Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 1/15 wk 3



  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    HI Pepper's,
    Jacque you are doing so good. :drinker:
    I am doing good with the eating but exercise is the hard part for me I was a little over yesterday, I will be carefule tonight. I am hoping to get rid of this cold so I can breath long enought to walk or do something.

    Well gotta go will check back later. :bigsmile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Jacque -- keep it up.... you're doing great!

    I might go out for lunch tommorrow w/friends. I need to visit one of our sites and I have close friends that live near that site.
    Lunch out is going to be a toughie.... unsure where we going or the calories of the meal.

    We're making it through today ladies.....

  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    To lazy to go to the gym this morning, went to bed to late. Will have to work on that for sure.
    Sindy-hope u fell better
    Barb- just go for the best option u can at lunch.
    V-sounds like you had fun at that seafood place.
    doing good on water and recorded meals
    will walk to car tonight, will try to go to gym for strenght training
    Talk to yall later
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    not doing good with anything....somehow my depression has taken over since Monday. i am very, very sad, no cares about anything. want to lay on the couch all day and do nothing, and eating so horrible that i have been in a carb school here today b/c of ice storm........
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Kelly~ You gotta shake yourself out of that funk! Put some music on loud and srat little by dancing around the house, or singin! It will get you feeling happy and moving! I hope that you get to feeling better today! Hate to hear that your in a funk. Your a trooper and have done SO good! shake off them yucky feelings and jump up and get moving:smooched: We love ya!

    Here are some pictures that I took this morning we are all friends here so one shows my road map like stretch marks:noway: But hey it is a new me im working on here! and I am changing the way THAT part of me looks! for the better!:smooched:
    Anyhow I havnt been able to find the messuring tape, I think the kids ran off with it:angry: But I will get a new one! I need to track these things!
    Didn't go to the gym yesterday but did a walk. Im going today and there is also skating tonight as well!
    got a new set of work out clothes lastnight!Im excited that they look good on me LOL :laugh: cant wait until they look even better!
    logging food and water today! ate a diped icecream lastnight, yesterday i took the kids and I in to get the H1n1 and the regular flu shot so I promised them an icecream, and I wasnt gonna get one, but the hubby ordered before I go in:laugh: baby steps i guess.
    I will check in later!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Took a walk before lunch, usually takes me 10 minute, only took 9 so I must be gettin faster.
    V-Looking good!!!:glasses:
    Kelly- Come on girl, stand up, jump around and shake the blues away:bigsmile: Hey I know how you feel, I was there a couple of weeks ago, just sat around and did nothing. It ok to have an off day but try a little more tomorrow, and gradually get back in motion. If you think its more, go see your doctor. Well my lunch break is over, got to get back to work
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi Pepper's,
    Just checking in I am leaving soon have to go to doctors, feeling really sick cough is getting worse.
    Kelly sorry you feel blue, but you want this and need to think of how hard you have worked. You have helped a lot of people when they are down. You need to get up and work it. You can do it.:flowerforyou:

    Gotta go will let you know what happens. :sick:
  • angiemcnett
    Kelly - When I get in a funk physical activity helps. For me swimming ususally helps. I may not totally get out of my funk but I feel a little better.:smile: We are cheering for you!:flowerforyou:

    MissV - Looking great lady! Some day I am going to be there.:smile:

    Jacque - Congrats! Doesn't feel great when we get faster at something. I love that feeling!:happy:

    Sindy - I hope you get to feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    I had an ob appointment today. It was exciting to see the baby again.:happy: This time the baby was cooperative and they got a good view of the heart. DR said everything looks good. I am glad.:happy: He said my weight gain is on track. I am totally surprised because I gained 7 pounds in 1 month for a total of 8 pounds. I guess the overall weight gain is on track. I thought it was a lot of weight gain for only being 24 weeks. Oh well I guess it shows what I know. I am glad I got a swim in today. I think swimming keeps me relaxed and helps me not get to stressed over things especially concerning the baby. Have a great day!:smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Kelly -- Girlfriend, the bottom of the carb pit? NOoooooooo! You've worked soo hard to change your eating habits, exercise and be a support to all in this group. You're loved by all of us and we need you.
    Ok, we will all admit we've had bad days, depressing days, what am I doing w/myself days. Look at what you've accomplished! You've brougt a bunch of ladies from across North American together forming a group for weight loss. Thank you for that.

