Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 1/15 wk 3



  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Good Job Christy! slow n steady wins here! that's a long day. I have 2 bus trips tomorrow....leave home about 7 am then sit for about 10 hrs, then go again to a college wrestling meet and finally get back home around 10pm.....I am so looking forward to Sunday!!

    Sindy ~ so you're holding gains! keep at it girl...the scale will budge soon!

    Jacque ~ hope you can get your workouts in....plan ahead!

    V ~ glad you're feeling better...esp since it's the weekend! :wink:

    I will get the chart posted late tomorrow team! have a great weekend and make ** YOU ** a priority....just do it! :heart:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Got my hair done today:devil: :heart: :smooched: Nothing makes me feel prettier than that! LOL
    Barb- That is way too many kids to handel on your own! got my fingers crossed that your hubby will return to help:bigsmile:
    And thanks a lot I am now looking left and right for girl scouts to avoid them! lol :love:
    Kelly-Sounds like a sit and wait trip to me, hope you get yoy have a little fun with it:wink:
    Jacque- I have no motivation to workout on the weekends:smile: I hope you have a better go at it then I :laugh:
    Wait to go butterfly!
    Ill post new pics later for the month on jan!
    :heart: v
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Miss V - hubby's flight cancelled. He's hoping to be on a flight back tommorrow. sigh......
    Glad to hear you were able to take some time for you.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Tired Kelly here......well, I did good today, from 7:30 am til 7pm. At the college wrestling meet I had a hot dog from the concession stand, and a REAL Coke. thennnnnnnnnnnnnn, when I arrived home @ 11:15 I had a piece of bday cake....yup, just sitting on the stove for me to help myself.....and then I had 1/2 a choc chip cookie, some corn chips annnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddd.....a spoonful of chicken/stuffing (hot sandwhich mix)! SO, that put me over my cals.......A LOT! have not a clue how much, but O-V-E-R!! Not sure why I'm eating......happy to be home? no one up? pugger's glad to see me? TIRED? that one is new......eating b/c I am tired? :huh: nothing positive coming from this moment except I AM GOING TO BED after all that! I don't even feel too bad about it b/c I have not had any of those foods in almost a month. One meal/meals...right? NO harm.....?

    I am definately looking forward to sweatin on the treadmill 2morrow! just you bring it machine, cuz I sure am!

    oh, and sorry for the delay on the chart..will do it Sun am. nighty nite all :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Kelly, I certainly understand that I eat b/c of why?????? That I'm not sure why I'm eating but I'm eating thing. Yup, I've done it too.
    Yesterday I wanted to eat for emotional reasons (angry, disappointed, stressed, etc) and I kept thinking no, that's too many calories, no not that .... too many calories again, no, dont want that.... bottom line I didn't. So there's a success.

    All I can say the only living thing in my household not annonying me at the moment is the fish... well, at least my two small fish bowls. (One bowl w/a male betta. Other bowl w/female betta & 2 other fish). Hubby's tank... well that another story.

    Curves closed today & it's raining. So I really need to watch calories today.

    Take care all. Hopefully your Sunday is not hectic.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :drinker: Morning all!
    Went to a free family skat thing here in tow yesterday (Which is good i usually drive 40 mins to skate) But they have huge Barn here and I guess it is a landmark, but is a rollerskating place. Well the owners NEVER open it to the public, but did yesterday!So we went!:heart:
    The skates were jacked up, and when i asked the attendant if she had a tool that I could use on my childs skates she said "We dont do there here" Ok well the wheels were locked in place and none would move! Kids have to have SOME roll to it!
    to place was SMALL and they didnt even sweep the floor, although most floors are Waxed, so there was junk all over the the skates got stuck on:indifferent: Anyhow the kids had fun and I only skated for 30mins, and it was free..... so all in all I dont care:glasses:
    Found a new mexican place lastnight with a bunch of friends, they didnt speak much english but the food was AWESOME! I didnt eat overboard like I would tend to in a great resteraunt. and My choice of food was a veggie thing so I watched out for bad things and I stuck to 3 glasses of ice water:smooched: Glad that I made good decisions!
    Barb-My fish are the only thing not annoying me this morning as well! :laugh: Hope that your day turns better
    To all the peppers
    Have a great day and make great choices!:love:
  • angiemcnett
    BAlcott - I hope you survived the party & sleep over. Hopefully your hubby will make it back in time to help with the clean up.

    I am excited my brother had his baby yesterday. I can't wait to meet my new nephew Jules Declan Lee. I am actually planning to get to the gym today to swim. I even got to go to the gym yesterday but was unable to swim due to swim meet. I normally only go to the gym when Ody my son is in school. I am looking forward to my swim today. I hope everyone is having a great Sunday!:smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Angie - the party is today. No school on Monday. And hubby's plane landed - he's on his way. Daughter was supposed to clean before he came home.... she's too busy texting and facebooking.....

    Congrats on the new nephew and hope you had a great swim!

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    here it is team!! Crystal, you are almost @ 20% wt lost! That is so amazing!! You are doing wonderful! Jennifer, way to go on 3.5 lbs gone!! And, Barb is right behind you, at 3 lbs!!

    Let's try real hard this week and make each and every day count! :flowerforyou: Do it for ** YOU **! :heart:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Yeah! Again, another awesome chart!

    Now this "party" has been downgraded to a few girls & 1 boy. Nothing major now.... thankfuflly......
  • angiemcnett
    BAlcott - sorry about the mix up. I am glad you have reinforcement now even though it has downgraded.

