Husband don't like skinny women



  • shimewazaMan
    If my SO dared ever make me feel bad about losing weight I'd lose an immediate extra 180 lbs by kicking his hiney out.

    PMPL!!!!!! I LOVE that answer!
  • jrmartinezb
    jrmartinezb Posts: 147 Member
    First and foremost, the one person who should be happy with your body is yourself.

    That being said, I understand how being attractive to your husband would be important to you, in fact getting to be attractive for my wife is definitely one of the reasons I decided to lose weight and get fit. So I can relate. I know I have to do this for myself, but I see nothing wrong in wanting to good look for her.

    Speaking from a guys perspective, I think you might be worrying too much about too little. Just as your husband, I too prefer a curvy figure than a skinny one, but that doesn't mean I would like my wife any less if she were thinner or in better shape. I know a lot of who say they prefer "fat" to "skinny", but none that say the prefer "fat" to "fit".
  • Gongfu_Life
    My husband PREFERS big girls. Not just girls "with some meat" but big. He also watches BBW p....well you know. I have always been big. I was 200 and 5'2 when I met him, but I ballooned to 282 at my heaviest (I was also 9 1/2m pregnant with an 11lb baby boy) but still normally range between 255-265. I am down to 229 and I asked him what weight he would like to see me at. He says, "200"...Pfttt I want to be smaller than that. He told me if I lost too much weight it would bother him. Why can't more men feel like that?

  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    My SO doesnt like thin women either :/ he even got me pregnant when I lost a bunch of weight so I would gain weight back...wouldnt change it for the world, I have a beautiful 4 week old, AND I am actually smaller than what I was his plan backfired..hehehe

    That's absolutely one of the most disturbing things I've read all day and I've read through a 50 shades of gray thread.

    And you're okay with this?? I realize two to tango but...
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    My SO doesnt like thin women either :/ he even got me pregnant when I lost a bunch of weight so I would gain weight back...wouldnt change it for the world, I have a beautiful 4 week old, AND I am actually smaller than what I was his plan backfired..hehehe

    That's absolutely one of the most disturbing things I've read all day and I've read through a 50 shades of gray thread.

    And you're okay with this?? I realize two to tango but...

    I am so glad I wasn't the only one disturbed by this. I actually got up and walked away from my computer.
  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    I might violate my mancard when I say this, but some guys just say that so they're heavier wives don't feel unattractive to them. Take my word for it - whatever your body type is what your husband is into. :wink:

    LMAO! I knew it! I had a sneaking suspicion this was true...:laugh:
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    After extensive scientific research...:

    Men who say that just don't want you to lose the tits and *kitten*. They're not necessarily "big girl" lovers but curve swervers (new scientific term I just came up with...)
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    She's afraid is all and is just voiceing the fear. She knows he loves her, she knows he knows she needs to get healthy for her.
    Honey you can get healthy and not be skinny. Take the higher end of the healthy scale and you'll be just fine, and so will he : )
  • Flyered_Up
    I might violate my mancard when I say this, but some guys just say that so they're heavier wives don't feel unattractive to them. Take my word for it - whatever your body type is what your husband is into. :wink:
    This!! I never met a guy who was only into larger women!! If a guy will leave you because you try to lose weight or get healthy than you are with the wrong guy!!
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    My SO doesnt like thin women either :/ he even got me pregnant when I lost a bunch of weight so I would gain weight back...wouldnt change it for the world, I have a beautiful 4 week old, AND I am actually smaller than what I was his plan backfired..hehehe
    My husband PREFERS big girls. Not just girls "with some meat" but big. He also watches BBW p....well you know. I have always been big. I was 200 and 5'2 when I met him, but I ballooned to 282 at my heaviest (I was also 9 1/2m pregnant with an 11lb baby boy) but still normally range between 255-265. I am down to 229 and I asked him what weight he would like to see me at. He says, "200"...Pfttt I want to be smaller than that. He told me if I lost too much weight it would bother him. Why can't more men feel like that?


