Mikes Daily Rant 10/16/2012 Topic: The Stairs are fun



  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    I wish I could say something to two of my girlfiriends, like you did to your co-worker. One girlfriend tries every gimmick diet and moans when the twenty pounds she lost, returns along with 10 more. The other girlfriend is always saying "but I only ate a little bit". Yes you did, but of items you could have avoided - chips, dip, soda, candy & etc.. Then both of them look at me and say that they can't lose weight like I did. :sad: I've lost 90 pounds and count my calories every day, without fail. I try to exercise everyday, but it depends on my schedule. I haven't been perfect, but I damn sure try a lot harder than they ever have. :sigh: now I feel better, saying all that! :happy:
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member

    If it's daily, a blog is more ideal. I have an inflated self importance and even I don't do this.
  • KatKisses
    KatKisses Posts: 296 Member
    I don't care what other people do.......or say
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    . Everyday we get to the building and she goes towards the elevator and I go towards the stairs. I tell her no elevator. She says, "What?" I said elevator is a part of the problem. These stairs are a part of the solution. She looks at me crazy and follows me to the stairs. I would beat her to the 3rd floor everyday and she would be on the elevator. She made it up the stairs but it took her about 5 minutes. This task after losing the weight takes me all of 15 seconds. she tells me that she cant do it because her knee hurts. I tell her that her knees hurt because of all the weight pressing down on them.

    Here is something I learned at work. {it shook my brother up when I told him. He is now 30lbs lighter}

    For every extra pound of weight we carry, it adds 4 extra lbs of pressure on weight bearing joints, such as knee, ankle, feet, and hips.
    So for 100 extra lbs of weight = 400 extra lbs of pressure on joints.

    For every extra pound of abdominal fat carried, is 10 extra pounds of pressure on the spinal column.
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    I've been enjoying your posts, just thought I'd let you know! :smile:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Dude! You're an HR nightmare! Just stop talking to people!
  • MikeDaMotivator
    You go Mike! The truth shall set you free, so kudos to telling her the truth. Maybe she is hurt but then maybe she will think what hurts worse. My sister is the same, she just wants the doctors to make a magic pill that fixes everything. SMH. The magic comes from inside yourself. Keep up the good work, you look terrific!

    Thank You!!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    "I'm just a bit bothered why she hates the stairs. In all fairness I think the stairs are fun."

    I hated stairs too...because my hip hurt and I wasn't THAT overweight. Guess what? That pain was a medical condition that required surgery four weeks ago. I pushed through the pain and made it worse.

    I also dislike running, some of my biggest supporters are runners...they think it is fun. Glad they don't ridicule me because I don't see it.

    I think someone has gotten an inflated view of self importance and needs to learn some tact.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    Why don't you start a blog instead of ranting on a message board?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Why don't you start a blog instead of ranting on a message board?

    Because he gets more attention this way!

    Where's that attention-*kitten* jpg when I need it??
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    How about a blog?

    I have one but hate doing it. check it out its on my profile. I may start back.

    You hate paragraphs, too, don't you?
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    Why don't you start a blog instead of ranting on a message board?

    Because he gets more attention this way!

    Where's that attention-*kitten* jpg when I need it??


    Apparently I can't get pictures to post...
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Love it when folks like that have some misconception that you've done something extreme to lose the weight, and therefore no way could they do that.
    But often won't ask enough to really find out what was required, usually nothing extreme at all. Mental adjustment was the most extreme thing.

    And something as simple as parking far out all the time and always taking the stairs and eating smaller portions can have a hug effect.

    Talk to her about something else though, emphasis the point that you just aren't going to hear about the complaining by fact other stuff is alright to talk about. And any time she slips up on that walk in, away you go!

    Very valid points.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Some people can jump off the high dive and some people need to be pushed off.

    It comes off as cold-hearted, but you're not being mean and cruel. She obviously can't start losing weight without someone to push her. She'll be back.

    I'm enjoying the Daily Rants.

    Thank You. I guess its still ok no one reported me to the MFP police yet. LOL. I like what you said about the high dive. Its so true.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Love it when folks like that have some misconception that you've done something extreme to lose the weight, and therefore no way could they do that.
    But often won't ask enough to really find out what was required, usually nothing extreme at all. Mental adjustment was the most extreme thing.

    And something as simple as parking far out all the time and always taking the stairs and eating smaller portions can have a hug effect.

    Talk to her about something else though, emphasis the point that you just aren't going to hear about the complaining by fact other stuff is alright to talk about. And any time she slips up on that walk in, away you go!

    Very valid points.

    Honestly... I looked at your diary. 2000 calorie burns with 900 calorie nets is NOT something EVERYONE can do to lose weight.

    Maybe you should stop giving out advice to your co-workers and people at the gym because you obviously do NOT have a clue!
  • MikeDaMotivator
    She made it up the stairs but it took her about 5 minutes. This task after losing the weight takes me all of 15 seconds. she tells me that she cant do it because her knee hurts. I tell her that her knees hurt because of all the weight pressing down on them. I stress to her that I know all the feelings because I weighed 100 pounds more than her. She is still upset with me and I say effort=results. I will help if she wants it but will not listen to the constant excuses. Now she is sitting here not talking to me because I was "mean" to her. At this point I want to see how serious she is. Will she come back? Will she continue to complain? Will she stop making excuses? Either way I will be fine but I like for people to prove what they say they are about. If you cant, please dont waste my time. I could go on and on about how wrong her approach is but I wont. Im just a bit bothered why she hates the stairs. In all fairness I think the stairs are fun.
    I think you should continue to push her to use the stairs. Even if she takes a long time at least she is moving. I do agree with you that it is frustrating to hear someone complain about something that is within their power to change.

    Very frustrating but I can only push her as far as she wants to be pushed.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Why don't you start a blog instead of ranting on a message board?

    Because he gets more attention this way!

    Where's that attention-*kitten* jpg when I need it??


    Apparently I can't get pictures to post...

    Lower-case img
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    Why don't you start a blog instead of ranting on a message board?

    Because he gets more attention this way!

    Where's that attention-*kitten* jpg when I need it??


    Apparently I can't get pictures to post...

    Lower-case img

    Ohhhh thank you!
  • MikeDaMotivator
    She DOES need to take responsibility for her choices (good and bad) if she wants to see a difference ever, but I will say on the knees -- both as a fat chick (who has yoyo'ed a little, which is why I'm making gradual changes to get into habits that WILL stick rather than just a quick fix) and as a medical professional.....

    if it's bothering her knees that badly (I get that......not sure how yours were, but mine literally feel like they're grinding bone on bone. But when I lost weight in the past, that DID resolve and I know it will again. That being said, I generally do no more than 2 flights of stairs at a time, and about 8 flights/day which is up from when I started MFP) I wouldn't say push the stairs too much at this point. Maybe 1 flight of stairs and 2 elevator and improve from there. Or even none, but she needs to find other ways to increase her activity that she can safely physically handle, and eventually add stuff like stairs.

    Well said and congrats. I will not ask anymore. When we walk up tomorrow I will let her choose and not say a word. yeah its a test but I wont tell her its a test.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    I have someone like that in my life. She complains so much, yet doesn't do anything about it. My favorite part about her, is that she naps constantly through out the day. -__-

    Thats funny and very clever.