1400 cal diet - I'm a boy and other questions



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    You look more girly than the girl on the pic with you.

    If you are a "boy", then you better start eating like a boy. Even my little daughter eats more calories than you and she is fit.
    I would suggest you to start eating like a MAN.

    But in this "civilized" world I will not say some things which would get my comment removed.

    does it really matter what I look like? I'm not asking for a date, just advice. why would you need to say "uncivilised" things. I'm sorry that you have such a low level of tolerance for others. did you have a bad day?

    You're awesome! :flowerforyou:

    There are a few in this community who seem to be having a bad day every time someone posts key fitness issues, like low-calorie diets.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    A 5'4", 250 lb woman has a BMR of 1925 kcal.
    Not at 60% fat they don't.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    1400 is usually low for a woman, let alone a man!! go to fat2fitradio.com, use the bmr calc and figure out how many cals you really need. MFP gives everyone the lowest possible amount, even though you can eat more (in most cases) and lose at the same rate.

    also, mfp does underestimate allowable sugar. I never count the sugars in my fruit to compensate. I just track my processed sugars from like bread and such.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    A 5'4", 250 lb woman has a BMR of 1925 kcal.
    Not at 60% fat they don't.

    Hey, I'm down to 58% now! (was at 67%) :tongue:
  • kjwillie
    kjwillie Posts: 106 Member
    Not too bad. But you need to incorporate fruit and veggies!! I only saw two servings of veggies at dinner and no fruit. It's important to be eating a range of foods from various food groups- disease prevention, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals,etc.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I'm pretty sure you know that this doesn't make sense.

    You can probably eat a thousand calories extra, at least, be diligent with your macros (especially protein, for obvious reasons), hit the gym for a heavy lifting regime, and lower your body fat percentage.

    I'm a 137lb 5'6" female and 1400 calories is too low for me.

    Eat for the body you want.

    ^^ THIS for sure!

    Dude, I am a 38 year old, 5' 4" woman with about 20x more fat to lose, and I'm eating 1800 calories a day. (My TDEE on non-exercise days is about 2200.)

    What are your goals? To get fit and look good? Start lifting weights then. Forget the low calorie diet mentality. Work your muscles. Build some strength. The extra fat will burn off as you do.

    As you lose weight, your BMR goes down. A 5'4", 250 lb woman has a BMR of 1925 kcal. The same height woman who weighs 150 has a BMR of 1450. That is a HUGE difference.

    Technically, your BMR only changes if your lose lean body mass. Your TDEE will decrease though as you burn less calories as you weigh less. And it' is possible to maintain your BMR throughout weight loss. It's just difficult. But I get where you are going with this.
  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    You look more girly than the girl on the pic with you.

    If you are a "boy", then you better start eating like a boy. Even my little daughter eats more calories than you and she is fit.
    I would suggest you to start eating like a MAN.

    But in this "civilized" world I will not say some things which would get my comment removed.

    does it really matter what I look like? I'm not asking for a date, just advice. why would you need to say "uncivilised" things. I'm sorry that you have such a low level of tolerance for others. did you have a bad day?

    Awesome response!! Excellent :wink: His comment was obviously meant to get you into a back and forth with him, and you totally just rolled with it! Wish more people could have this attitude :drinker: Oh, and I think the tall and lean look is quite nice on a male, not Bowie skinny, but Adam Levine shaped (just taller) :laugh:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Oh, and I think the tall and lean look is quite nice on a male, not Bowie skinny, but Adam Levine shaped (just taller) :laugh:

    I would do bad sexual things to an Adam Levine shaped object
  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    So many misinformed and stupid comments in this thread. There's no fixed limit that every man should not eat below, you're not going to lose all your muscle on that deficit. So many people chiming in based on guesses thinking they are right.

    To give some stats based on my recent experience as Im just about to finish 12 weeks at 1200 calories. I'm 28 this Friday, currently weigh 140lbs and I'm 5.7 small/medium build.

    After Friday I will return to eating my TDEE which is between 1900 and 2200 cals.

    Iv lost 28 lbs in this time, roughly just over 2lbs a week. I've ate between 1400-1700 cals a day reducing it to 1200 by walking.

    I've eaten breakfast, lunch and dinner each day and haven't given up any food or drink. I've eaten mostly home cooked meals and drank around 10 cups of water a day. I haven't once felt hungry and I was eating ~3000 cals before making this lifestyle change.

    My body fat has reduced from 25% down to 15%. In the last 6wks iv done just a basic set of crunches and push-ups at home everyday to keep it toned and now have excellent upper body strength, gained muscle mass and have a visible six pack.

    My BMI for reference is 22.