    Ouch :noway:
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    My SO doesnt like thin women either :/ he even got me pregnant when I lost a bunch of weight so I would gain weight back...wouldnt change it for the world, I have a beautiful 4 week old, AND I am actually smaller than what I was his plan backfired..hehehe
    My husband PREFERS big girls. Not just girls "with some meat" but big. He also watches BBW p....well you know. I have always been big. I was 200 and 5'2 when I met him, but I ballooned to 282 at my heaviest (I was also 9 1/2m pregnant with an 11lb baby boy) but still normally range between 255-265. I am down to 229 and I asked him what weight he would like to see me at. He says, "200"...Pfttt I want to be smaller than that. He told me if I lost too much weight it would bother him. Why can't more men feel like that?


  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    I have a goal in my mind of how I want to look. My husbands expectations of that are not taken into consideration. I dont take requests.

    FTR he loves me in all the sizes I have been . He loved "first dating" me, then "pregnant" me, then "post partum " me, then "slim from nursing" me, then "stick thin from IBD flare" me, then "chubby from remission" me, and he is really digging "fit and healthy" me. I have been about 6 different women since we started dating, and he has loved my body through out all of it.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    this is why im not with a man right now... men thin they get to decide how their gf/wife appears but of course we have to just deal with it when they get out of shape!
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    If my SO dared ever make me feel bad about losing weight I'd lose an immediate extra 180 lbs by kicking his hiney out.

    My god - that is the best answer I have ever heard.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    my husband to be met me here. He has told me that no matter which way I go (cause we intend to have children after we're married) he will love me as I am. :) A mature man who loves his woman, loves her as she is and accepts changes she makes as long as they don't break their vows (marriage - cause he's not yours if you're not married).
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    So my Husband is the type of man that don't like skinny women. He likes his women with a little meat on them. He don't like them fat or anything but def. not skinny. I have gotta lose weight for my health, me, and our future baby (so I can have a healthy pregnancy). Its still in the back of my head that he won't like the new me. And I know I shouldn't worry about this but I don't wanna lose him. He says he will still love me but I don't want it to change things between us.

    Am I the only one that feels this way? Has anyone else has this problem?

    Sorry, off subject... you aren't pregnant right now, right? Because if you are, you should definitely not be losing weight.
    With that said, you don't have to be skinny to be healthy. I know lots of healthy women that have a little meat still on them. They aren't obese or unhealthily over weight. Just softer :) So you might be pleasantly surprised- your husband might appreciate the meat a little more when it has nice curve to it! Good luck!
  • ftellstrom
    ftellstrom Posts: 28 Member
    My boyfriend is the same way he loves the curves. He does, however, understand that I need and want to be healthy. I have started dragging him along on my weight loss/good health journey and we have long discussions about where we will be when we are older. Do we want to be sedentary and loaded with health problems or do we want to be that old couple still hiking well into their 70s? We wanna be those hikers!
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    this is why im not with a man right now... men thin they get to decide how their gf/wife appears but of course we have to just deal with it when they get out of shape!

    Ok, I have to kind of agree with this! My husband never gave me a hard time when I was heavier, but he did say that he would prefer a more slender me, So I took that and went with it. But he is steadily gaining weight, knows that it bothers me (I am sorry, but the way he carries it isn't exactly attractive to me... I hope that isn't mean to say), but refuses to do anything about it. I guess women just... care!
  • chappappy
    chappappy Posts: 12 Member
    DIABETES is a very dangerous disease. If getting into batter shape and losing a few pounds can help you reverse or manage it...DO IT. I work in the medical field and see the diabetics whom have had amputations later in life. I would say I like women with full bodies, not skinny women on covers of fashion mags (some that are not healthy).

    Healthy weight is the key. I think any husband would agree to that.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I have been type one diabetic for 27 years and my weight has me on cholesterol and blood pressure medication and my husband tells me not to get to 130, where I want to be and I'm still on the meds so I told him I will at least diet until I'm not on medication.....