The moment that made you SERIOUS about losing weight?



  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    I went in surgery and got my gallbladder removed last January. It was not a standard surgery, It was pretty bad and almost ....well.. didn't make it. (burst in my stomach before surgery etc...won't go further)...Anyway... I have two little girls and the look on their face etc destroyed me... Felt so bad and scared.
    After surgery I lost weight cause I wasn't eating much but later I gain lots... and couldn't diggest well,always bloated,constipated etc...not feeling good at all.
    So I became SERIOUS in September..... Change my food,started to workout 6 days a week etc...
    Since...Lots of cardio,lost many pounds and inches and NO MORE PROBLEMS...bloated gone,constipation gone,diggesting problems gone.....all gone! that's just amazing!

    Anyway... It's been great.

    I have post-cholecystectomy syndrome, too, and am finding relief in a healthy diet. A screwy gut is MISERABLE.
  • MeltingCandlewax
    MeltingCandlewax Posts: 42 Member
    Wow I had an ah ha moment back in june of this year. Over my whole life since i was about 10 i struggled with weight. In the last 16-18 years i have kidney stones, pancreatitus and other issues.
    I looked at my son one day and knew i had to do it for him, but at the same time it wasnt enough. so i have yo-yoed for years. This year i think it was in begining of june end of may i was at little gym with my son and sitting there reading a book while waiting to go to class and some 5 year old looked at me wanted to rub my tummy and said do you have a baby in there. i dont know if her mom heard but holly crap, that was just a real dinger! an eye opener, then i was talking to a friend of mine who in high school weighed close to 300 pounds and i noticed on his facebook he now weighs around 180 or so and is thin. I was talking to him and was like wow how did you do it. he said i had ah ha moment when i went to the doctor and told me his story. Now he not only weighs like 180 but he runs marathons and works for weight watchers. After talking to him i realized if he can do it, i can too. that was my ah ha moment! So in June i decided July 1, 2012 i was going to diet and lose weight and it was going to be a healthy way, and i wanted to lose it this time because i wanted it to be the last time i was ever this fat. I had become so comfortable i just fine with it. I got home from vacation after splurging and it was not good.. July 1 i started i wasnt quite sure how i was going to do itm then i was introduced the next day to mfp, and have been here since. Now i lose weight , my doctor is thrilled it is going down, and i am loosing it slow enough i feel healthy. And over the last week - it has been great, had to have emergency surgery last week ( not to share to much) but a few months agao when having my sinuses fixed i was at 250 in may i had an asthma attack on a breathing tube. The surgery i just had, went off with no complications and they could do it laperscopically and not a huge cut open. no asthma and no meds since the night of the surgery at the hospital.
    I will tell you that right there is enough to make me want to continue to lose the weight. I have about 71 pounds left to go :)
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    Sitting in my doctor's office and listening to him once again tell me that they can't find anything more wrong with my knee even though it still hurts and remind me once again that I need to lose weight (after the surgeon told me basically there was nothing more he could do for me and just go back to my regular doctor) it suddenly occurred to me that I wasn't going to get them to take my reports of pain seriously unless I lost the weight and proved empirically that there was more to it than just that. I am 3 lbs. from the point where I was when I first met him 14 years ago and when I hit that mark, I'm going in again to have it officially recorded and get a full physical and ask for a new plan. I may still have 53 lbs. to go to final goal, but I think losing 62 lbs. (65+ by the time I go in -- 42 of those since my appt. in May should be sufficient to prove that I am cooperating with his theory and doing what I need to do and it's not going away!! Chorus of "toldja sos" ringing in my ears!

    This is true for me. All my doctor's keep telling me I feel bad because I'm overweight. I keep trying to tell them I felt bad even when I weighed only 135, but they aren't listening. Even if it takes me 5 years to get it off, I'm out to prove them wrong!!
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    Nearly two years ago, it was seeing my weight steadily climb higher. I gained weight right before my wedding and almost couldn't fit into the wedding dress - I still cringe every day thinking about how that felt, how mortifying and disgusting I felt. And from there, it got worse and worse, and I just kept coming up with excuses. Then one day I got up to my highest weight ever - 184. And I cried. Called myself names, hated myself. Pulled out the exercise DVDs and equipment, and stared at it. Bought more stuff. Stared at it. Bought a kinect game - and then I did something I'd NEVER done before - TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. I bought Your Shape Fitness Evolved, then I USED IT. I gave up soda for a while, joined MFP (right around this time my brother and his wife also began using it and were seeing success), tried to eat right and modify my portions, and I EXERCISED. Every single day. Then I bought Turbofire. Before I knew it, pounds were falling off, clothes were falling off, I felt good, and I was proud of myself.

    Then life happened again. I began working a ton of hours, and so much was going on, I started to fall back into old habits. My worst one was the "Well, I'll start again on Monday" thing - and I never did, so it became next Monday. Week after week of bad habits, and acknowledging without REALLY admitting that I needed new clothes again because I was gaining again, and I was tired and having a hard time moving ever. A couple of weeks ago I got on the scale at work and was disgusted - I had gotten up to 189 pounds. I'd beaten my previous high weight, and I knew better. I do know better, and I still let it happen. So it's been a little difficult (way too many work hours, and illness), but I've been getting serious again. I've already seen a couple of pounds drop, but this time I'm setting definite goals for myself, and I'm working on getting out the excuses zone. Seeing that 189 crushed me entirely, but I'm ready to beat it again.
  • ktdid626
    ktdid626 Posts: 185 Member
    Conversation with my boyfriend about two weeks ago. It went something like, "I always gain weight when I'm depressed, or when I break up with someone." "Why would you gain weight? Most people lose weight after a breakup" he told me. And then he told me he wasn't ready to get married after dating 4 years.

    What did I do? I had an 18 hour trip home from Japan, and made up my mind then that no matter what direction my relationship takes, I'm doing this for me. He was right. I should have enough love for myself that ending a relationship with a guy who can't commit after four years shouldn't get me down, but rather encourage me to take my awesomeness to another level.

    Not a day goes by that a woman or man will tell me how beautiful I am. Well...I get it. The inside is ready to shine through and I'm ready for all my wonderful parts to match up so that if this relationship has seen it's last day, I can move on to meet a man who appreciates me for all I'm worth, and I can have my whole self match up with his whole self. None of this YOU COMPLETE ME crap. I am good enough on my own, and the lucky guy who catches me will see how awesome I know I am and how lucky he knows he is. I DESERVE AWESOME. I AM GOING TO SHOW AWESOME FOREVER MORE. AWESOME ATTRACTS AWESOME.

    So I've just lost 4.8 lbs in 16 days. Finally, this is easy now that I left my emotional baggage crap half way across the world in Japan. Sayounara fat! Konnichiha to my best self!
  • Nixenne
    Nixenne Posts: 37 Member
    I wish I could say that it was the day my mother had to be airlifted to Denver because of a stroke.

    Or the day I learned my cousin had type 2 diabetes...making him the fourth generation on my mother's side to end up with it.

    But no. It was something far more vain. Back in June, we were planning a trip to an amusement park for my daughter's birthday...and I wanted a crash diet to lose a few pounds before going. I hadn't been on a scale in a few years, but I realized I'd have to weigh myself to have a starting point.

    Weighed myself. Decided that it couldn't be right, had my boyfriend dig HIS scale out.

    Weighed myself again. Same weight. 85 pounds more than I'd weighed 9 months pregnant. 115 pounds more than the healthy weight I'd been at just six years ago.

    I realized I needed more than a crash diet--I needed a complete overhaul of my life. Still a long way to go, but I've learned a lot, and I'm confident that I've found something that works for me.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    I was at work, and I overheard one of our patients talking to the front desk ladies. Patient couldn't remember my name...she kept referring to me as "The husky one" :(

    And It couldn't have been anyone else cos when she saw me she says " Oh there she is!!"

    Needless to say I had my wakeup moment then and there.
  • jbaca9602
    jbaca9602 Posts: 64 Member
    My first one, which culminated in 3 years of uneducated but somewhat successful and consistent loss, was having stretch marks at 19. My boyfriend at the time saw a red mark and was trying to point it out because he thought I'd hurt myself. I cried for HOURS but it made me want to change my lifestyle! I didn't have a full-length mirror and just hung out at home all day in stretchy clothes so I hadn't noticed the gain. I started paying attention for the first time & lost about 30 lbs over 4 years.

    Since having my kid, I've struggled to lose it back again. I finally got serious this summer when I saw that THREE personal friends have all lost over 70 lbs so far this year. I'd supposedly been trying to lose, too, but all at once it all came down on me - three friends who don't even know each other all hit that mark, and the vow renewal dress I wanted to lose weight to fit into was discontinued. It was going to be my reward for losing the weight! So I got depressed between missing out on the dress and seeing all my friends succeed where I had failed, and I didn't do anything for a couple weeks. Then I finally leaned on my friends for some support to help me move my butt, and got back on it, and this time I'm SERIOUS. ;)
  • lillauraseymour
    lillauraseymour Posts: 63 Member
    1. Buying an Australia size 16

    2. Looking at photos and hating them, therfore begining to hide in photos

    3. None of my clothes where fitting

    4. Friend losing heaps of weight

    all things combined made me want to lose weight, 15.5kgs later :)
  • cheninaerin
    I tried on a bra at Target and saw myself 360 in a mirror & hated it.
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    I went to the doctors in May and I weighed in at 170. I've never weighed that much in my entire life. It literally made me want to cry. From that moment on, I knew I wanted to get back into shape and start losing weight.

    Same EXACT weight and situation that happened to me. I burst into tears and haven't stopped since.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I saw a stomach stretchmark.
    Don't get me wrong, I have stretchmarks everywhere, from the backs of my knees because of a 6th grade growth spurt, to my butt cheeks because genetics endowed me with a wide *kitten*. But I had never had a stomach stretchmark before, and I wasn't going to let it keep happening.

    I still have two stretchmarks on my tummy, that remind me of how i never want to be again. I'm not to goal weight yet, but I'm so close...
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    So many moments but still couldn't follow through until I stopped saying I really should lose weight and started to say I'm losing weight. In other words I stopped planning it and began doing it.
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    1) I had always been the least fat member of my immediate family. My older brother had successful bariatric surgery and lost over 100 pounds. My younger brother died in an accident and my parents also passed away. Suddenly, I was the only fat one and certainly more overweight than my surviving brother.

    2) One of my co-workers (in his early 30s) lost almost 100 pounds. I thought if he could do it, so could I.

    3) When my mother passed away, I looked through a whole bunch of her pictures. I had been much slimmer at other points in my life and didn't like the way I looked at the present.

    4) My work clothes (uniforms) had become uncomfortably tight. My off-work wardrobe had diminished to a couple pair of pants, sweats, and polo shirts that my brother used to wear when he was 300+ pounds.

    5) Semi annual doctor visits became more and more of a chore. Of course, there would be a weigh-in, but also blood tests and after years of hearing that I was in "good shape for the shape you're in" my BP, triglycerides, and blood sugar had become elevated. The BP was not offically hypertension, but elevated, the triglycerides were in the dangerous category, and the blood sugar was edging towards adult-onset diabetes. I also have been medicated for high cholesterol.

    6) I finally was embarrassed about going to the workout center. Not only was I among the fattest people there, but exercise was painful--sore joints, no wind. I couldn't work up a sweat before I was worn out.

    7) THE CLINCHER! Another visit to my young resident doctor. He opened his conversation with me saying that my weight had to get under control and that bariatric surgery was probably the best option. He pointed out what my trends were, asked me if I had tried to control my weight, and referred me to an endocrinologist.
  • tellascott
    Quit smoking in April and a friend said i had to worry about weight gain now since "I was already really wide". Hurt my feelings and made me determined not to gain weight with quitting smoking.
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    Going to visit family I hadn't seen in years only to have them all tell me how much weight I'd gained...not fun, but it was a good wake-up call
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    When I weighed in at 167. My life was a mess. For three months I binged on drinking beer and fast food everyday and my acne had gotten out of control. I was in a severe depression also and my weight issue just made things worse. I knew it had to stop or otherwise my depression wasn't going to end. 167 is 20 pounds more than the highest weight I've ever been at so I knew I just had to make the changes. And so far so good :)
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    I planned a hiking trip. Four weeks in Peru! I gave myself a year to get ready. I'll be ready!
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    Moving out from the grubby share house.
    Every day I'd tell myself, I'm doing it for real this time! Every day I tried so hard to be where I want and have for years.
    But nothing was happening!!! I learned how to cook healthy vegetarian meals, I rode my bike, walked, danced, ran, jogged, lifted weights, gym, boot camp, zumba, martial arts (boxing, MMA, hapkido, Tae Kwon Do).
    But I always felt unsatisfied and would fill that void with healthy food.
    So I moved out of the place I was sharing with my boyfriend and his friend and now every time I'm feeling depressed about one thing or another, I'm not made to whine about it, explain all the details and relive every unpleasant memory. I just fix it and move on.
    Now I am doing this for myself!
    I don't have to pretend to be happy all the time even when I'm not, and ironically, I'm getting happier.
    So the moment I got serious was the moment I was given the new keys, I stepped into my new apartment and went AHHHHHHHHHHHH, no worries.
  • tcatcarson
    tcatcarson Posts: 227 Member
    It's usually a photo, isn't it? Mine was one of me kneeling down in my back garden and my tshirt had ridden up a bit. I had a fat back. Not huge, but definitely there. That was all it took!

    Running and cycling took me from 83kg to 75kg and I've been pretty good at keeping it off since. :wink: