Breastfeeding pics - Curious



  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member

    I know everyone might be shocked to learn this .. :noway: But breasts are made for FEEDING!

    :noway: :noway: :noway:

    I know, right? Shock and awe. :laugh:

    I have no issue with it. Society has oversexualized breastfeeding. I am not offended by it, but I admit I usually do a doubletake when I see it.

    It's the woman's choice, and as it's natural, I don't find an issue with putting it on Facebook or doing it in public.

    No one looks at a cat nursing her kittens and think, "Oh, ****, gross! Put that away!"
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    this is going to come across completely wrong....and i dont mean anything by it at all... but breastfeeding freaks me out and makes me feel a little bit queasy...

    quite a few shopping centers now have "family rooms" or "parent rooms" i think more places should... "We have two Parent Rooms with changing facilities, private areas for feeding and child-sized sinks and toilets. They also offer a mix of other family-friendly services including bottle warmers and a play area and television for older children."

    im going to add this so i dont get the nastyness some are .... public displays of affection make me feel queasy too... id no more like to see someone stick their tongue down someones throat than i would see you breastfeed you child ...*shudders*

    seriously is there the need to change your profile picture because of this thread... blegh!
    It was your choice to look at a thread that says 'Breastfeeding pics'. Enjoy the breastfeeding pics.

    no i entered a thread which was a discussion about breastfeeding pics, unfortunately it is not my choice that there are individuals on the internet who like to do things for a reaction... someone to go to the effort to change their profile picture just for a thread is sad...

    and finally someone mentioned expressing! its not like your going to be in public for every feed... surely its the better option if your not somewhere that there is a suitable place to feed... most baby shops (shops which cater spacifically for babies) have feeding rooms.. just saying...
  • Sirxx99
    Sirxx99 Posts: 43
    I think if she doesnt mind people staring then fine... But if you are gonna complain because some creeper is starting at your with your breast out. That is where I would have an issue. Dont complain if you are the one with your buisness out for everyone to see.

    Ah yes. I'm feeding my baby. Creepers, sexually harass me. I clearly asked for it.

    cover up! or try feeding before you leave if you have a husband have him help out there are alternative.. That this is the same reason people "cant find time to workout".. If a guy dropped his pants in the middle of a restraunt would you look? Disgusted or not you would..... it is human nature....
  • StaceyKeller71
    Let me propose another idea. Why not pump before going out and have that milk available to feed the baby when at a restaurant?

    Some children will refuse bottles. Both my kids did.

    My first refused a bottle, even if it was my milk. Pumping is a great idea, so long as you have a baby who will take a bottle, and as long as you have enough milk to pump. Though a good idea, it isn't always practical.
  • soulfulsally
    Breastfeeding in a public bathroom sounds gross. When my kids were babies, I wouldn't even change their diaper in most of those places.

    I did manage to breastfeed my kids for a total of 5 years and still be discreet. I always tried to time outings between feedings so I didn't have to do it in public, but for those rare times when I had to, I went out to the car if at a restaurant or to an empty room if at a friend's house. I could never get the hang of those discreet blankets for breastfeeding and neither baby liked having something covering their head like that (they would pull the covers off). And with my boob being bigger than my baby's head, it just didn't seem right to let it all hang out in public.

    I haven't ever met a breastfeeding mom, though, who did not feed discreetly in public. The only boob mishaps I see are usually from teen girls at the mall who must think they're strippers at the club with the skimpy clothes they wear.
  • soulfulsally
    No one looks at a cat nursing her kittens and think, "Oh, ****, gross! Put that away!"

    LMAO. This should be on shirt designed for breastfeeding moms.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member

    It's quite sad. I was at a restaurant recently where someone changed a very messy diaper and left it as well as soiled paper towels all over the counters and sinks. I pity the cleaning staff at restaurants.

    Let me propose another idea. Why not pump before going out and have that milk available to feed the baby when at a restaurant?

    As someone who has not breastfed, I can only speak from what my friends have told me. Pumping can be time consuming and inadequate to cover the amount a baby can need every two hours. Especially working moms may just not have the luxury to pump more than they need to in order to cover the baby while they are at work.

    Also, I wanted to add: If I had surgery, by your logic, the OR would still be inadequate because when I walked in and the nurses walked in and my husband walked in, we had all used restrooms that day and were thus as contaminated, so again, why not just have my surgery in the bathroom? Because it's still cleaner than having it in the bathroom.

