What's the best excuse you've heard to not workout?



  • holly_roman
    holly_roman Posts: 116 Member
    TOM..mine is horrible. Like horrible I curl up, want to die, puke all the time, and can't eat for days. Movement of any kind hurts like hell and I can't use tampons(sorry TMI). This is one TOM I will not work out at all. But I am an unusual severe case. I also hate running...severely hate it. So I walk and do other cardio.
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    edited April 2016
    I don't like to sweat.
    I don't want anyone to see me workout, people will just stare at me.
    I don't have nice workout clothes
    I don't want to look like a man.
    I work 8 hours a day and I don't have the time.
    My boyfriend\girlfriend\husband\wife\cat\dog\gerbil doesn't want me to go to the gym.
    I'm too old.
    I'm too fat.
    I am on my period.

    I need to lose weight first.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    TOM..mine is horrible. Like horrible I curl up, want to die, puke all the time, and can't eat for days. Movement of any kind hurts like hell and I can't use tampons(sorry TMI). This is one TOM I will not work out at all. But I am an unusual severe case. I also hate running...severely hate it. So I walk and do other cardio.

    Yeah there's a bit too much generalization out there. Some women do have really painful periods.

    Mine the other day was that I was too bloated, but I did look 6 months pregnant and had horribly painful spasms down there, so yeah... I think it was a pretty good excuse, lol!

    But to be fair, I don't like the term 'excuses'. They just don't want to bother, and that's their right. Calling that 'excuses' is just us judging them, and us being on our high horse because we do exercise, and that's just not cool. Just IMO.
  • daniellefjacob
    daniellefjacob Posts: 13 Member
    I admit I've just used an excuse not to exercise :( and am feeling very ashamed. I normally do a 3 mile walk on Fridays. But it was raining so I told myself no I didn't want to get wet. Feeling very guilty now. Especially as I wasn't great with my food today. Still under my calories and fat count.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I have every excuse. Stopped my gym membership cause it wasn't open early enough to have a decent workout plus shower plus get to my new job on time. That was over a year ago. Then it was "the apartment gym has no fans or Windows, I can't workout there!" if it was too warm or wet I wouldn't jog outside.....

    So I took away all my excuses and got a machine to use at home. I have all the fresh air I need, a fan right at my face, and I don't have to go outside! I can wear whatever I want, half the time I don't even wear shoes because the feet of the machine are so comfy. Analyzing all the excuses helped me find a solution :)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    Back in my 60 - 90 min. per day cardio sessions forgetting or losing my ear buds was a legitimate excuse to skip a workout because there was no way I could survive mind-numbingly boring cardio for that long without music. I go to the gym late afternoon so music is necessary to drown out the terrible afternoon TV programs. So, yeah, I've used that excuse before.

    I recently had to cancel a session with my personal trainer because as I was getting dressed for the gym at work I realized I had forgotten to pack pants. Dumb. Had I forgotten a shirt I would've just bought one at the gym but instead I had to call my trainer and tell him what I had done. Embarrassing.
  • benjaminhk
    benjaminhk Posts: 353 Member
    katseguin wrote: »
    I hear a lot of "my body isn't built for running"......what does that even mean??? But my favourite is "I don't have time. my girls are 7, 3, and 1. I work 5 days a week. I bake cakes for people as a hobby/side job. If I have time, almost everyone has time!!!!!

    For me, "my body isn't built for running" means I have flat, pronated feet and it hurts like hell to run no matter what kind of arches I put in my shoes. Even walking distances hurts but not as bad as running.
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    Haha y'all haven't heard anything until you have taught PE in the schools. I couldn't believe the excuses I got from parents.
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    denezy wrote: »
    Everyone says they don't have any time. Or they're too tired. Like come on, I am ridiculously busy and I am tired too. *yawn*

    I think we can all make different decisions if we want to. Get it together!

    This one kills me. I started this healthy lifestyle change while in nursing school and working full time, ended school 20 lbs. lighter than I started. One of my best friends in school was working 4 nights a week as a waitress/bartender and has 6 kids, and was working out 45-60 min every day. If she can do it, anyone can!
  • NeymarMessiFCB
    NeymarMessiFCB Posts: 27 Member
    edited April 2016
    Mine has always been "I have exercise induced asthma". But I've found ways of working out without it flaring up too bad; an inhaler is always a plus.

    Also the time thing isn't really a good reason not to work out. I've noticed many people point out good ways of getting around it, but for me, when I want to watch my TV shows (currently Orange is the New Black on Netflix), I do sit ups and watch it at the same time. Every time I sit up I can see it, lol. I mean, I can't really do jumping jacks or something inside and watch TV, because I am on the 3rd floor of an apartment, but there are so many other things to do. You don't need equipment. You don't need a gym membership. You don't even need to go outside. Use your muscles, that's what they're there for. No weights? Find something heavy and use that (ie; jugs of water). Kids as an excuse? Chase them around the yard, engage them in a work out. If they're young, make it fun and silly for them while you're still working out. It's really not that hard, you just have to get creative. The Internet is endless with exercise tips and different work outs that can help you out and accommodate different problems (injuries, sore knees, etc). Have a dog? Take them for a run or a long walk. Last night I took my dog out on an hour and a half walk (involuntarily, because I lost my keys and locked myself out of my apartment so I had to walk to my boyfriend's work).

    I know it sucks to not have a work out partner, that was my excuse for a long time, up until very recently. Other people can be great motivation, but you also have to find it in yourself. If you really want to do this, you'll find a way.

    I've had depression (diagnosed) since I was 12 (20, almost 21 now) and I was always tired, didn't want to move, every excuse you can think of. I still don't want to get out of bed a lot of the time, but I decided my health is a lot more important than laying in bed and feeling sorry for myself.

    I almost didn't work out last night because I don't know the code for my apartment's gym and lost the paper that had the code, but I decided to walk with my dog and did forty sit ups after.

    You can do this, you just have to want it more than anything.