Who are your fictional role models?



  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    You know...that's a tough one. I know there were certain characters I liked from movies only because I loved the philosophy they expressed or I was just impressed and wanted to be more like them. Ironically, I would say sticking to one sex wouldn't work. Role models can be either sex.

    For example, I loved Val Kilmer as Chris Knight. He loves science but also knows that science without philosophy and a love of living is worthless. I guess I just enjoyed the idea of what he seemed to be...the ability to wear pink bunny slippers and not care what others thought...I guess he made me want to grow up and do my own thing.


    I also wanted to be that Hacker from the movie Hackers: Kate Libby Acid Burn. Who wouldn't want to be able to do just about anything with a computer, including change your tv channels and movies at will. Basically, she was cool and smart and loves video gaming. I'll never do what she does but I do love computers.


    Of course, in the world of athleticism, who doesn't want to kick butt (or kick zombies butts) like Alice when the world's ending. That and who wouldn't love the idea of making just about any piece of torn clothing fashionable...she kicks butt in leather..torn fabrics...funky lace...even a hot red dress.


    I would say the last role model I love is of course is Wonder Woman. Who wouldn't want to fly an invisible plane, have super strength, kiss Superman, mess with the Olympian gods and pretty much look sexy as hell in the stars and stripes...

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When we were kids playing Star Wars at recess, I was the only girl, so I always had to be Princess Leia or Chewbacca. (I chose Chewbacca.) But I really wanted to be Han Solo. Doesn't everyone?

    I had waist-length dark brown hair. Everyone wanted me to be Leia.

    I wanted to be Boba Fett.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I have never really had a role model. I have never thought anyone was good enough to think of in that way. I consider everyone on the same level.

    Now the closest I could come, minus the cheating, divorce, and various scams, is Bree Vandercamp. But I still would not ever wish to be her.

    Beyonce and Jlo got some things going for them I would not mind, but still, no ones ever perfect enough.
  • jamielovesjbs
    jamielovesjbs Posts: 154 Member
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member

    Rooster Cogburn: It's payday, boys, come and get it!
  • Weezoh
    Weezoh Posts: 171 Member
    Horatio Hornblower

    Tom Jones

    No not THAT tom jones!

    THIS Tom Jones!

    KRATOS (God of war)
  • khaney4
    khaney4 Posts: 8 Member
    Dr Quinn Medicine Woman....I know she didn't have a physically strong apperance but she sure lined out a lot of cowboys :) But I'm nurse maybe that's I why I lean towards her :)

    GI Jane was pretty bad *kitten* too!! I remember wanting to be able to do one arm push arms and impress my jock brother!
  • commandax
    commandax Posts: 38 Member
    You know...that's a tough one. I know there were certain characters I liked from movies only because I loved the philosophy they expressed or I was just impressed and wanted to be more like them. Ironically, I would say sticking to one sex wouldn't work. Role models can be either sex.

    For example, I loved Val Kilmer as Chris Knight. He loves science but also knows that science without philosophy and a love of living is worthless. I guess I just enjoyed the idea of what he seemed to be...the ability to wear pink bunny slippers and not care what others thought...I guess he made me want to grow up and do my own thing.


    I also wanted to be that Hacker from the movie Hackers: Kate Libby Acid Burn. Who wouldn't want to be able to do just about anything with a computer, including change your tv channels and movies at will. Basically, she was cool and smart and loves video gaming. I'll never do what she does but I do love computers.


    These are both great! Real Genius was one of my favorite movies growing up, and Chris Knight's moral clarity and irreverent brilliance has definitely been an influence on me! Hackers was the first time I saw Angelina Jolie on the screen, and the inimitable power, wit and grace she brought to her role made an huge impression on me, too.