    If it wasn't inadequate, nosocomial infections wouldn't exist in those situations.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    No one looks at a cat nursing her kittens and think, "Oh, ****, gross! Put that away!"

    LMAO. This should be on shirt designed for breastfeeding moms.

    I totally tell my cat to take it to the other room.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Expressing milk was a disaster for me, I went back to work when my little one was 11 weeks old and my supply depleted so much I could not feed him naturally anymore. For some expressing milk is not an option. There is also something called nipple confusion. You can google it if you want to know more about it. I really struggled with breastfeeding because I just did not produce enough and I find it sad that there is even a debate about it. It is the most natural thing in the world. I wonder how we ever survived before the invention of bottles and formula.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member

    Your failure to even attempt to consider a perspective outside your own is deeply saddening.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member

    One of my favourites lol
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Let me propose another idea. Why not pump before going out and have that milk available to feed the baby when at a restaurant?

    Some children will refuse bottles. Both my kids did.

    You make a very interesting point that I hadn't considered.

    I suppose my next thought would be temporarily relocating to an area to minimize the viewing audience. For example, I have no issue with a woman breast feeding at work. However, it would make the most sense for her to do it in an empty office as opposed to the entrance.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    We need to ban all babies using bottles in photos then, too.

    Seriously, why is this inappropriate? In other cultures, women walk around shirtless. Watch the documentary "Babies", for example.

    Until you are a mom, you don't realize how there is a huge split between moms who breastfeed and moms that do not, and the hostility is INSANE. And as long as people try to suppress one or the other, it's going to remain insanely hostile.

    People need to grow up.
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    There are so many nearly-nude/sexy-cleavage shots out there, I guess I can't see why a breastfeeding pic is distasteful. If no one is bothered by a pic of a woman in a bikini, why on earth be bothered by the much more modest (usually no nipple shown) pic of mom breastfeeding. That just seems backwards. I was a breastfeeding mother, and when you have to do it 12 times a day, it just doesn't seem like that big of a deal any longer. Since its such a challenge and in some cases a sacrifice (it can really hurt, can take a lot of time, and often means you can't share the task of feeding baby with anyone else) I really get why mothers might want to post a pic, share a huge part of their lives that might present a struggle, and/or be very proud of it. We need breastfeeding mothers! We don't really need bikini chicks, but they are showing off the hard work it took to get their bodies in shape and post pics to celebrate it. Why not celebrate those hard-working moms?
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I think if she doesnt mind people staring then fine... But if you are gonna complain because some creeper is starting at your with your breast out. That is where I would have an issue. Dont complain if you are the one with your buisness out for everyone to see.

    Ah yes. I'm feeding my baby. Creepers, sexually harass me. I clearly asked for it.

    cover up! or try feeding before you leave if you have a husband have him help out there are alternative.. That this is the same reason people "cant find time to workout".. If a guy dropped his pants in the middle of a restraunt would you look? Disgusted or not you would..... it is human nature....
    Luckily she doesn't have to obey you. Most states have breastfeeding laws, although they're not enforced, a lot of lawyers will take breastfeeding harassment suits pro bono.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Let me propose another idea. Why not pump before going out and have that milk available to feed the baby when at a restaurant?

    Some children will refuse bottles. Both my kids did.

    You make a very interesting point that I hadn't considered.

    I suppose my next thought would be temporarily relocating to an area to minimize the viewing audience. For example, I have no issue with a woman breast feeding at work. However, it would make the most sense for her to do it in an empty office as opposed to the entrance.

    Pumping is INSANELY hard work. I wish I could have just breastfed. Pump, bottle, then feed baby.... rather than just feeding the baby. Then you need to wash all the parts and bottles. I estimated it burned an extra FOUR hours each day by me pumping. FOUR. An AM pumping session alone (once you can sleep through for 6 hours before pumping, which you can't initially) can last a good hour alone. And you have to pump multiple times a day, for usually at least 20 minutes. This is time you lose bonding with baby, too.... and you are essentially unable to do anything else but sit on the couch and pump.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    One of my favourites lol

    haha. I should get one of those drapes (and yes I do have and use drapes when baby allows me too).
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    I wouldn't do it, personally, but if someone chooses to do it, that's their choice...