    For those just trolling and insulting this guy shame on you.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I"m a 5'4" female and i use 1600 and still lose weight. i weigh about 130 lb. i think it's too low personally but do whatever makes you happy. you could probably still lose weight if you ate 2000 since you are so tall. maybe get your BMR and TDEE figure out and go between those two numbers. here is a good site for that: www.fat2fitradio.com/tools

    looks like your BMR is at least 1800 according to the calculations... and if you're 6 feet and 170 lb why would you need to lose weight? if anything, maybe just work on creating muscle, which would actually mean eating more. probably just depends on the look you're going for. i'd say nothing below your bmr which is probably about 1800. your TDEE is what you need for maintenance is probably more like 2500. why go so low?

    ok, what I really mean is I want to loose fat. I dont mind building muscle but i prefer a slimmer look (i used to look like that before I was prescribed medication when i was younger which made me gain like 20 kgs - honest).

    in terms of why 1400? its the number that came out of MFP, and at the time I didn't know much about having a balanced diet / nutrition, which over the last 3 months has changed and exactly why I posted this, so I can get a clear answer. because I didnt have the knowledge I didnt see it as extreme, I'm in this for the long haul in terms of eating healthy, so think ill increase my intake and add some proper exercise :)

    if you want to lose fat, you need to have more muscle mass. what i would recommend is to start lifting heavy weights. you may need to eat more than your TDEE for a while (like 3 months) to help build those muscles up. Once you get the muscle built, continue to lift weights but go back to a slight deficit (maybe 15% less than TDEE) to lose some of the fat. I recommend viewing this to help you: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/8017-in-place-of-a-road-map
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    You look more girly than the girl on the pic with you.

    If you are a "boy", then you better start eating like a boy. Even my little daughter eats more calories than you and she is fit.
    I would suggest you to start eating like a MAN.

    But in this "civilized" world I will not say some things which would get my comment removed.

    really? what's with the personal attacks... is that necessary?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    So many misinformed and stupid comments in this thread. There's no fixed limit that every man should not eat below, you're not going to lose all your muscle on that deficit. So many people chiming in based on guesses thinking they are right.

    To give some stats based on my recent experience as Im just about to finish 12 weeks at 1200 calories. I'm 28 this Friday, currently weigh 140lbs and I'm 5.7 small/medium build.

    After Friday I will return to eating my TDEE which is between 1900 and 2200 cals.

    Iv lost 28 lbs in this time, roughly just over 2lbs a week. I've ate between 1400-1700 cals a day reducing it to 1200 by walking.

    I've eaten breakfast, lunch and dinner each day and haven't given up any food or drink. I've eaten mostly home cooked meals and drank around 10 cups of water a day. I haven't once felt hungry and I was eating ~3000 cals before making this lifestyle change.

    My body fat has reduced from 25% down to 15%. In the last 6wks iv done just a basic set of crunches and push-ups at home everyday to keep it toned and now have excellent upper body strength, gained muscle mass and have a visible six pack.

    My BMI for reference is 22.

    For those just trolling and insulting this guy shame on you.

    Do you realize in that short period of time, you lost 7 lbs of lean body mass?

    Starting LBM = 168 - (168 * .25) = 126
    Current LBM = 140 - (140 * .15) = 119

    25% of your weight loss was from lbm, I would say that is bad. Also, you lost amost a lb a week from lbm. Now, some might be water, but it's either muscle, tissue, bone density, etc... Wouldn't you rather just lose fat?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    So many misinformed and stupid comments in this thread. There's no fixed limit that every man should not eat below, you're not going to lose all your muscle on that deficit. So many people chiming in based on guesses thinking they are right.

    To give some stats based on my recent experience as Im just about to finish 12 weeks at 1200 calories. I'm 28 this Friday, currently weigh 140lbs and I'm 5.7 small/medium build.

    After Friday I will return to eating my TDEE which is between 1900 and 2200 cals.

    Iv lost 28 lbs in this time, roughly just over 2lbs a week. I've ate between 1400-1700 cals a day reducing it to 1200 by walking.

    I've eaten breakfast, lunch and dinner each day and haven't given up any food or drink. I've eaten mostly home cooked meals and drank around 10 cups of water a day. I haven't once felt hungry and I was eating ~3000 cals before making this lifestyle change.

    My body fat has reduced from 25% down to 15%. In the last 6wks iv done just a basic set of crunches and push-ups at home everyday to keep it toned and now have excellent upper body strength, gained muscle mass and have a visible six pack.

    My BMI for reference is 22.

    For those just trolling and insulting this guy shame on you.

    Do you realize in that short period of time, you lost 7 lbs of lean body mass?

    Starting LBM = 168 - (168 * .25) = 126
    Current LBM = 140 - (140 * .15) = 119

    25% of your weight loss was from lbm, I would say that is bad. Also, you lost amost a lb a week from lbm. Now, some might be water, but it's either muscle, tissue, bone density, etc... Wouldn't you rather just lose fat?

    ^ And this is exactly why extreme deficits aren't typically a good idea.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    just look up how to calculate your Base Metabolic Rate. this is how many calories your body would burn if you sat an watched tv all day

    If your exercising regularly, i wouldn't eat less then your BMR. If you don't excercise, i guess youd have to eat a little under your BMR to get a defecit.

    That would be a good starting point at least. adjust based on results and hunger
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member

    25% of your weight loss was from lbm, I would say that is bad. Also, you lost amost a lb a week from lbm. Now, some might be water, but it's either muscle, tissue, bone density, etc... Wouldn't you rather just lose fat?

    ^ And this is exactly why extreme deficits aren't typically a good idea.

    I don't think its 15% if he can see a 6pack.
    Also how did you measure your bf%
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator

    25% of your weight loss was from lbm, I would say that is bad. Also, you lost amost a lb a week from lbm. Now, some might be water, but it's either muscle, tissue, bone density, etc... Wouldn't you rather just lose fat?

    ^ And this is exactly why extreme deficits aren't typically a good idea.

    I don't think its 15% if he can see a 6pack.
    Also how did you measure your bf%

    I have 12% body fat and I don't have a six pack. It depends where you carry your fat. I carry mine in my mid section and chin. If you carry your body fat lower body, you can see a six pack much sooner. But 15% is rare to see a six pack anyways. It's generally 6-12% on men. My legs, arms and back have very little body fat (even confirmed by a nutritionist/training on this point.. I use body fat calipers (11 sections) where I have to get 3 consistent measurements from the same exact spot.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    25% of your weight loss was from lbm, I would say that is bad. Also, you lost amost a lb a week from lbm. Now, some might be water, but it's either muscle, tissue, bone density, etc... Wouldn't you rather just lose fat?

    ^ And this is exactly why extreme deficits aren't typically a good idea.

    I don't think its 15% if he can see a 6pack.
    Also how did you measure your bf%

    I have 12% body fat and I don't have a six pack. It depends where you carry your fat. I carry mine in my mid section and chin. My legs, arms and back have very little body fat. I use body fat calipers (11 sections) where I have to get 3 consistent measurements from the same exact spot. If you carry your body fat lower body, you can see a six pack much sooner. But 15% is rare to see a six pack anyways. It's generally 6-12% on men.

    Additionally, there's a big difference between a blurry 2 or 4 pack and a cut 6 pack, and many people confuse the two.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator

    25% of your weight loss was from lbm, I would say that is bad. Also, you lost amost a lb a week from lbm. Now, some might be water, but it's either muscle, tissue, bone density, etc... Wouldn't you rather just lose fat?

    ^ And this is exactly why extreme deficits aren't typically a good idea.

    I don't think its 15% if he can see a 6pack.
    Also how did you measure your bf%

    I have 12% body fat and I don't have a six pack. It depends where you carry your fat. I carry mine in my mid section and chin. My legs, arms and back have very little body fat. I use body fat calipers (11 sections) where I have to get 3 consistent measurements from the same exact spot. If you carry your body fat lower body, you can see a six pack much sooner. But 15% is rare to see a six pack anyways. It's generally 6-12% on men.

    Additionally, there's a big difference between a blurry 2 or 4 pack and a cut 6 pack, and many people confuse the two.

    LOL, i have never heard it like that. I guess I have a blurry 4 pack.
  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    I don't really want to derail this further or turn it about me, but mine are based on calipers (7 point) and quick measurement using my fancy scales which come pretty close and give a rough est.

    It's probably closer to 11-12% at this point and would describe closer to blurry 4 pack for sure. My triceps and shoulder blade and armpit areas have the least whilst most is carried on my quads. At 11% it's like 124.6 LBM it's pretty minimal loss tbh.

    My point being people very quickly jump on those losing very quickly or at 1200-1400 cal and either call BS on it or say it's unhealthy.

    For my size I can feel incredibly content on 1400-1700 cals. People make it out like OMG that's so low but it's really not, the difference is basically like just a couple chocolate bars away from my sedentary 1900 TDEE (Edit: I work 6am-6pm behind a desk, with minimal activity other than karting before anyone picks this up). My rough breakdown is 175 breakfast, 550 lunch, 700 dinner.

    It may annoy people to say this but I don't find losing 2st in 3mths that hard personally, it really is about willpower and eating in moderation. I kinda wish I had done this 5 years ago.

    I don't think it's a problem at all being on 1400 or even 1200 for a short period of time. It's all personal though, for some people it would nearly kill them being at that amount. Which is why you get people commenting with "no what are you doing? you should never eat below x. Way too low etc" basing it purely on their own circumstances.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I'm pretty sure you know that this doesn't make sense.

    You can probably eat a thousand calories extra, at least, be diligent with your macros (especially protein, for obvious reasons), hit the gym for a heavy lifting regime, and lower your body fat percentage.

    I'm a 137lb 5'6" female and 1400 calories is too low for me.

    Eat for the body you want.

    This is what I was going to say but I'm 137lb guy at 5'6" eating 2k-2500 daily.
    I'm cutting from 11.5% BF down to 10%.
    Most of my numbers I've run for guys 6' hit TDEE above 3k.
    So even if you had the fat to lose you could eat 2k-2500 and lose it.
    If you stick with 1400 be sure to eat back everything and have a cheat day weekly.