    Kelly - Thank you for the great chart.!:flowerforyou:

    I got to swim for 1.5 hours today. Yeah. It feels good to swim never mind that it at a leisurely pace. Hope everyone is having a great day!:smile:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Had a very busy week end(working 2nd job), but eating went well not over my calories, but no exercise again :angry: I have be sick will a bad cough and everytime I tried to do exercise I would go into a coughing fit. Took me a couple of hours to get to work this morning and will be a long commute to next job I should get home about 9:15 tonight. Hopefully if I stick to my calories and not go over I still should loose at least a pound. We shall see.

    Kelly great chart.

    Well most of my clients are in on this sleeting holiday so I am still busy, will check back in a little while. :bigsmile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Morning peppers! I've had a rotten day so far. Hopefully, it gets better from here. I managed to finish week1 of C25K over the weekend, but didn't get in any other exercise. I'm headed to the gym this afternoon to start w2 of C25K. DH is moving ahead today, too. This will be his 1st attempt at week 2! I hope he's ready. I should still be able to get in 300 minute of exercise this week as long as I stick with my schedule.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Mornin and Happy Monday to all!

    Well, Sunday ended up being a strange day....we all went out to lunch for ds bday. He likes this Hu Hot place ( mongolian ) so we ate there. It was ok, but kinda hard to choose nutritionally healthy.... am sure the sodium intake was off the charts. Then we visited my folks the entire afternoon...and I didn't get to meet up with my treadmill. Tired today, not sure why. Bad fog here too. I have wrestling bus trips ( Thurs eve and all day Saturday ) this week. Sat is dh bday, so not sure what plans are yet. Measurements, down about 5 inches since 12-30-09, 19 days, so that is encouraging.

    This weeks goals ~
    Eat clean; try to increase carbs and protein, log daily
    keep with the 8+ water
    exercise ~ aim for an hour a day and add more strength training; continue C25k and start JM Shred tomorrow, log it
    get more zzzz's
    stay positive which helps with motivation!

    Have a great week SHGP's..... Focus to keep vision alive daily, of a slimmer, healthier YOU !

    Miss V ~ sounds like your skating adventure was fun! and, great job on the food choices @ the Mexican Rest!

    Angie ~ congrats on the newest addition to the family! glad you enjoyed your swim!

    Barb ~ yay, you survived the party! we have school today...and hopefully, another FULL week too!

    Cindy ~ hope you are feeling better soon....take care and hope you can get a chance to rest each day with your long hours.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hi Crystal ~ hope your day improves...I'm starting week 3 with C25K..kinda nervous bout it. Monday is always my slow day...
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good afternoon Pepper's,
    Today has been a very long day so far. Just finishing a few things up and at 5 start my commute to the other job. I am so glad I am on 4 mins away from home from the 2nd job. No time to get supper before so have to wait until 9PM to eat dinner. Have to plan better for the nights that I work.

    Crystal hope you day is going better.
    Kelly thanks for all the support, I am really trying, the exercise thing is not happening. I am too tierd to get up any earlier than 5AM and to stay up past 10PM to do exercise kills me. The weather is keeping me inside for lunch. I will find a way. It is only the second week. I will figure it out.

    Got to finish a couple more things before I can leave, have a great night. :bigsmile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry to all who had crappy Mondays. Mine wasn't that great either. The mess my daughther's friends made was not pretty. Sigh.....

    On the flip side I walked for easily 1.5 to 2 hours going around the neighborhood w/these Girl Scout cookies. My middle daughter and another scout wanted to do door to door sales. I annotated it as 1 hour of leisurely walking. Overall, they sold out of their stock.

    This week for exercising after work will be tough with my son's basketball schedule.

    Take care all.
    Let's shoot for a better Tuesday and rest of the week.

  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Happy Tuesday yall!!
    Feeling pretty good. Totally blew the weekend, did no organized exercise but shopped all day Saturday, so I am thinking the walking did some good. Sunday did nothing total slug. But eating was not to bad. Now Monday! this was a good day. I went for a 2 mile walk but decided to try and run a little. Well I only ran one curve of a lap but did it 5 times. this was major for me I haven't ran in years. So today is starting good. I got up and went to the gym before work. So Yeah!! plan to walk to car tonight after work which will be another 30 min of walking. brought my lunch so hope to keep it clean. Pass the chocolate in the lunch room and grabbed my carrots and celery. Had to talk to myself in and out of that lunch room without looking at that chocolate. I told myself it just candy. I worth it not to eat it and I could not believe it, it worked. So hope its gone when I have to go back in there again. hahahaha
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :love: Hello peppers!
    Sounds like a mixed weekend for our group.Hope that today is a better day for all!:heart:
    Well go the skating in on saturday. walked a little on sunday and went to Seattle and walked a TON monday!!! It felt good, ate a healthy lunch of yellow pea soup and a small side salad:) it was wonderful! then hubby took us out for dinner at a crab place! I looked up the cals when i got home, and it didnt look as bad as it felt I guess, and i was still under! Guess it really pays off to drink water all the time, it gives me the extra calories to consume in yummy food:love: Ate some clams, mussles, crab legs, shrimp all steamed TASTED WONDERFUL! I havn't eaten seafood (My favorite) forever. Even though Im not eating meat right now! I will eat seafood LOL I love it!:flowerforyou:
    Anyhow planning to go to the gym today, eat a healthy lunch get my water down!
    will check in later!:drinker:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Well the work day is almost over for me so far so good. Hope to keep it going all night. Well gonna walk to car so that should help. Need four more glasses of water so half way there Yeah!! BL tonight can't wait