriage. Don't let being overweight be an issue. There are plenty of men out there that love us full figured woman. Good luck and enjoy life just the way it has been paved for you.

    Elizabeth :heart:
  • StrawberrySprinkles

    When I hit 30 I had a bit of a tiz about not being married/having kids/owning a house like many of my friends but then when I talked to them about it they said that they wish they'd had the chance to do the things I was doing as I was single - travelling, etc, which is much more difficult and expensive with kids. I have since learned that, as long as I am happy, I don't care what others think or expect of me as my life is actually really good as it is.

    The traveling bit: This is something that we, as a couple, have found out and enjoyed recently. While it would be nice to have a Strawberry Sprinkles, Jr. we like that we can travel to places unimpeded.

    (However, given the type of people we are...we would opt for just the one Sprinkle and they would always be able to strap on their own little backpack to see the world with us. :) Reality will probably have different plans for the whole thing. Wishful thinking? Probably. But it never hurts to dream.)
  • addaline22
    Darling, this is the time in your life when you should be exploring, dreaming, tarveling, schooling. Finding out who you are. not hindering your life with kids to early, and a marrige that will most likely fail just because you think you should have one. Before everyone jumps on me- I have been there. I thankfuly left my first fiancee, went out and traveled, met wonderful folks, saw amazing things that I only thought I would see in National Geographic, and made memories, found out what kind of person I wanted to be, and developde a whole new thankfulness for life. A good solid true love came to me when I least expected it, and now we have a son and have been marrie for 6 years at the end of the month. It will come to you my dear. Ps. I was over weight when I met him too. He didnt care.
  • magnolia_ah
    magnolia_ah Posts: 161 Member
    tommorow i'll be 25 ... i'm still single,baby ... lol =D
  • beatpig
    beatpig Posts: 97 Member
    Not at all. I didn't meet my soulmate until I was 29. Married at 30!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Comparing yourself to others is silly. If you are happy, then let it go. I met my husband when I was 30, now I am 40 and have 3 children. Enjoy your freedom and learn who you are alone and independant first, this is the time of your life actually. You will go very wrong in your life looking for Mr. Right. Time is everything, let it happen naturally.