Means Girls @ the Gym...the Update

So I posted this a few days ago:

Fri 10/05/12 10:56 AM

So I started working out at a new gym with a trainer I LOVE but in the daily bootcamp there is a group of girls who are..well I'll say mean girls. They huddle together and giggle, and when I ask questions about a workout they basically ignore me. Now, my trainer is amazing and makes me feel comfortable but these chicks are about 1 strike way from me saying something to them...and not in a polite way. I know people will say ignore them and believe me I am..its just hard. I'm heavier than them and when I cant go as long as they can in certain workouts they laugh or shake their head when the trainer comes over to help me. Oh and by the way these chicks are grown *kitten* women! What to do? I'm not going to let some *kitten* run me out of a good gym but I do need help on how to deal with it.


After everyone's advice I thought about what would work for me and keep me from snapping so I did the smart thing...I stayed true to who I am. So it goes like this....The day of the workout I went in a little earlier to jump on the scale and let "Kenny" my trainer the good news that I lost 5lbs that week alone! I was so excited until I walked in his office and all 4 girls were in there flirting with him. So of course when I walked in they gave me the evil eye and the eye rolling began, but ignored it and told Kenny my news. He congratulated me and told me I was amazing which prompted the giggles from the "groupies" as I call them. Thats when it clicked! I turned around and said...Oh wow! I hope I did interupt your desperate cry for attention. I exepected them to get upset, what I didnt expect was for Kenny to laugh!! Then my trainer became my hero! He told them that the giggling was immature and I wasnt the only person who has said something to him about it! Clearly they have done it before. But the ringleader didnt back down, she said it was all in "fun" and "people" shouldnt take it seriously. I asked her if I were to slap her in good "fun" would she take it seriously?? So needless to say the giggles have stopped, at least around me...I brought my best friend with me...and I met some really nice women at the boot camp. Plus I've lost 5lbs, and can do 25 burpees!!!

Thanks everyone!!


  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    Good for you and good for your trainer!
    JBWILLOW Posts: 108 Member
    HAHHA you go girl!
  • melliebelly77
    Love that!:tongue:
  • TheBiggestLosee
    It sounds like they are very young. No?

    Either way, good for you. For not lowering yourself to their level of maturity, and standing up for yourself.
  • 30theFASTway
    30theFASTway Posts: 7 Member
    LMAO!! Good for you. I'm glad you put them back in their place. People like that make me sick.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Sounds like they joined a bootcamp just to see who could hook up with a trainer.

    **Good for you for not just letting their idiotic behavior go and handling it more maturely!
  • soulfulsally
    Good for you for calling them out on their rude behavior. Their lives must be so lacking to behave so childishly.
  • kei3696
    I asked her if I were to slap her in good "fun" would she take it seriously??

    OMG this is hilarious. I cant stop laughing. Great job.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    Good on you, sometimes its hard to be so straight out when its just you against so many other people, even if they are obviously immature but you did it :D
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    That is so awesome, your trainer sounds absolutely amazing. We need more people like him (and you!) in the world, and less groupies.
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    Good comeback to their giggles.
  • LadyRishworth
    LadyRishworth Posts: 20 Member
    HAHA! Great job! :D
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    wow, good for you for standing up for yourself! I love that your trainer laughed, maybe now they'll get the clue about how immature they are being. keep up the great work!
  • Radiskull
    Radiskull Posts: 70 Member
    Good for you! I am so glad you put them in their place. Here's to sticking up for yourself! :happy:
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    Great story! Luv it. You rock!!!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    that sounds awesome. I'm just not nice to meanies.... There probably would have been a fight or something-you did awesome though!!
  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    hahaha this is awesome! you rock!
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    Good job standing up for yourself! :-D
  • yorkiemom0820
    yorkiemom0820 Posts: 71 Member
  • crowunruh
    crowunruh Posts: 246 Member
    Good for you! It amazes me that grown women would act like this! Some people have to put other people down just to make themselves feel bettter. It's actually very sad. If they treat strangers like this, I can only imagine how they treat their loved ones.