Paleo..... your thoughts?



  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    It's kind of misnamed.. our ancestors were more concerned with survival than nutrition.

    I don't see "paleo" diets talking about rodents, insects, or small game like rabbit and squirrel. It's more representative of how we THINK our ancestors ate based on the wide selection of food choices we have available today. What they ate (the original "Paleos") varied greatly by region. The traditional Inuit diet is almost entirely comprised of meat with 50-75% of calories coming from fat. Ancient Polynesian diets were more balanced with fish, coconut, taro and breadfruit. The Maasai tribes of Africa survived mostly off of raw meat and milk and blood from cattle.

    But it is a decent way to eat, it's better than the fast food diet. It's just the current fad.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I follow it a lot bc I'm gluten and dairy free. I cannot sustain it 100% bc I dont want to and like to live life AND I can't hold any sort of endurance training energy. So hitting my 2 hr runs or bikes I have to carb. I have to carb prior and during. Sweet potatoes and raisins aren't going to cut it. I think it's a great idea for me most of the time. Like right now. My miles are low so I can eat paleo most of the time. Into to spring with marathon approaching and tri season gearing up I have to incorporate more carbs

    There is a paleo book on athletes. Check eBay. It's a hard read but maybe you can figure it out..
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    Hah agree with the coffee comment. Gotta have my coffee
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I eat paleo-ish. There are some little things that I haven't cut out, like bbq sauce, but for the most part I follow a paleo type diet. But I only follow it because I have Celiac, I'm allergic to peanuts, and I am intolerant to corn/dairy, and I don't like rice. I don't really like potatoes (though I do eat them once in awhile) and I hate beans. Paleo just kind of fits with how I eat anyway.

    The only way to really know if this works for you is to try it for ahwile. Either you'll like it or you won't.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Hah agree with the coffee comment. Gotta have my coffee

    I've been following the paleo scene for a while now, and don't remember many interpretations of the approach that require giving up coffee.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    I follow it a lot bc I'm gluten and dairy free. I cannot sustain it 100% bc I dont want to and like to live life AND I can't hold any sort of endurance training energy. So hitting my 2 hr runs or bikes I have to carb. I have to carb prior and during. Sweet potatoes and raisins aren't going to cut it. I think it's a great idea for me most of the time. Like right now. My miles are low so I can eat paleo most of the time. Into to spring with marathon approaching and tri season gearing up I have to incorporate more carbs

    There is a paleo book on athletes. Check eBay. It's a hard read but maybe you can figure it out..
    Sweet potato and taro is where I get most of my carbs.....I consume 200 or so carbs a day........low carb paleo is sanctioned by the faction that believe carbs are the enemy. lol
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    A month of eating paleo landed me in the hospital. Just got out yesterday. No thanks. did it wrong , been paleo for 12 weeks, love it!!! so delish, lots of nutrients and no crap!!!!

    Did you bother reading his post explaining why are would you rather just be glib at his expense?

    R U serious???? LMAO
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Hah agree with the coffee comment. Gotta have my coffee

    I've been following the paleo scene for a while now, and don't remember many interpretations of the approach that require giving up coffee.

    I read coffee is not allowed. I could be wrong.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I see a lot of people just writing me off as a BSer. Okay, here we go:

    Shortly before Thanksgiving I transitioned to Paleo. I shouldn't use the word "transition" because I basically went cold turkey. Almost immediately I noticed an increase in overall energy levels and a rather quick initial weight loss which was mostly water weight. About 3 days later I began getting a sort of moderate disorientated feeling that wouldn't go away. I ignored it because I attributed it as being related to neurological sensory dysfunctions I have been dealing with on and off my whole life. However it gradually got more and more severe up until about a week ago. By that time I had begun going off of the paleo thing and slowly incorporating non-paleo foods back in but was still mostly primal/paleo. I began experiencing episodes that would later be described as seizure-like in nature, mostly revolving around loss of motor control. Thursday I was rushed to the hospital when it happened at work. They kept me overnight and did a battery of tests that were all inconclusive, however they were unable to do an EEG at the time as the neurologist had to be in the office for that and he would not be in until the following day. The neurologist's best guess was that because of my neurological issue which affects cortisol levels I cannot afford to be playing with my diet like I have been and that is the culprit. I still have not regained full sensory capabilities and am, for the most part, confined to my bedroom until my appointment to see the neurologist in his practice next wednesday for the EEG to rule out other possibilities, but he is almost certain it is diet-related in my case.