

  • I feel absolutely terrible right now, and if I weren't trying so hard to get into ketosis I probably wouldn't care. I just am longing for cereal or cookies or chocolate or orange juice/apple juice, and I can't have any because I can't consume any sugars/carbs. So to know how much effort (I am a HUGE chocolate/cake/cookie addict, like binging on the stuff) I have put into eating a clean ketosis diet and then seeing I am consuming something that will completely negate all I've worked for and had willpower for, I feel defeated.

    I understand where your coming from. Re-read what you wrote though. Your longing for cookies or chocolate. Is this the kind of life your devoted to stick by? Or is it after you lose the weight, your free to eat these foods again. Itll put you back in the same yoyo. Im not bashing you at all, but Ive been there where you are. Struggling so hard as weeks go by to lose weight and you feel like the past week was a complete loss because of a mishap. Dont take things so seriously. Calories in vs calories out is more important than macronutrients.
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    get well first, worry about the cals later! :) FEEL BETTER SOON!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Well said.

    Yes, I know what it's like to be plateaued, forever. Very frustrating. Although, probably, your body composition has been changing -- your waist may be smaller, for instance.

    And yes, they ought to label the stuff properly, to enable people to make an informed decision. Sigh.

    But if you're looking for low-carb cold remedies, check out the diabetic section of your drug store. They're out there!

    (I like to get the lemonade flavor of Emergen-C, and make it up with hot water.)
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    I feel absolutely terrible right now, and if I weren't trying so hard to get into ketosis I probably wouldn't care. I just am longing for cereal or cookies or chocolate or orange juice/apple juice, and I can't have any because I can't consume any sugars/carbs. So to know how much effort (I am a HUGE chocolate/cake/cookie addict, like binging on the stuff) I have put into eating a clean ketosis diet and then seeing I am consuming something that will completely negate all I've worked for and had willpower for, I feel defeated.

    I understand where your coming from. Re-read what you wrote though. Your longing for cookies or chocolate. Is this the kind of life your devoted to stick by? Or is it after you lose the weight, your free to eat these foods again. Itll put you back in the same yoyo. Im not bashing you at all, but Ive been there where you are. Struggling so hard as weeks go by to lose weight and you feel like the past week was a complete loss because of a mishap. Dont take things so seriously. Calories in vs calories out is more important than macronutrients.

    The point is though that longing to eat huge unhealthy amounts of those items is what got me here to begin with. I'm on day 4 of my keto diet and I am not craving sugar, cookies, or chocolate. I've turned down chocolate and cookies. There are boxes of cookies and junk (chips ahoy, oreo, keebler elf, m&m cookies, chocolate chip cookies, chips, chocolate, cupcakes, sugary cereals, soda) in the house and I haven't had to fight or use any willpower to stay away from them. I'm simply NOT craving them. When I get down to where I want to be I am going to eat fresh fruits to compensate for always wanting that sugary corn syrup stuff. I'll make it to where I can eat those things a few times a month, but for the first time in my life I am not feigning for something sugary and processed or going nuts because I haven't had any pop tarts or soda today. I actually am craving healthy foods and feel better. Granted I still have this cold/flu/virus thing, but I feel a difference in my body compared to when I would include tons of carbs in my diet each day, which ultimately lead me to be stuck at this plateau to begin with.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I'm living on cold meds and cough drops myself at the moment. No fun!!!

    I understand how frustrating this is for you. I had a ED in high school and college. I still find it very easy to fall back into old habits from that time in my life. It sounds like you have done research and are staying connected with people so I don't think you are being silly in your diet plans BUT I do think having a therapist or someone to talk to about your ED and self esteem issues would help you. You are beautiful!!!! You need to know that!
  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    I can sympathize with the cold. I had one from last Wednesday to the Monday of this week. As to calories... I was feeling silly when I noticed the cough drops had calories listed. At first I decided it didn't matter which ones I had, I wouldn't have enough for it to matter, and I went for the best tasting ones. Later, when I found I was eating them like candy because I was miserable I changed my tune. I got some I didn't like, and that had very few calories. I was still popping them like candy. I have to add I didn't really go over my calories for most days. I was rather miserable to eat or cook or even scavenge around my kitchen. I worked and slept.

    On the other hand, I have clients who are diabetic. So I do know that there is sugar free cough syrup around. It's not easy to find, and I think it's only one brand (I was shopping in Big Y, the selection might be greater in a pharmacy), but it's there. If it matters, it's worth switching (which is why I switched cough drops, because it did matter to me that one was twenty calories per drop and the other was five calories).

    Don't get discouraged! Thankfully colds go away and we can go back to our best laid plans with a less cottony feeling brain...
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Ah, at least that explains where the 210 comes from, thanks!

    14 teaspoons is a dose????? Wow! If you imagine each of those is basically a spoon of sugar......

    Yeah, that does look strange.
    My mistake, dosage is 20 mL which is 4 not 14 teaspoons.

    60 cals per dosage. not 210.
  • I may have missed it...need a cite for the finding that Mucinex fast max is only 60 cal instead of 210. Seems so unlikely that 210 cal would be packed into 20 ml...and disappointing.
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    Try Mucinex tablets instead of syrup. There are plenty of pill formulas that should do the trick without all the sugar. Good luck and get well! I swear by home made chicken soup with lots of spice and herbal tea (yes, I'm sick right now too) :flowerforyou:
  • Fat_Cat_Bride
    Fat_Cat_Bride Posts: 16 Member
    I scanned my medications and vitamins for sh!ts and giggles too and realised that there are quite alot of vitamins and medications containing calories.

    My thoughts are that I'm taking medication for a reason and it's only a short term thing so the benefits I will get from these outweigh any extra calories.

    Take fish oil for example, I take this every day as a supplement and each capsule contains approximately 10 calories. Again, it's about weighing up the benefits.

    Hope you feel better soon.