Drop bread to lose weight



  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    Carbs are my food life. I refuse to give them up. Moderation is key...although, I don't even eat them in moderation. I still managed to lose 31lbs this year. 3 days lifting, 2 days cardio.
    Both of you are misinformed, assuming to intolerances or medical conditions, you can eat bread and lose weight just fine.

    agree can only speak for myself but I eat bread (whole wheat) and I've had no problem losing weight as long as I stay within calores for day,. But everyone is different so you just got to find out what works for you.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Hmm. I probably shouldn't share my thoughts on bacon or cheesecake with you.

    mmmm, bacon chesecake....

  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    If you stop eating bread and don't replace it with other calories, it should work great. Of course that could be said about any food that is contributing a significant amount of calories to your diet.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I dropped the bread...the pasta..the cakes, cookies and chocolate.....

    And all I did was make a mess on the floor....maybe I did it wrong!! :-)

  • it keeps your body in the fat burning zone, carbohydrates tend to send your blood sugar through the roof and not only do diabetics need to worry about this, but people looking to drop serious weight do too! Its all about moderation, stay away from white bread products and white pasta and rice! opt for whole wheat bread and brown rice but keep your portions reasonable.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I hve heard this from a number of respected sources but I don't understand it.

    Basically, you drop bread from your diet to shed pounds of weight. I can understand the idea of reducing carbohydrates, including bread, and making sure you are having enough proteins but why bread?

    And if it does make sense, what about pasta - does that go as well?

    Is it more to do with the fat content of bread (so pasta would be ok).

    Any ideas?

    You will drop water weight because of water retention, but it doesn't cause you to shed/burn fat.

    Bread is just the latest food demon to be cursed. It will pass in another ten years or so. :ohwell:

    (actually not even the latest, but I digress)

    Bread and pasta are both complex carbohydrates and any nutrition worth their degree will tell you that your carbohydrates should balance out your fats and proteins, and that most of your carbohydrates ought to be complex carbs. The balancing act tends to vary from individual to individual. Unless you have a medical condition, it can be part of a balanced diet, even in a calorie deficit and trying to burn fat.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Both of you are misinformed, assuming to intolerances or medical conditions, you can eat bread and lose weight just fine.

    Yup some people can be slim eating junk (I don't believe that they would be "healthy"), especially if they are active. However, have you looked around lately? The vast majority of people have health conditions and intolerances that, miraculously, can be cured by changing one's diet. I'm living proof.

    Why do you keep discouraging people who are starting to realize that their current diet is not working and want to try something else? Especially when their main focus is improving health?
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I dropped the bread...the pasta..the cakes, cookies and chocolate.....

    And all I did was make a mess on the floor....maybe I did it wrong!! :-)

    Classic, made me laugh
  • IMO dropping bread isn't something that I can do forever, I just make a "better" choice. Pumpernickel, Rye. Egg Pasta.

    Its about a lifestyle change for me.
  • solyhhit
    solyhhit Posts: 97 Member
    Both of you are misinformed, assuming to intolerances or medical conditions, you can eat bread and lose weight just fine.

    Thank God!!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Both of you are misinformed, assuming to intolerances or medical conditions, you can eat bread and lose weight just fine.

    Yup some people can be slim eating junk (I don't believe that they would be "healthy"), especially if they are active. However, have you looked around lately? The vast majority of people have health conditions and intolerances that, miraculously, can be cured by changing one's diet. I'm living proof.

    Why do you keep discouraging people who are starting to realize that their current diet is not working and want to try something else? Especially when their main focus is improving health?

    So according to you, you could not be "healthy" if you eat junk, is there any specific amount of junk one has to eat to be unhealthy or even a nibble would instantly make you not healthy according to you or maybe context and dosage actually matter?
  • ShivonneMaria
    ShivonneMaria Posts: 2 Member
    Problem Solved!!!! ----

    Drop the bread, then pick it up for the 3 second rule, kiss it to GOD.
    Then its ok to eat the bread. :laugh: :ohwell:
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    it keeps your body in the fat burning zone, carbohydrates tend to send your blood sugar through the roof and not only do diabetics need to worry about this, but people looking to drop serious weight do too! Its all about moderation, stay away from white bread products and white pasta and rice! opt for whole wheat bread and brown rice but keep your portions reasonable.

    I'm sorry you're spreading false information. I lost 140 lbs in 7 months with 50% + carbs. A calorie deficit will lead to weight loss.
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    it keeps your body in the fat burning zone, carbohydrates tend to send your blood sugar through the roof and not only do diabetics need to worry about this, but people looking to drop serious weight do too! Its all about moderation, stay away from white bread products and white pasta and rice! opt for whole wheat bread and brown rice but keep your portions reasonable.

    I'm sorry you're spreading false information. I lost 140 lbs in 7 months with 50% + carbs. A calorie deficit will lead to weight loss.

  • I could never drop bread. I love my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (on Honey Wheat) and sourdough is after my heart. I didn't like white bread too much as a child, so that was never a problem.

    Pasta, however, is like crack. Pretty much addictive when it's covered in meaty sauces. I try to stay away from it.
  • http://www.hulu.com/watch/279734

    Moderation will kill you. Carbs are not the enemy.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Well, I'm going to swim upstream; what's new?

    I do not eat grain (bread, pasta, whatever), legumes, artificial sweeteners, etc. The weight loss is a nice side effect (avg 2.2 pounds per week for 10 weeks) but I did it for my health. I don't care what all the naysayers here are telling you, but I have cleared up a LONG list of serious health problems, in a very short time.

    I have done thousands of hours of research relating to nutrition, health, contaminants, biology, anthropology, history, etc. I also have been my own guinea pig and observed the effects of lifestyle/dietary choices among my family, friends and neighbours. I didn't just wake up one day and say "I'm not going to eat grains", there is a LOT of powerful information that convinced me to try it. In fact, I've known for over 10 years, but just wasn't sick of being sick yet. Well, I finally got to that point. The resolution of all of my health issues is all the more proof I need.

    But, if you feel deprived by eating this way, it will NOT work. Your eating plan must be enjoyable to be sustainable.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Well, I'm going to swim upstream; what's new?

    I do not eat grain (bread, pasta, whatever), legumes, artificial sweeteners, etc. The weight loss is a nice side effect (avg 2.2 pounds per week for 10 weeks) but I did it for my health. I don't care what all the naysayers here are telling you, but I have cleared up a LONG list of serious health problems, in a very short time.

    I have done thousands of hours of research relating to nutrition, health, contaminants, biology, anthropology, history, etc. I also have been my own guinea pig and observed the effects of lifestyle/dietary choices among my family, friends and neighbours. I didn't just wake up one day and say "I'm not going to eat grains", there is a LOT of powerful information that convinced me to try it. In fact, I've known for over 10 years, but just wasn't sick of being sick yet. Well, I finally got to that point. The resolution of all of my health issues is all the more proof I need.

    But, if you feel deprived by eating this way, it will NOT work. Your eating plan must be enjoyable to be sustainable.

    Way to avoid the question
  • Many people lose weight by doing a lot of different things. I eat what I want and stay within my daily calorie alotment. Almost everyday I add a protein shake as I am not a meat eater and have a hard time otherwise getting enough protein in my diet. And yes, I know, protein comes in other foods other than meat.

    I think you need to find out what works for you. If you take in less calories than you burn consistantly, you will lose weight. Some people lose it quicker than others, but I choose to eat normally and just watch my calorie intake.

    I also excercise, and most of my exercise is walking with my dog and some bike riding, and it works for me. I have lost 43 lbs in 20 weeks.

    Good luck and I am sorry that you feel people aren't taking you seriously, I think one person said something funny, then others just went with it.