    Angie - Such great news to hear the baby is well and your baby weight is on track. We're all looking forward to pictures of your new baby. How is your son doing?

    Miss V -- Congrats and look at you! I hate my measuring tape and dislike when I do the weight/measure at Curves. And when work measures me... well, let's say it's not my favorite day at work. However, if I continue to work hard being measured will be more enjoyable.

    Sindy - get well soon!

    Jacque - keep it up.

    Alright, today I didn't go out to lunch w/friends. Instead I stopped at McDonalds for a quick drive through. My oldest was home sick and she asked me for fries. I thought OK, I'll eat the 3 pc chicken selects and give her the fries. No prob... 3 pcs is 400 calories.

    Then the attack of "something" hit me. The only thing I found was frozen tollhouse cookie dough. I ate 4 pcs (which would be 4 cookies). Granted the package states do no eat uncooked product but I didn't care. Didn't care it was frozen either.

    NOW I NEED TO GO TO CURVES or I get less than 200 calories for dinner. Since I was at off site, no lunch walk or end of day gym. I must go to Curves... MUST MUST MUST.

    Take care all.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good evening Pepper's,
    Well doctors put me on lots of meds. said I would have been in the hospital with pnemonia (dont mind the spelling), but on my way to getting better. I did get a little walk in to get to doctors. But nothing heavy until my chest clears up. Doing well on eating, have to drink more water.

    I am at second job. gotta go, check back in morning. :bigsmile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Sindy -- Take care of yourself. Glad to hear you managed to stay out of the hospital. Thinking of you.

    To all -- here's to new starts on Thursdays!

  • butterfly0516
    butterfly0516 Posts: 25 Member
    Evening Peppers...

    A highlight of my day/week is reading everyone's posts...the encourangement is the best!

    Kelly - I am so sorry you are down; speaking as a newbie you have been wonderfully encouraging and supportive - thank you. I noticed in your posts that you guys have had lots of snow and cold days maybe the lack of sunshine is affecting you; to bad I can't share some of ours with you.

    Sindy - sorry you have been so sick; it really stinks when your sick; hope you are better soon.

    Have a great evening ladies :)
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    kitn621 - I want to go to your party! Problem is I don't know where you're from! And if I did, it could be too far away! I have a great time at the toy/lingerie parties. Two of my girlfriends used to sell for different companies. Both have stopped so I have no sales rep now. :cry: I guess I could always order merchandise from a website instead of thinking I can walk into one of 'those" stores. Heck, I would walk in if I found a store that wasn't um, how can I say this - sleazy..... Or maybe just all the stores I know have LIVE NUDE girls signs on them. Why advertise that the girls are live. Do you really think people are coming in to see dead nude girls? Sorry for the digression - I hope I made someone laugh.

    Ok, today I did the Curves scale which I consider the "official" scale. It said 166.4
    At home naked on my scale stated 165. I will say I did wear clothes when I was weighed at Curves.

    Now, I know I was measured in Nov at Curves but it seems I didn't post the measurements into this website. The last measurement I have here is from Oct.
    Since Oct 2009, I have increased my measurements from .25 to 1 inch. And pounds. Yikes!

    I'm taking today's measurement as a 2010 BASELINE.

    I learned my fitness test for work is in May. My plan is beginning Feb begin to train for the test. Right now my mindset is get used to logging food again.

    Angie - I fall victim to chocolate as well. I'm trying to control it with one serviing or 1/2 serving of Nutella. (chocolate/hazelnut cream)

    To all with losses - congrats! Yipee
    For those with gains, let's not beat ourselves up. Dust the crumbs off and we'll try again.
    Have a good weekend ya!


