So, are you seeing anyone?



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    At least we've told EVERYBODY we are never having children, so hopefully that one will never come up.

    Yeah that question will always come up. People used to tell me all the time that I'm young and I'll change my mind. If I said I didn't like them they'd come back with "But when it's yours it's different!" When I said I don't want to change my lifestyle I'd get the "Oh but you can still vacation they're just . . . . DIFFERENT!" Sorry but Disney is NOT my idea of a 'vacation' and if they knew what kind of vacations we go on they'd wish they didn't have kids too.

    I now just shut it down by saying I am deathly allergic to children. :)
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    It used to annoy me a bit when I was single (i was single for 6 years!). But now that I'm actually in a relationship I want to tell the whole wide world!! :blushing:
  • LesleeBeAlive
    I always get "when are you going to have MY baby?" :grumble:

    Fixed that for you. :wink:

    Cheater! :grumble:
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    No, nobody asks me that question.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    No, nobody asks me that question.

    so are you seeing anyone :happy:
  • lukeevans85
    lukeevans85 Posts: 108 Member
    "I see a lot of people....I was with my momma and coach Klein last night..."
  • EmiVReyes
    EmiVReyes Posts: 118 Member

    But now I'm getting the "When are you guys going to have another baby" questions. Um. Uh. What. The. F**k are you talking about? This baby making factory is closed. My new MIL still hasn't accepted that. I have to tell her to stay out of my uterus. And that's how I answer THAT question:" Stay out of my uterus. It's a hot mess up there." Then I wiggle my eyebrows. It's the right mix of defensiveness, hostility, and creepy. You guys should try it.

    omg i love that! that just made my day
  • NJSunshine13
    I just recently became single and so many people have said .... oh we have to get you back out there or I can fix you up with so and so. Whoa ..... I am not ready to even think about that. Why are people so concerned with everyone else's relationships. If someone asks me the question of are you dating, I just answer, I'm fine how have you been.
  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    You aren't seeing anyone...are you?

    Ha ha ha....funny....
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    better then askin "so you screwin anyone"
  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    I get the complete opposite from my family. They have actually told me that I have absolutely NO business dating right now. I need to focus on my kids (says my step mom who left her husband and kids for my dad....nice).
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I find that only single-and-looking people take issue with this question....
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Is that a touchy subject for you?
    When I was single I got asked that a lot, specially by my married friends who wanted details. :wink:

    Married 15 years. Please.... Please send details.
  • GamerGurl729
    GamerGurl729 Posts: 286 Member
    I always get "when are you going to have a baby?" :grumble:

    I get this too... especially from the MIL :grumble:
  • LilacDaffodil
    LilacDaffodil Posts: 148 Member
    I don't mind being asked if I'm in a relationship, but it really gets my goat when they follow up with 'why not?'. Um, what do they expect me to say???? If I reply with 'because no-one has shown the slightest interest in me for the past 12 years' (the honest answer), they get cross with me for making THEM feel awkward!!! :frown:
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    I find that only single-and-looking people take issue with this question....

    You didn't answer my question...

    And what you have "found" is inconsistent with me. The question has ALWAYS rubbed me the wrong way regardless of what my relationship status is. That's kinda why I posted the topic, Silly.
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    It used to annoy me a bit when I was single (i was single for 6 years!). But now that I'm actually in a relationship I want to tell the whole wide world!! :blushing:

    Awww!!!! Cute!
  • rayasunshine81
    I hate that question, too! The asker never seems to want to hear about grad school, my new home, or new activities. I don't know about you, but I'm from a small midwestern town, and marriage and babies is of paramount importance. A woman could be a cancer-curing saint, but in my town, if she's single, her life can't possibly be complete, and she must be looking for a man. I think the question typically comes from a place of geniuine affection, but it doesn't make ity any less infuriating. Feminism has a long way to go-hopefully the next generation of women will be encouraged to be excited about personal acheivements, and not just about finding a romantic partner.
  • kmhenry84
    kmhenry84 Posts: 96 Member
    I, too, think you are perceiving it in a way that people aren't intending.

    So, to answer your question: no it doesn't bother me.

    Motives for people to ask you:
    -they want to set you up with someone
    -they are in a commited relationship and want to hear from someone who is "single and exciting"
    -they are curious to see what's changed in your life, and want you happy

    Reasons for the follow up 'why' question:
    -They think you're awesome and can't see why someone wouldn't see that about you as well (hey can't blame your friends for that)
    -they have someone in mind for you and want to know if you are in seek mode

    So here's how to answer:
    Single/looking - No, I'm sure not! Do you know anyone that's not crazy or have a third eye? (or fill in whatever qualities you see fit)
    Single/not looking - no, still living the single life! Not even in my radar at the moment because I'm concentrating on my health (or whatever reason you want, I like that one)
    Single and complicatedly 'talking' to someone - I got my eye on someone, not sure where its going to head, but I'll keep ya posted!
    In a relationship but don't want to talk about it - Yes, I'm seeing someone, but it's still new, so not wanting to call CNN news just yet.

    Short, sweet to the point. Don't be offended that people want to be involved in your life =D
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    I, too, think you are perceiving it in a way that people aren't intending...
    Don't be offended that people want to be involved in your life =D

    Yo! I know that these people who ask me mean well. What I'm saying is, the question is ANNOYING.
    I also never said I was offended. I said I was ANNOYED!
    (It's funny how people read into these posts. )
    I posted this topic to see if anyone else was annoyed by the question or if I'm the only one.
    Be that as it may, I very much appreciate your possible responses and might use a few! :D