Zero Points Plus CAKE! :)



  • DeborahBatewell
    DeborahBatewell Posts: 147 Member
  • NICE!!!!

  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    You are my hero!
  • I have this in my cabinet right now (chocolate plus angel food) and it's delish, BUT

    how in any stretch of the imagination would this be 0 WW P+?

    I'm a WW from way back and I'm very familiar with the points system. I've seen every way to try to get something for nothing, but I just don't see how this could ever calculate out to be 0 P+.

    ETA: If you search the MFP database for 3-2-1 cake, all of the entries have between 100 and 150 calories for a 3 tablespoon serving. Of course there's not enough protein nor fiber in cake mix to bring the P+ down to 0.

    Sorry I'm arguing, but I'm assuming you would not want to have misinformation hindering your weight loss efforts.

    The new points plus system doesn't use calories. It's based off of fat, fiber, protein, and carbs. I just did the PP calc. for the one with chocolate cake and it's 3 PP and the one with strawberry is 2 PP. The one mixed with Red Velvet is zero. It really all depends on the type of cake you choose.
  • I'm glad you posted this. I've never used WW but it's good to know that it really does depend on the type of cake you choose. I'll be sure to grab Red Velvet instead of chocolate! lol
  • meshamoo
    meshamoo Posts: 200 Member
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    I have this in my cabinet right now (chocolate plus angel food) and it's delish, BUT

    how in any stretch of the imagination would this be 0 WW P+?

    I'm a WW from way back and I'm very familiar with the points system. I've seen every way to try to get something for nothing, but I just don't see how this could ever calculate out to be 0 P+.

    ETA: If you search the MFP database for 3-2-1 cake, all of the entries have between 100 and 150 calories for a 3 tablespoon serving. Of course there's not enough protein nor fiber in cake mix to bring the P+ down to 0.

    Sorry I'm arguing, but I'm assuming you would not want to have misinformation hindering your weight loss efforts.

    The new points plus system doesn't use calories. It's based off of fat, fiber, protein, and carbs. I just did the PP calc. for the one with chocolate cake and it's 3 PP and the one with strawberry is 2 PP. The one mixed with Red Velvet is zero. It really all depends on the type of cake you choose.

    Yes, I realize it doesn't use calories in the formula, BUT anyone who is familiar with WW points can look at a calorie total as well as the macros and probably come close to a points estimate. As you said, it's 2 or 3 and someone else posted the same.

    My point is that it's being posted here as 0 points and I think that everyone would want to be aware of what they're eating.

    I still find it hard to believe that Red Velvet and Angel Food cake mixes turn out to be 0 points since they're basically flour and sugar, but if that's what people want to track, more power to them!
  • mommy_03
    mommy_03 Posts: 54 Member
    bump for later and FYI, i just checked the duncan hines website and this is 80 cal per serving
  • jedikrissy
    jedikrissy Posts: 106 Member
    Sounds awesome!!!!! Can't wait to try, thanks for sharing! :)
  • letswalk
    letswalk Posts: 32 Member
    I'm not on WW so I don't care about the points part of it, but a mini cake? Sounds amazing and right up my alley!
  • bump
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    Will have to try this, I love cake!!!!:love:
  • crowunruh
    crowunruh Posts: 246 Member
    Yum! Can't wait to try this!!!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    hmm.. thanks! Think I'll pick a cake with the least calories to go with the angle food cake then work out the calories.
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    From what I checked out online, the cakes are either 2 or three points depending on which cake you use. (couldn't find red velvet and I am not familiar with how to calculate the WW points)

    I just googled 321 cake. Either way. a low cal cake or a 2 point cake seems like a pretty good deal for such a yummy treat!
  • ZombieMercy
    ZombieMercy Posts: 87 Member
  • angelalf1979
    angelalf1979 Posts: 244 Member
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    bump for later
  • rooster70460
    rooster70460 Posts: 206 Member
    This is the "cake in a cup" recipe from WW... its 3 points or about 150 calories... I use spice cake mix with the Angel food...VERY GOOD