    Barb....I would love for you to have been there...the party was SOOO Much fun! we couldnt stop laughing....I had 13 guests and just played the funnest games! Im now going to 3 more between now and 3 girls booked from my party. I love these parties and I got some GREAT things at it. Alot of the things I got, I got free or greatest discounted bc I was the I will be hosting again before the years up.
    I live in Georgia so if you know you will beheading my way letme know and I will throw a party in your honor! woohoo
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all,
    Well its thursday and this is the day I have the most trouble. Because I knmow I need to be good so the scale is good on weight in I think I freak out and volia I start to eat. So here to getting through Thursday. I already planned my food so as long as I keep on track I should be fine. My alarm did not go off at 5 like it should (I think DS turned it off) so didn't get to gym. so got to walk at lunch and to the car to get throught the night. Have a good day all and see ya at the scales hahaha
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Hello my lovely ladies...I am sorry ive been MIA this week...boy have I been on the go both here at work and at home. I havent had time to stop. But finally got a chance to get on and check in. Everyone seems to be doing pretty well...I am going to go back thru and read thru more after this to give more one on one responses back...
    I wanted to let you guys know that our police officer that securitys here just came in with Chickfila for breakfast and hes on a diet of some sort and he got something I am going to start incorporating into my breakfast routine. He ordered just 2 plain grilled chicken breasts and a cup of fruit and wow...that chicken is sooo good and just one breast in 100 calories but has 21 grams of protein....2 of those with some fruit and a good drink will make an awesome and healthy breakfast and Im going to start trying to get it. Ive added it to the food database.....I want to stop eating so many carbs and get more protein in to fill myself better and yummmmm if anyone has a chickfila near try...give it a shot!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :drinker: Morning all!
    Well lets hope that thursday is a wonderful day all in all!:flowerforyou:
    So went to the gym yesterday go 35 mins of run/walk in and then did 35 mins of legs and arms. WEnt roller skating skated for arund about 40 mins lastnight as a friend had her 35th bday there:) so I did eat 2 slices of pizza and a sliver of cake. I was still under from my exercise mins, but it was not a good choice :noway:
    Anyhow today is a new day!
    I have a few meetings today and then to work at the school later, so I hope to get atleast a good hardy walk in today, tomorrow is gym day again:bigsmile:
    ~Todays goals:
    ~Drink lots of water
    ~Stay away from sugary junk
    ~Clean and do laundry;)
    ~Get in a good walk
    ~Make healthy choices'
    Kitn~ We used to have a chickfila in san diego I always wanted to go there but then they closed it, and I havnt seen one since;( That sounds very yummy though!
    Sindy~Glad that you didnt have to stay in the hospital and that you are on the patth to recovery:heart:
    Jacque~Sounds like a good plan to already record the meals then you cant deviate! Good luck! i know today is hard for me too
    butterfly~Glad to see you back
    Everyone else! Hope taht you have a great day and make great choices!
    Kelly~ Write in here sweets so that we know your ok today!k:heart:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper.'s,
    Thank you everyone. I dont like hospitals so he was not getting me there anyway. Moms a nurse can get better care a home. I am working so sitting still. I think the meds are working already have not coughed that much in the last couple of hours.

    Kelly worried about you, please check in with us your Pepper's are worried. :flowerforyou:

    Well back to work, off tonight so I can get some rest. Check in later. :bigsmile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    not doing good with anything....somehow my depression has taken over since Monday. i am very, very sad, no cares about anything. want to lay on the couch all day and do nothing, and eating so horrible that i have been in a carb school here today b/c of ice storm........

    That really makes me feel so helpless....bc I cant do nothing for you so far away....
    You should have no reason to be depressed bc you have been doing so great, you have a wonderful family and all of us on here LOVE you so much! we are here for you and want you to get up, shake it off, scream if you need to....(that helps me) and find something to do that puts you in a good mood. Go to a movie, go for a walk, go to thepark with the kiddos, make a scrap book.....anything that you know makes YOU feel something for yourself and keep good thoughts in your head.
    We are here for you...we love you...and we want and need you as you are our cheerleader! :-) :flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Took a walk before lunch, took only 8 min today so I am gonna make the path longer. Plan to take another one before my apple between 3 and 4. Will walk to car tonight, weather looks good. Hope everyone having a good day.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Well didn't get that second walk in :frown: But fixin to leave work and walk to car :smile: