The moment that made you SERIOUS about losing weight?



  • aStrongerSteph
    aStrongerSteph Posts: 161 Member
    New Year's Eve 2012...sitting at my estranged father's house visiting him and his family. Watched how they were grieving his illness. He had Hep C and was dying from his heroin addiction 16 years after he gave it up. Part of me was thinking he brought it on himself. Part of me was dying for the dad I never had. But the biggest part of me was thinking.... I'm going to do this to my family! Not with illegal drugs but, with food! I left his house, struggled with my eating for about a month & then something clicked inside of me and it happened. I was finally losing weight in a healthy way. Since then a lot has happened. I lost him on May 1st. I lost the real man who raised me my Papa a month later on June 7th, my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer on July 7th but, I can't let it stop me from what I have to do. I learned nothing in 37 years from my dad but, in that last year he taught me the most important lesson... I'm worth changing, and I deserve to have a life! My family needs me.

    God bless mfp friends :)
  • joasiula
    My big moment was in May this year when myself my 2 year old and his aunt where playing in swimming pool. My boyfriend took some pics and the moment I have seen them I cried. I used to look same as her ( we are same age )
    not then,
    she was still perfect beach body hot girl and I looked like whale with tone of fat on my belly.
    And that was moment when I said to myself I still can be hot!! even though I have stretch marks all over me from my pregnancy just need to move my lazy *kitten* and work hard !! Since then I have lost 21 pounds and i am going for 8 more!!
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I saw a 2 in front of the weight on my scale. I knew I had been hovering around it, but seeing it with my own's been almost 2 years now since then.
  • sillyjilly1583
    sillyjilly1583 Posts: 3 Member
    -My husband leaving me for someone else becuase he " was embarrassed by me and I was too fat."
    -feeling really awful about myself
    -having a younger sister who doens't struggle with weight ask me why I can't seem to lose weight"
    -being asked occasionally when i'm due...grrr...
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    I had always been slim--ate whatever and however much of it I wanted to, all the way through college and through marriage and two pregnancies. The trend continued through graduate school, two miscarriages (can you say emotional eating?), and another successful pregnacy. I knew I was putting on weight--I had never got back down to the weight I was before baby #1 but didn't think it was too bad. And compared to what some people have experienced, it wasn't.

    However, I always had a number in my head and told myself that if I ever got to that weight in a non-pregnant state that something would have to change. I guess I never thought I'd ever actually get there.

    Then I got to looking at pictures. Pictures from my graduation from grad school. Pictures from our camping trips. I finally weighed myself, and realized I was only two pounds away from the number in my head. I started out with going for a "walk" with my older girls. By "walk" I mean that I walked and they ran ahead of me. I couldn't keep up. Between hitting the (rather arbitrary, but borderline overweight on the BMI chart) number in my head, the discouraging pictures, and the inability to keep up with my kiddos, I finally realized that I needed to change things.

    The real kicker was when my work pants started getting VERY tight. I hate shopping for pants, and the ones I wear to work are not very cheap. I absolutely refused to go shopping for that many pairs of pants because the ones I had were too small.

    At about that time, my husband was realizing that he too needed to lose some weight and get in better shape for upcoming hunting season. We bought an elliptical and he started lifting weights as well. My brother in law (who has really put on weight after highschool), husband, and I all joined MFP.

    Now my endurance is much better (still working on running with the girls though!), my back no longer hurts as much, and I feel so much better. At this moment, I am about 4 pounds from getting to the weight I was when I got married!! And the best part? My pants (and shirts too!) fit like they're supposed to!
  • jennojenno
    jennojenno Posts: 4 Member
    When I saw nasty fat photos of myself on Facebook today. :(
    Oh man did that kick me in the shins!

    For the desire to not want to de-tag myself on Facebook every time a pic of me comes up!
  • chrissyb1985
    chrissyb1985 Posts: 110 Member
    Mine was seeing pictures and realizing the image in my head of me was not accurate and my boyfriend telling me that he wants to spend his life with someone who is healthy enough to live a long life and be able to enjoy it. He is very active and wants me to be someone he can share an active lifestyle with. I was always very skinny until I had my son. I just hadnt realized how big I had gotten.
  • chrissyb1985
    chrissyb1985 Posts: 110 Member
    oh and not wanting to were skirts are dresses cause thigh rub was uncomfortable!
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    I went with a couple of friends to Belize for a week. It was beautiful. I went snorkeling...could barely swim to keep up with the group. We borrowed bikes from the hotel to ride into the little town nearby......I had to stop and walk my bike because I couldn't breathe and it felt like my legs were on fire. I took a tour to Lamania, a Mayan ruin, and couldn't climb up to the top of the temple because the stairs were too steep. I climbed up two and had someone take a picture of me while I "pretended" to come down the steps.

    I didn't want my weight to keep me from doing the things I want to do any longer!!
  • KwilsonStPeteFL
    KwilsonStPeteFL Posts: 27 Member
    I applied for additional life insurance at work and was denied because of my weight. The stark reality of knowing my family couldn't get the extra $500,000 if I died just because I was overweight was soul crushing. This moment was just what I needed to get motivated. Since then, I have quit smoking, and lost almost 40 pounds.
  • floralskull
    floralskull Posts: 4 Member
    Seeing all these nice dresses & I can hardly fit in most of them.

    I've been trying to figure out my body all these years & I miss my sporty self, too, actually, but I'm only realizing now that it'd be more fun if I could just look better in dresses + pictures, haha.
  • floralskull
    floralskull Posts: 4 Member
    I didn't want my weight to keep me from doing the things I want to do any longer!!

    Oh, my, same thing happened to me last summer. I love water sports but I really need to get into shape to enjoy more of those! Good luck to us!
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    -My husband leaving me for someone else becuase he " was embarrassed by me and I was too fat."
    -feeling really awful about myself
    -having a younger sister who doens't struggle with weight ask me why I can't seem to lose weight"
    -being asked occasionally when i'm due...grrr...

    First your husband was a jerk. Mine just kept cheating on me till one day i got tired of it. and for the when are you do thing, I am with you.
  • sandramgr
    1.Saw a picture from my friend's birthday and my face looked gigantic, my cheeks have always been big, but this time it was different. I felt like I didn't even looked like me.
    2. Most of my clothes didn't fit, or fit but very tight. I used to think they had shrunk while doing laundry!
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    When I no longer starred at myself in the mirror anymore, and would avoid them...As well as not fitting in to my clothes....
  • bymyslf892
    bymyslf892 Posts: 114 Member
    The moment that made me decide was when a guy I didn't know made a joke to my brother about my weight. He told my brother (about his recently bought trailer) that the only way I would be able to visit his trailer would be if it were a double wide. The fact that I didn't even know this guys was what really made it worse. From then on I just decided to never be that person that could be made fun of for something I could control again, and now I am not! Healthy and I know it!
  • UltimateMedu
    UltimateMedu Posts: 46 Member
    I know comparing isn't the best thing to do, but you ever know someone who has a fairly nice body, and you believe you're not too far from that, but when you take a picture together.... oh jeez.
  • acuratlsd
    acuratlsd Posts: 228
    I am going to see this girl in the Philippines next May and I want to be able to go to the beach with her. Do many things with her and not be an embarrassment to her.

    Also, she is very skinny and in shape and I don't want to be that guy who sits out of everything because he is too large to do half the things she wants to do or can do.

    Philippines is beautiful and one thing I want to do is zip line, I am pretty sure they have a weight limit LOL

    How I went from all my other photos in my profile to the FAT one in the blue shirt. That one was taken in Manila, Philippines. I am disgusted by it. I told the girl, she was my good friend over there, that when she sees me again. She will be following me around like a loss puppy lol
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Looking in the mirror after having my baby and wanting to ralph at my reflection... I just hated thew way I looked, and decided I wasn't going to let having a kid be an excuse for not having the body I wanted.
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    I had a friend of my wifes tell me it looked like I was hiding a VW bug under my shirt. That go me motivated. However Karma reared its ugly head and she gained 250 lbs and had to have gastric bypass to loss it. :)