Should insurance companies charge smokers?

Should insurance companies charge people who smoke MORE money? Would it be right for an employer to ban their employees from smoking, and treat cigarettes like they would any other drug like marijuana?

I think smokers should be charged extra, as their choice in doing something harmful to their body can and most likely will result in major health problems. I also think it should be banned from any and all workplaces (make it a terminable offense). OR if they are allowed to smoke, they should have to clock in and out for their breaks. It's stupid how they can take several 10-15 minute breaks/day, while the rest of us have a 30 min break at lunch.

Let's start rewarding people who make healthy decisions, and start making people who choose to damage their own bodies pay up.


  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    In b4 drama.
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    My workplace already bans smoking on campus and starting next year we get a $30 per month "discount" on insurance for meeting a number of critera including not smoking.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I pay double (200%) on my life insurance because I'm overweight, yet a smoker only pays 150%. Both have health risks, but I don't see why I gotta pay so much more....
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I dont agree, because I am a smoker, and at my job, i don't get to take a 30 minute lunch break, i only eat when i have the time. I am also on my way to being a lot healthier, but for the most part I am pretty healthy and dont have to take many doctor visits at all for being sick or anything related to smoking. It is a choice, and the smokers who already have major health problems are already paying for it on way or another. I am the manager at my job, and none of my guys get to take a whole 30 mins, and they understand I am a smoker, so if they want to step away from the desk for a moment, or make a personal phone call, i let them as long as everything is covered. Also, a lot of us at my job love being healthy and make healthy choices and support each other and even have competitions with each other for weight loss and staying on track.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    Like a lot of things in life, I think this topic is a slippery slope, my opinion at least. Although I do not smoke, my question would be: Where does it end? Do people obese get charged more? Some would say being obese is there choice. Do people with diabetes get charged more? Some get it by unhealthy eating(no all) That's my question to you, I guess: Is it just smokers who should pay more?

    In the end I think a healthy persons rewards outweigh what others pay. You pay less regardless, because you don't need doc visits so often, no med's ect. My answer is more questions, sorry if that doesn't help.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    smokers, overweight etc..should all be charged more.

    just like teen drivers being charged more...the more risk the more you pay.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    They should charge obese people too then. And while you're at it then they should also charge promiscuous people more as well.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    They should charge obese people too then. And while you're at it then they should also charge promiscuous people more as well.

    they do charge the obese more.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    They should charge obese people too then. And while you're at it then they should also charge promiscuous people more as well.

    they do charge the obese more.

    Depends on the insurance I guess? I don't remember ever being asked to step on a scale before paying for my insurance.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    They should charge obese people too then. And while you're at it then they should also charge promiscuous people more as well.

    they do charge the obese more.

    Depends on the insurance I guess? I don't remember ever being asked to step on a scale before paying for my insurance.

    are you on an indiviiiudal plan? every one i have looked at asked for your weight. and that figured into the premium cost. but if you get it through work sometimes that is already factored in.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    same should be said about the morbidly obese dont you think?

    ....fawk someone said it already. lets just hope obamacare doesnt go thru.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I pay an additional premium on my life insurance because I'm overweight. When I lose the weight I have to prove that I can keep it off for 12 months before the premium is reviewed. Should have done a crash diet before getting the insurance shouldn't I.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Yes. Smoking is a choice.
  • clehman71
    clehman71 Posts: 139 Member
    This might not help, but I think my insurance company charges me more just for breathing!:laugh:
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    They should charge obese people too then. And while you're at it then they should also charge promiscuous people more as well.

    they do charge the obese more.

    Depends on the insurance I guess? I don't remember ever being asked to step on a scale before paying for my insurance.

    are you on an indiviiiudal plan? every one i have looked at asked for your weight. and that figured into the premium cost. but if you get it through work sometimes that is already factored in.

    Yes mine is through work. I work with a lot of overweight and out of shape people so I'm probably paying extra for them that means :grumble:
  • tmanfromtexas
    tmanfromtexas Posts: 928 Member
    I agree 1000%
    I also they should charge extra for being:
    type 2 diabetics
    motor cycle riders
    sky diver
    boat operator
    private pilot
    and any other thing that puts a person's life at risk including driving.
    Its a person's right to smoke, its legal and for all you nice folks that want to push your will on u,s that do, I wish you would push your will up your anal orifice. Have a nice evening.
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    Should insurance companies charge people who smoke MORE money? Would it be right for an employer to ban their employees from smoking, and treat cigarettes like they would any other drug like marijuana?

    I think smokers should be charged extra, as their choice in doing something harmful to their body can and most likely will result in major health problems. I also think it should be banned from any and all workplaces (make it a terminable offense). OR if they are allowed to smoke, they should have to clock in and out for their breaks. It's stupid how they can take several 10-15 minute breaks/day, while the rest of us have a 30 min break at lunch.

    Let's start rewarding people who make healthy decisions, and start making people who choose to damage their own bodies pay up.

    i agree
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    I agree 1000%
    I also they should charge extra for being:
    type 2 diabetics
    motor cycle riders
    sky diver
    boat operator
    private pilot
    and any other thing that puts a person's life at risk including driving.
    Its a person's right to smoke, its legal and for all you nice folks that want to push your will on u,s that do, I wish you would push your will up your anal orifice. Have a nice evening.

    Boy, that escalated quickly. Why so angry, guy? Calm down.
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    Should insurance companies charge people who smoke MORE money? Would it be right for an employer to ban their employees from smoking, and treat cigarettes like they would any other drug like marijuana?

    I think smokers should be charged extra, as their choice in doing something harmful to their body can and most likely will result in major health problems. I also think it should be banned from any and all workplaces (make it a terminable offense). OR if they are allowed to smoke, they should have to clock in and out for their breaks. It's stupid how they can take several 10-15 minute breaks/day, while the rest of us have a 30 min break at lunch.

    Let's start rewarding people who make healthy decisions, and start making people who choose to damage their own bodies pay up.

    My employer gave a year's warning and there will be a surcharge for health insurance for smokers as of the beginning of next year. They offered cessation aids and programs for the year so folks could try to quit this year to avoid the additional charge.

    But it's a slippery slope. Charge extra for people who ride motorcycles? Have guns in their homes? Drink alcohol?

    I already cannot get long-term care insurance because of my weight. It is the only thing that disqualifies me even though my mom died of Alzheimer's and I have a number of incurable but treatable chronic illnesses (not due to my weight, but in some cases contributing to it).
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    Would it be right for an employer to ban their employees from smoking, and treat cigarettes like they would any other drug like marijuana?


    I I also think it should be banned from any and all workplaces (make it a terminable offense).

    So, are you saying that people should be fired for smoking in the work place, or for smoking period?